A Lifelong Love Affair At Work Thumbnail
A Lifelong Love Affair At Work

Chapter 1


The scenery of the restaurant around 2pm is similar to what it looked like after the war

The clutter from the kitchen and the table that hasn’t been cleaned up.

The people who made the place like this must have left for a second round to the café.

When he looks out the window, the office workers are busily moving somewhere with coffee in one hand.


Regardless of the surrounding scenery, the figure of a man sitting in a restaurant dragging slippers in a shabby training suit looks somewhat distant.

He looks out the window with envious eyes and quietly raises his hand. “Auntie, please give me the event food.” Even before opening the menu, the man orders the large event food from the menu on the wall.

The restaurant is an ordinary noodle restaurant. The noodles itself can be made quickly and it can be eaten in a short amount of time.

Thanks to this, there is an event menu called “Daewang Noodles” the owner of the noodle restaurant can make money as well. If you finish 10 servings within 20 minutes, you will receive 100,000 won prize money. The man takes out his cell phone and asks the employee who is cleaning the table if he could film.

The employee shows an okay sign as if he is used to it after it happened once or twice.

The man, installs a tripod on the table with a bored look and fixes his cell phone, checking his reflection on the screen.

The face is not very important because it is going to be filmed mainly with food anyway.

After the man adjusts his position so that his face is only exposed up to his lips, a king-sized noodle with hot steam appears.

The employee who put the stopwatch down on the table glances at the man.

The fine white skin and thick pink lips made the man look younger than his age.

When he saw him standing, he looked tall, but his slim body made him wonder if he could eat all that noodles.

The man showed the noodles to the camera and pressed the stopwatch without saying a word.Without cooling down the noodles, the man began to eat them normally, it doesn’t looks like he is doing a challenge.

It is hard to tell whether the food eaten by a man with a beautiful appearance is banquet noodles or pasta.

“Oh, my. Did you see that student?”

” I didn’t think he’d make it, but he’ve already eaten half of it.”

“Oh, he must have come to my house.”

“Do you know who that student is?”

“He’s a guy who breaks the food challenges and recently won a prize in this neighborhood.”

“What? Wasn’t he just a common YouTuber?”

“I don’t know if he is a YouTuber or not. I think it’s just…….” The president said while preparing the prize money at the counter after confirming the man who had put down the bowl after eating all the soup.

“He looks hungry and unemployed.”

The name of the man who packed an envelope containing 100,000 won is Kwon Ho-Eun. He is a 25-year-old ordinary man who graduated from college.

The navy tracksuit, which could be called a trademark, is his outfit.

He dressed up better than this when he was in college, but after graduation, the training suit that he could wear anytime is the most comfortable.

University colleagues prepared to get a job or already got a job, but Ho-Eun did not apply anywhere.

What to do, how to live in the future?

The future is bleak.

It’s cloudy today.

The dark clouds embracing the rain were covering the sun. Raindrops fell one by one on the floor of the alleyway where the humidity rose, and a thick rain like a shower fell to the floor fiercely.

“Ha….” Ho-Eun, who crumpled an envelope of money in his pocket, was hit by a person who was running around in the sudden rain, then he person ran under a tent to escape the rain.

He dabbed his wet clothes with his hands. Before he knew it, the people running around disappeared, while colorful umbrellas were spread out on the streets.

Ho-Eun, who stood still and looked at the pork cutlet store across the street to wait for the rain to weaken, slightly turns to the side at the sign he had felt for a while.

There is a man who looked 10 centimeters taller than him

‘Since when had he been standing there?’

The man’s outfit was all black, whether it was a his umbrella.

Black helmets, black tops, pants, and even his shoes are black. It even looked like a bulletproof suit that some special agent would wear, raising questions about whether he was shooting a movie nearby.

The man is looking forward without moving, Ho-Eun is not sure whether he was appreciating the rain or looking at a pork cutlet shop like him.

Ho-eun, who is touching the wrinkled envelope with his hand in his pocket, fell into thought.

‘Yes, the filming stopped because of the rain, and the director ordered him to wait for a while, and the man left the set with a hungry stomach. He was attracted to the fragrant smell and came to the restaurant, but oh no! The man only brought his cell phone.He feel so bad that he doesn’t even have money to eat pork cutlet!’

Of course, all of this content was Ho-eun’s imagination, and at some point, the man became an extra 1 without money.

Ho-Eun, who is often told that he had a lot of mischief, is also worried about others even in this situation, although he is also unemployed.”Hey, would you like some pork cutlet?”

Unconsciously, his hand reaches up and touches the man’s shoulder.

Without being embarrassed by the exhilarating static electricity he felt at his fingertips, his eyes met with eyes shining like golden pumpkins inside the helmet that was opened.

His heart dropps to the floor and then returned to its original position.

thump thump.

The pounding heart is even painful.

“You, what?”

“’……!” A cold voice that seemed to contain a chill lowered the ambient temperature.

The hand that is sticking out is floating awkwardly in the air because the man hit it reflexively.

The rain fell fiercely towards Ho-Eun, who reflexively backed away from the pain felt in his hands.

Ho-Eun’s red lips opens and closes, feeling the raindrops flowing down his head.

He wants to argue with a man who refused a person’s favor, but the blue man’s lips are shaking pathetically, so he couldn’t say anything cold.

“Ugh…” Ho-Eun raises his arm and covered his face, but when he lowered his arm when the wind stopped, there was no one in front.

“Huh? Where did he go? Excuse me? “The man who disappeared in an instant seemed not to be real as if he had a dream.

Ho-Eun thought he had slept standing up, but looking at the black umbrella that fell on the floor, he could see that it was a reality, not a dream, that man was here until a while ago.

Ho-Eun, who came in from the rain, puts an unopened black long umbrella in an umbrella stand at the front door and picks it.

He doesn’t even know why he brought an umbrella. When he thought of the man, the current he felt in his hand, and his heart that was beating vigorously, came to mind vividly.

Maybe that’s why he brought an umbrella.

In order not to be caught going out by his parents, who are office workers, he roughly crumpled his wet clothes into the washing machine container and Ho-Eun hurriedly began to wash them.

It’s the same in any house, but if your child does nothing for a year after graduating from college, you’ll think he’s pathetic.

Considering the looks he received at home, he feels like he wanted to get a job at any company, but his parents, who spent four-years bending their backs to send their brainless son to go to the university in Seoul, does not want to get a job at any company.

So the reason why Ho-Eun couldn’t work part-time is because of his parents’ wishes to prepare for the civil service exam or the NCS exam.

Instead of doing part-time job, Ho-Eun was forced to resume his studies that were not suitable for him.

“How’s your study going today?”

“Well, it’s the same as usual.” Ho-Eun feels like he is going to have an upset stomach while having dinner with his parents. No matter how much Ho-Eun likes food and eats well, he did not eat well as if his throat is blocked whenever he answers his parents’ questions asking about his daily routine as if they are checking his homework.

That is a natural result. Ho-Eun has no choice but to feel guilty about YouTube activities and eating food with prize money to earn pocket money instead of studying without part time jobs.

Even now, it may be better to find a job that uses a stronger body than to study. Like the guy in the bulletproof suit he saw earlier.

A roar is heard as if waking up Ho-Eun’s private thoughts.

“How long are you going to keep studying? Did you put in the documents for the first half of this year’s open recruitment! Did you?”

“I probably did.”

“None of them contacted me.”


“What? How on earth did you write your cover letter so you didn’t hear from them!!!”

Ho-Eun, who thought of the owner of the umbrella, is answering the question his father asks half-heartedly. Then, he drops the spoon from the shouting that seemed to rip his ears.

“What have you been doing for a year? How can all the papers be not be accepted!!!”

“Huh? No, no. I have an interview!” Ho-Eun, who expects more than an hour of nagging, unwittingly spat out a lie.

If he lies about going to the interview and fails, it was enough.

“Really? Why didn’t you tell me? ”

“No, I was going to tell you after the interview. ”

“When is the interview? ”

“‘Oh… well. ” Ho-Eun, who is busy looking around, mutters,
“It’s tomorrow. ” When Ho-Eun said it is tomorrow, his parents’ mouths, who are trying to nag him closed their mouths.
“Really? Oh, then you have to take care of your condition.”

“Are you ready for tomorrow’s interview?”

“Oh, I’m going to do it now.”

Ho-Eun, who smiles awkwardly, took the finished tableware and left the table.

His parents’ words that they would take out suits and shoes from behind his back flowed in one ear.

He was poked at the fact that he lied, but it wasn’t a complete lie.

In fact, he threw random documents at public institutions and large companies where public recruitment was held in the first half of the year.

After receiving the 5th document opt-out text, the remaining company’s document screening results were not confirmed.

It was obvious that it would be a failure.

Even if he had a lucky interview, he would have failed.

Ho-Eun went into the room, adding another lie that he had to leave early tomorrow.

He was tired from the rain.

This is because the whole process was annoying. “Son, can I give you a ride? When are you going out?”

“I think I’ll have some time to eat and go. Mom, go to work first.”

After his parents leave, he is going to throw off his uncomfortable suit and mess up his hair.

Thinking about it, Ho-Eun sent his parents, who were more fussy than he was, and tried to continue his stopped breakfast.


Ho-Eun, surprised by the front door that opens again, he dropped the spoon he was holding.

“At work! They’re here to pick you up!”


“They say it’s a Guide Industrial Complex.”

It was all a lie to go to the interview.

It was definitely a lie.……

“Stop eating and get out of here!” His mother kindly put her shoes down at the front door.

Ho-Eun came out muttering, “It can’t be.” with a still puzzled expression.

“Nice to meet you, Kwon Ho-Eun.” In front of him is a guide industrial complex employee who came to pick him up for the interview.

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I’m a sucker for guide/esper novels so looking forward to this! Thank you for translating!!
Thank youuu, I'll just be stuck piling some chapters