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Master Meow

Chapter 26.2 - Comb

“For the 10,000th time, I have the urge to steal a pet home. If you don’t know how to raise it, don’t raise it! Don’t abuse it, okay? If you don’t want to raise it, it’s better to give it to me, and I will definitely treat her well. The chest hair of our lion family is no worse than that of a cat! Come and hug me.”


“Dead scaly fish is not suitable, really not suitable for monkeys to eat. I’m so angry, this cat fell asleep again with such a small pet by his side, and he has been sleeping all the time! I’m so very angry!”


More beasts are getting angrier.


As the live broadcast continued, the number of online viewers had already exceeded 100,000, and all of them were lured by Lu Qiu. Seeing this, they are more and more jealous of Wells now, who didn’t even look at such a good pet and even gave her this completely inappropriate food.


Lu Qiu is troubled. The fish was a bit big, more than a meter long. It wasn’t the kind of fish with light blue scales that I had eaten before. The scales were so big and sticky that they could be used as blades.


How can she get this fish into the kitchen with such a big size, since for sure, she will definitely not be able to carry it up? She has to use both hands and feet to climb the kitchen stove by herself.


Unable to bear waking up the giant cat, she tiptoed into the kitchen and stood in front of the robot chef.


This robot has hardly been turned on and used. Before, it would start automatically every time it entered the kitchen, but after being stomped on the face by a spider that day, she doesn’t know if the giant cat reset it. Now, it is like a decoration as it is completely silent.


Lu Qiu hugged the robot’s legs and tried to climb on him. She found out that she didn’t learn anything well after coming to this world, so she learned to climb.


When she climbed up to the robot’s chest, she might have pressed on something that the robot was suddenly activated, raising its hand to hold her firmly.


“Welcome to the R model robot chef. I’m Little R. What would you like to eat?”


After the robot was activated, Lu Qiu couldn’t understand it, but she could roughly guess what it was talking about.


The degree of intelligence of this kind of robot is not very high, but in order to be able to handle ingredients smoothly and clean the kitchen, it can do basic operations.


Lu Qiu wanted to guide it to the table to bring the fish and lemon to the kitchen, but the robot followed her until it stood at the door of the kitchen and refused to take a step outside. As if there was some kind of enchantment on the door.


This time, Lu Qiu had already climbed onto the robot’s back and sat on its neck, holding its head in both hands and letting it look at the fish on the table.


The robot has been stuck for a long time and didn’t know what it was doing while she could hear the subtle sound of the machine running. After a moment, it finally took a step, walked to the front of the table, picked up the plate, and returned to the kitchen.


Next, without Lu Qiu’s command, it consciously stood in front of the sink to handle the fish scales and internal organs, then cut the lemons into pieces and placed them on the plate.


Lu Qiu took a bite and found that it was too sour, much too sour that her expression was wrinkled.


The comments are all lamenting that she is too smart and cute to think of ways to use machines to achieve her goals.


When the robot moved the processed fish to the side of the pot to prepare for cooking, Lu Qiu immediately stepped forward to interrupt it and grabbed the right to control the ingredients.


The robot was stunned on the spot and Lu Qiu patted it on its chest.


Sure enough, the shutdown and start button is here, so now, the robot didn’t move.


Lu Qiu cut the fish into several pieces horizontally, salted it a little, rubbed the lemon around the belly of the fish, waited for a few minutes, and then oiled it.


A delicious aroma was soon drifting in the air.


On a low fire, she waited patiently for one side to be golden before turning it over. Squeeze a little lemon juice and spread it evenly over the fish immediately after it is entirely cooked.


Afraid of disturbing Wells, the kitchen door was closed, and the aroma in the kitchen became stronger and stronger.


The live broadcast ball was flying overhead, clearly collecting these aromas, and all the viewers watching the live broadcast could smell it clearly.


It was already time to eat breakfast, so after sniffing the aroma, many carnivores heard the grunting sounds coming from their stomachs.


What’s the matter with the sudden craving for fish?


“The lemon is so sour, can the fish still be eaten?”


Lu Qiu sniffed the fish with satisfaction. After blowing it, she tore a piece and put it in her mouth. It was very fragrant and tender. A little fresh citric acid completely neutralized the fishy scent and made the taste excellent.


After she ate it, the audience also tasted it.


At this moment, even the vegetarian animals who don’t like to eat meat became also a little greedy.


If it is this kind of taste, it is not unacceptable.


Likewise, more viewers began to turn their heads and stare at their pets who were still having fun everywhere without knowing it.


Why do other people’s pets act cute, groom their owners, and cook? And their family can’t do anything except eat, drink, play and mess around?!


Is it okay to beat if they beat their pet now???

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