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Devoured Like a Dog, Cum Like a Dog

Chapter 2






Do Do Do Do.


“Ha, hah…! Ugh! Ugh!…!”


A wired vibrator shook its head mischievously at the end of the man’s inner wall, followed by a baby forearm-sized dildo rotating roughly and crushing the prostate. The rising bumps weighed down the spots on the inner wall, leaving Leon at a sharp peak, enough to dry his mouth. 


A black ring was attached to the root of his cock, denying him any release and forcing his shaft to stand tall and painfully erect. The vibrator, which covered his hole like a hat, vibrated constantly, and the intense pleasure wrecked his lower body without break, leaving his thoughts in an incoherent mess. Leon touched the peak of pleasure with every breath he took and released. It was painful. 


The black cloth that covered his eyes was wet with tears, and no matter how desperate he was to climax, he could not. An instrument was inserted into his urethra, rendering him unable to ejaculate.


“I’ll take it out when I’m done with this coffee. Leon, you’re killing me.”


Leon screamed silently and tightened his waist muscles repeatedly. Moaning was also something to spit out when it was tolerable, but what he was experiencing was nothing but a wave of unbearable pain, and he couldn’t even let out a moan. Transparent saliva flowed through his gaping lips.


“Ugh…! Ugh! Ugh…!”




Pendall was drinking coffee with one hand, and with the other, he pressed the ‘strong’ button on the remote control. The large dildo then moved its torso with momentum to penetrate deep into the other’s inner wall. It made a loud vibrating sound and swallowed even Leon’s scream.


Knock. Knock.


Leon, who had been struggling with the pleasure he had given him, struggled. His eyes were covered and he couldn’t see, but when he heard a sudden knock, his heart rushed.


“Who could it be? Leon, did you call someone?”


Leon twisted his body around, twirling it finely.


“Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!!”


He wanted to argue, “What kind of crazy person would call someone to have s*x with their s*x partner?” but Leon’s mouth was full of strangled moans and no words came out. Then, Pendall put the tea cup down on the table.


Even the slightest sound made Leon twist his waist and squirmer. The bed cried loudly with every movement his large body made, but Pendall didn’t care. He simply ignored Leon and walked towards the front door.




At the same time as the door opened, Leon bit his lip to hold back his moan. He raised his toes and pressed down on the bed, giving enough strength in his spanks to stop the noise of the whining machines inside him. However, the more it went on, the more the inserted instruments pressed the apex deeper and left him at the doors of climax.


“Perhaps, this is what I wanted all this time. To be violated by Pendall, and someone I don’t know,” Leon said to himself.


Come to think of it, I think it would be okay to be beaten by two people like that… 


Leon thought that he had finally lost his mind.




Pendall was back soon. He looked uninspired and said slowly, “Did he see the number wrong?”


As he spoke, he pulled out a long string from his bag. Leon, who was tormented to death in the sea of ​​pleasure with his eyes covered, was hardly able to notice. Because of that, Pendall moved more slowly. Just as Leon, trained to be able to estrus even to the sound of his own footsteps and breathing, Pendall’s movements were nothing special, but there was something special about Leon.


“It’s hard, isn’t it? It’s going to ruin it.”


Pendall comforted Leon with uncharacteristically friendly words. Leon was foolishly relieved by his kindness. Pendall stared down at him lovingly. “You’re eating it well.”


After talking to himself, Pendall grabbed Leon’s ankle and pulled him back. Then, the equipment that was playing freely in his body was quickly tangled with each other and wept in the middle of the heating. Seeing Leon’s fine toes and his jaw shaking, Pendall slowly pulled the instrument out of Leon’s urethra. The fluid that came out with the device created a stream and constantly spewed thick semen.


The feeling of strife, which had already reached its peak, did not disappear easily even after ejaculation. Leon leaned his neck back and groaned as if he was out of breath. Luckily, Leon was a man with good stamina, so he endured where most men would have fainted. 


The relationship with Pendall was such a dangerous thing.


As if to comfort Leon’s hard work, Pendall left a deep kiss on Leon’s thigh with his plump lips. Letting his lips linger over his flushed skin, he then bit the soft area. Leon’s hip flinched and his muscles trembled slightly.


High-quality fruit, but still half-cooked. Pendall kept Leon by his side with patience until he was ripe for eating. But this innately raunchy man made his penis erect from only their second encounter. His dick was fully erected only by the sight and hearing the man’s moans and without any physical contact.


“Leon, I remember our first impression of each other wasn’t very good. Do you remember what you said?”


Pendall waited for his reply, pulling the end of his tie tied to Leon’s wrist. But the only thing that came back was the sweet breath of Leon.


“You said you’ve never done things like this before and have no interest in it. Don’t you remember?”


Pendall’s fingertips grazed Leon’s nipples. As the protruding bumps were crushed down, Leon bit his lips and held back his moan. Leon felt like he was standing on the edge of a cliff with a deep sense of strife that made him lose his mind, but humans were so deceitful. In the face of the crisis, Leon’s spirit, which was floundering as if he were drowning, gradually became clear.


Pendall laughed helplessly because Leon, who continually ignored his words, was adorable when he opened his enticing mouth to take in a shaky breath. 


“But I doubt you are truly uninterested.”


When the buzzing dildo stuck in his hole was pulled out at once, a crying sound came out of Leon’s mouth. Tears that had accumulated in the corner of his eyes flowed uncontrollably and onto the bed sheet.




Leon’s face wrinkled beautifully with the cold shudder that passed through his entire body. Pendall clicked his tongue saying he couldn’t see his handsome expression because of the eyemask.


“I have nothing to do. Isn’t it so? Leon, there’s no way you’re not interested in this shit. Don’t you think so?”


Pendall neatly placed the thick, long dildo covered in messy liquid on the table. The white liquid soaked the table along the curve of the dildo. As if looking at a piece of great work, Pendall narrowed his brows and stared silently before taking off the black cloth that covered Leon’s eyes.


When the eyes that were accustomed to the darkness met light, the brows furrowed. Leon wiggled his thick eyebrows and opened his eyes with difficulty, and the first thing that came into his sight was a large dildo, not Pendall. The thought of that massive thing filling his hole made Leon feel bloated and frightened.




“Yes, that’s right. That’s the thing that made you cum several times. What do you think? Ain’t it a perfect dildo suitable for a slut like you?”


Like a curator explaining their work, Pendall spoke in a very kind and businesslike tone.


“S-slut! A slut…! Ugh! Let go of me! Let me go!”


Even after hearing the disgraceful word, Leon had no intention of making a mountain out of a molehill. However, caught in Pendall’s hand, his body was dragged helplessly. Leon felt as if all his strength had been drained out during the several climaxes, because of which, he could only struggle. 


Failing to move out of Pendall’s grasp, he fell under him. His torso was spread across the soft bed, but his feet were pressed against the floor. Leon squeezed the sheets and tried to climb, but Pendall grabbed at Leon’s neck firmly.


“Here you go again. Why are you so bad at being quiet?”


Pendall didn’t even give him a chance, and wretchedly squashed the nape of his neck onto the bed before he could say something back. Leon reached out and struggled, but this time the other hand grabbed his right wrist and twisted it. Like a prisoner caught as a current offender by the police, Leon groaned, unable to move. 


“Ugh! Let go, I said let go! F**k, If you touch me…!”


“Rape? What do you think? The camera shows you coming into the hotel smiling. You’re the one who came to this room on your own. If you changed your mind because you didn’t like your partner, that’s too bad.”


Pendall’s penis, which held its head like a bat firmly, pierced Leon’s hole with its tip. Originally, the hole was tight enough to hold the root, but recovery was slow as it was stirred with a dildo for a long time. Pendall moved his waist slowly, squeezing the hole precisely with his glans. Both of them creased their foreheads and bit their molars at the feeling. 


“Ugh…! Let go! Ha…!”


Leon’s mouth opened like a fool again as the glans crawled through his hole and tilted his head back. The penis gradually disappeared between the thick walls. The hole that had only been worn on the glans at first began to move and eat Pendall’s penis. A moan erupted from Leon’s mouth as the lumpy veins scratched the crease of his hole.


“Ha…! Ha… Argh!”


Tears and saliva were intertwined, and Leon’s clean face was dyed like a lust-stained dreamer. In an instant, when the strong young man fell into the throes of lust, Pendall, the culprit of the corruption, squashed his hips and lifted him up to knock him down to the floor. 






When the massive big cock was inserted at once, Leon trembled and cried. He never thought he’d cry during s*x. Leon was drenched in lust and gasped for his breath. In order to not pass out, he let out an exhilarating breath and did his best not to stop breathing because he was quickly losing his senses to pleasure. 




When Pendall asked if he was choking, he seemed reluctant to listen to an answer, adding to the fuss. As he gained speed, Leon had to punch Pendall’s hand. It’s been a long time since he had the strength to curse and reason to resist. Leon stared blankly at the window with his half-closed eyes, and when Pendall’s dick crushed his prostate, his back trembled and his eyes flew open wide. He liked it so much that he had the urge to live like this for the rest of his life with Pendall’s dick inside of him.




Confined by Pendall’s hand, Leon twisted and looked up at him. As soon as he faced his shining eyes, his silly mouth, tears, and saliva, Pendall frowned and pushed his dick till he was completely sheathed inside him. 




As the thick penis entered his hole roughly, Leon struggled like a fish and his toes bent like a bow. It was because Leon’s body was slightly curled up on the bed due to Pendall’s deep penetration. The vibrator inserted before the penis had scratched the inner wall making his dick penetrate deeper. Leon couldn’t even shout because of the intense stimulation.




Hot semen quickly spread all over the inner wall. When the hot liquid filled his stomach and wet the inner wall that he couldn’t reach, Leon trembled and faced a watery wave again. 


Leon’s climax was extremely frequent compared to Pendall’s, so much so that he didn’t even know when he had cummed. It was all because of Pendall’s perverted mechanism. Leon bit his molars and exhaled with emotions. At that moment, Pendall released Leon’s arm and neck.


“The next time you rebel, I’ll tie you up and you’ll be unable to move even a muscle. It’s not like you’re a dog, will you bark every time I hit you?”


Pendall grumbled and rubbed Leon’s broken arm. Then, he kissed on the bruise he had engraved and bit into what else was uncomfortable. Leon, who was lying down, stared at him even as he turned his upper body. 




Pendall raised the corners of his mouth and smiled cruelly, his sharp eyes curved like a bow. Leon glared at the Pendall once more and hurriedly averted his gaze. He was out of breath and didn’t want to keep looking at that stupidly handsome face. Leon tried to get up and Pendall put him back in bed with ease. 




Leon collapsed on the bed and his back thumped in excruciating pain. Pendall gripped his pelvis and gently pulled out his penis, which dripped with thick cum. 


“Ha…! That, stop. Ha…!”


The viscous blemish semen contrasted with the dark red penis, making the man’s brows frown naturally just by looking at it. Pendall wriggled out of Leon’s coveted buttocks as he looked so raw that his sexual desire soared. 


The tight-fitting buttocks had good elasticity. They pressed when pressed and spread apart as much as they could when spread. Soft flesh-covered strong muscles. Pendall stretched out his hand and spanked him mercilessly. 






A harp sound mixed with Leon’s cry mixed with pain reverberated throughout the hotel room.

Pendall spanked him until his palms were red.


“Leon, I’ll make a bruise in the shape of my palm. Masturbate while looking at it. It’s a gift.”


“Argh! Argh! Ahh!”


Leon didn’t even have the right to refuse the gift. Pendall’s hitting stopped only after he took enough of Pendall’s gift. He then squeezed Leon’s penis with his hot palms, then pressed his thumbs against the urethra.


“Did you come while you were hit?”


“Hahh… Hah…hah…”


A moan came out of his mouth. As the red, swollen buttocks gradually turned a bluish color, Pendall’s shoveling began. He used Leon’s cum as a lubricant, spread it all over his dick, and went in and out of Leon’s hole without hesitation.


Pendall’s penis ravaged Leon’s hole as if he was going in and out of his own house, while fully enjoying the plump and bulging inner walls. Each time he lifted his waist, Leon’s penis grew in size in Pendall’s hands.


“I wonder how many holes you’ve been poking around with this. I’m not a timid enough person to bother with your ex, but I’m still curious about it.”




He was a very sharp man. Or maybe it was just that Leon’s penis was great.

As he said, Leon used to go back and forth between gay bars looking for pretty-looking bottoms. However, from time to time, his body would stop listening, and even a common erection was difficult.


The big cock, loved by the bottoms, was reduced to a lump of flesh that couldn’t even get an erection overnight. At first, he denied reality, rationalized it by making various faults with his one-night stands, and in the end, considered it karma.


If Leon himself had a conscience, it was not difficult to regard it as karma since the bottom he had abandoned in a relationship was worth as much as a truck. However, his belated realization of his sin did not change anything. Still, his big cock became nothing but flesh.


At that time, Leon was curious about being a bottom. Initially, it was simply ridiculous curiosity, but as time went on, the curiosity from experience gradually grew, and he became more and more curious about the feeling his partners had crying because they liked it so much.


So, instead of the gay bar he usually visited, he set foot in a bar that was far from his house and operated anonymously. No, he dared to set foot in Pendall’s kennel.


“Relax, it’s fine. Let’s do it together. Relax.”


At that moment, Pendall put his strength in his hand and quickly scanned Leon’s penis. From the round glans to the thin epidermis, and the protruding blood vessels that swept across the pillar.


“Ha, ha, ha…ah! Ah, ah…ah!”


“If you don’t give your all, I’ll tie you up and call room service.”


It felt like being hit in the head with a dildo. Leon opened his eyes and shook his lower body. He rubbed his lower body like a child who needed to urinate and swallowed with a sense of chaos.

He bit his lips to the point where he bled, then roared like an animal and buried his face in the bed sheet. 


To endure a wave of strife was dangerous enough to turn a person into a beast.


“If you ask me, I will listen.”


Pendall dragged his waist back slowly, then the penis, which had been deeply embedded in the hole, came out of the hole as it skimmed through the hole. Under the feet of the two of them, an unknown, cloudy liquid pooled enough to create a puddle. When he pulled out his penis, liquid dripped down on it.


“There’s no second chance.”


“Ugh, pl…please.”


At his answer, Pendall erased his smile and slapped him on the back deep in one breath. When the penis, which had barely been hung over the glans, pierced through the clinging inner wall, Leon trembled and began to cry again.


“I’m your friend, right?”


The beating of the waist with every word was terribly harsh. It was a dangerous insertion that was incomparable to just stirring a dildo. Besides, the vibrator, which had been crying from deep inside the inner wall, was pushed away by the penis and headed deeper. Each time, Pendall’s ejaculation in his stomach rippled and tickled the inner wall even more.


“Keug…! Sorry… I-I’m Sorry…! Hah! Hng…!”


Pendall’s hips gradually slowed down as he said he was sorry. Pendall didn’t mean to forgive him. It meant giving him one last chance. Leon, who noticed quickly, cried    and begged.


“I’m…sorry, Huff…!”


“Who are you begging to?”


“Pe, Pen…!”


“You still haven’t come to your senses. Am I Pendall?”


He wanted to make a fuss about who he was, but Leon was a loyal customer of the pleasure he offered, so it was impossible to rebel. Leon said, crossing his legs.


“Ma…master. Master!”


“Should I just be called Pendall to you when I give grace to your slut hole?”


“Ah, uh…! N-no!”


“Can you tell me who you’re asking for?”


His voice cracked in lust. Leon already knew the answer to his question. However, he seemed to be showing his bottom, so he was dodging the answer. He thought he would let him go if he turned around in moderation, but Pendall was far more tenacious and terrifying than Leon had expected.


Even at the moment of asking, Pendall bent his upper body and made a joint mark all over Leon. Pendall, who only bit the invisible places above his shirt, bit him on the back of his neck as if he was angry at Leon’s answer. Then, Leon said as if throwing up.


“Sorry… I’m sorry! Master, I’m sorry! I’m just saying! Huff, I am… a…fucking! Slut!”


As soon as he answered, Leon’s face turned red. That’s why he was embarrassed to answer with a loud voice. However, it was too early to be ashamed.


“If you tell me what you want, won’t you request like the bitch you are?”


Leon bit his lip again and bit his molar. Pendall’s hand moved violently again while he was thinking about how to say it.


Tuck. Tuck. Tuck.


“Think about what to do with room service. I’ll tie you up and make you do it.”


“Hah…! Hah! You get the gist… ! Please! Hah… ! Mas-master… !!”


When he begged with tears, Pendall’s face was filled with satisfaction. He whispered in Leon’s ear, which was a mess.


“Yeah. Like a dog.”


Then Pendall raised the corner of his mouth and smiled and let Leon’s penis go. Leon quickly ejaculated with energy on his complexion. He spit out the liquid semen to his heart’s content until the sheets were wet and dripped on the floor. When Leon’s affair was over, Pendall turned his body over again. 


Leon’s gaze, whose face had been buried in the bed until now, reached the ceiling.


Then, Leon’s eyes, which looked at the ceiling, hardened with a flash.


“This way, you can see better.”


Pendall squeezed Leon’s inner thigh tightly and teased his swollen waist.

Each time, looking through the mirror hanging from the ceiling, he could see the penis being inserted and pulled out through the hole in penetration. Leon sighed and shook his head.


“Why, don’t you like it? You’re stuck like this the whole time, under me.”


Pendall did an amazing job of capturing what Leon was vulnerable to, a stubborn and selfish man. It may take a long time and cumbersome to change Leon’s habit, but it was also a great joy for the owner. Pendall grabbed Leon, who was about to run backward and slammed his lower belly up against his buttocks. Each time, opaque liquids splashed in all directions, and the strangely swollen red inner wall was wrapped around Pendall’s penis, swept out, and sucked back in repeatedly.


“You are a natural bottom, you know.”


Leon could not refute what he said since he witnessed his reflection in the mirror with his eyes. The whole body of the strange man in the mirror was filled with lust.


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