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The Holy Grail of Eris

Vol. 3 Chapter 4

Emilia Godwin was in a good mood.

The hall is filled with a pleasant clamor. The guests who came to visit praised Emilia one after another. The reason, of course, was Constance Grail. It was the first public appearance of the controversial figure since the Grand-Meril-Anne turmoil. And that too at Emilia Godwin’s evening party. Neither the count nor the viscount but the baroness Emilia’s evening party. This fact greatly tickled Emilia’s pride.
Not only that. Probably hearing the rumors from somewhere, that man…even asked to join the evening party. It had probably been ten years since they had spoken to each other. Emilia was excited. Emilia had always admired that man who is always fair and never looked down on others because they are lower class nobles.

All of this was thanks to Constance Grail. So when Emilia saw the girl who actually came to greet her, she blinked her eyes. It was a letdown. She was certainly a bit more refined than when she had seen her before, but she was still an ordinary girl who could be found anywhere.
However, her taste in dresses and necklaces is not bad. And her manners are also quite beautiful. Of course, it’s not as beautiful as Scarlett’s, but… ―――After thinking that much, she froze when she realized that she was comparing this insignificant girl to Scarlett. Why in the world? In front of shaken Emilia, Constance Grail takes a ladylike bow. Her eyes widened unconsciously.
They are similar.
The shape of the fingers when pinching the hem. Stretched back straight. The timing of pulling back the legs. The expression on her face when she lowered her gaze and looked up. Everything about her was a mirror image of Scarlett Castiel. That woman’s true character was a wicked woman, but her appearance was more graceful than anyone else’s.

―――Greetings, Emilia Karling.

Her voice is always as light as a rolled bell. And the first words are always decided.

―――You look great in your dress today. It looks perfect with your sunflower-like hair.

It sounded as if the dress was the only thing that was nice, and the color of her hair, which looked more like yellow paint than blonde, was Emilia’s complex. That’s why Emilia hated this greeting from Scarlett. She hated it so much that she was horrified that she cowered.

[Thank you for inviting me today, Mrs. Godwin.]

She remembered something she didn’t like. Emilia bit her lip. She was so angry that she was going to beat up the girl in front of her to vent her anger. That was her original intention. People who stand out get hammered. Only those who are not afraid of being hammered will survive. So which one is this girl? Will she be broken like Pamela Francis, or…―――

[―――You look lovely in your dress again today. It goes well with your hair like sunflowers.]

When she suddenly looked at Constance Grail, she had an innocent smile on her face, just like Scarlett Castiel used to have.


Did I make some kind of mistake? Connie tilted her head.
The ladies’ courtesies and manners were somehow watchable thanks to Scarlett’s intense training, and the greeting, which Mrs. Godwin has always been most pleased with, was perfect.
But Mrs. Godwin turned pale and walked away without a word. Scarlett saw this and burst out laughing.

[She’s as small-minded as ever.]

When I looked at her with half-open eyes, sensing the implication in the way she said it, she shrugged her shoulders and replied in a casual manner.

[I was just making it easier for her to talk to me.]

Wouldn’t it be putting a cart before the horse if she had run away because of that―――though certainly, I couldn’t say that directly.

Then, for a while, I was treated like a freak show attraction. It was still fine if they came to greet me. There was no end to the number of people whispering behind my back or casually sarcastic comments as they passed each other. If it had not been for Scarlett, my heart might have been broken. As discussed, Connie was devoted to being Scarlett’s puppet. She was able to restrain backbiting, turn back sarcasm, and find the right moment to smile―――.

[She got a passing score.]
Scarlett looked around the hall as she said that. It was as if she was trying to capture today’s scene in her mind’s eye.
―――I had vaguely suspected for some time that Scarlett Castiel has a good memory. This was confirmed by this evening party. Perhaps there must be some sort of palace in her head where she keeps her memories. Although most of the people who had greeted her today had never met her before, Scarlett had memorized not only their faces and names but also their lands and hobbies, she memorized all of their conversations without leaving a single word out.
As I was drinking a glass of chilled fruit water to quench my thirst, I caught a glimpse of Emilia Godwin in the corner of the hall. She seemed to be talking with some noblewoman. There was no smile on her face. They were both covering their mouths with their fans and glancing at me. Emilia’s eyes looked as if she were looking at a monster. I can’t understand it.

[…… Is that Aisha Spencer? Things have changed a lot.]

Scarlett muttered.

“But I didn’t expect that. I didn’t know the two of them interacted. But, well, it’s a good thing. Let’s go talk to them while they’re still together.”

I was reluctant to do so, but once I was told that, I had no choice. I stepped forward, and that’s when it happened.


A strong voice jumped in.

[……Could you say that again, please?]

[Oh, I can tell you many times. Theresa, your husband is really bothering me. I hear that he never tires of going to the brothel night after night. It’s become a rumor in the women’s association, you know. They said it would be a disgrace to the noble spirit of knighthood. Even his colleague, my husband, was being looked at negatively from it. Please do something about it.]

Two noble ladies are confronting each other. The one with a stiff expression is a woman with a plain, featureless face, while the one accusing her is a beautiful woman with defined looks.

[Is that……?]

[Theresa Jennings and Margot Tudor. A moment ago we greeted the two of them.]

Scarlett told me casually. Indeed, I recognize them. It was a rare combination of an inconspicuous woman and a strong-willed beautiful woman. Though as expected, I could not remember the name.
Although not enough to echo throughout the hall, the not-so-calm communication drew the attention of those around them, including Connie.
The beautiful Margot sneered condescendingly at the ordinary Theresa.

[But with you as a partner―――I think it’s possible. Can’t you make an effort to be a little more affectionate?]

Theresa’s face turned white as wax at those words. Her lips quivered slightly and she looked down. After a few moments, she opened her mouth to mutter a few words.

[How is……Linus?]
It was a terribly quiet voice, unreadable in emotion.


[Isn’t he working a lot of night shifts these days?]

[…..It’s because your husband is always out at night. That’s why my husband is bearing the burden.]

Lying face down Theresa suddenly looked up. Her expression was different from before―――some distorted cheerfulness.

[―――Oh, so you are saying that. Then did he say he was working the night shift three days ago as well?]

[……What are you trying to say?]

[I wonder if he made sure to give you the bouquet of eryngium flowers? I’m sure he gave it to you because you said that if he gave you a souvenir, you would be in a good mood even if he had to work the night shift. It was a blue, thorny, rare flower, right? I ordered it especially for you.]

The color gradually drained from Margot’s face.

[Shall I tell you what it means?]

Theresa Jennings lifted the edge of her lips in triumph.

[―――It’s a secret love.]


Oh dear, indeed, it is a frightening world. Connie felt a shiver run down her spine. Well, I’m going to Emilia’s―――I thought that, and when I looked back at Connie, she said, “Guge!” She made a strange, unladylike noise.

Aisha was already gone, and in her place suddenly appeared a dark-haired man who exchanged greetings with Emilia. Impressive physique and masculine appearance. When the man asked something, Emilia Godwin pointed with her fan to the area where Connie was.

The pair of azure eyes turn toward us. A moment later, the man’s―――Randolph Ulster’s sharp gaze pierced Constance Grail.

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