A Heroic Tale About Starting With a Personal Relations Cheat (Ability) and Letting Others Do the Job Thumbnail
A Heroic Tale About Starting With a Personal Relations Cheat (Ability) and Letting Others Do the Job

Vol. 1 Chapter 1.1 - Prologue

It was only at the age of fifteen, when I had given up everything, that I realised that connections could be used as a weapon.


Since then, I have continued to hone the weapon of networking and tried to lead an ideal life in my own way. As I predicted, the weapon would play an active role in all aspects of my life, and give me a definite advantage in a field where I had never had anything noteworthy to offer.


It has been three years since I had adventures around many different places with friends.


I’m not being conceited, but I’m sure there are many feats that have been achieved through my connections.


However, if there is a downside…


“Ned Wolkinter. You are hereby expelled from the adventuring party 『Stardust Light』!”


My weapons are difficult for others to understand.

Tracing back to those few minutes ago.


I was visiting the audience chamber in the royal castle of the Kingdom of Intail.


“You wanted to see me, Your Majesty?”


“Mm. Raise your face.”


Slowly I raise my head.


A large man sat on a throne in front of me. He was an old man with wrinkles etched on his face. He was the King of the Kingdom of Intail.


“You are Ned Wolkinter, the leader of the adventurer party 『Stardust Light』?”




Upon affirmation, His Majesty opened his mouth.


“Let me put it simply. I would like to appoint the 『Stardust Light』to be our country’s heroic party.”


“A heroic party…..?”

I know what the word means.


The Hero party. They are small, elite teams dispatched by countries around the world to defeat the Demon King, who has suddenly appeared. People are happy or sad at the results that these heroes’ parties bring back, and this sometimes affects the economy.


“These days, every country sends out a party of heroes to defeat the Demon King. In view of this trend, our country has decided to take a leap of faith and form a heroic party.”


I give a friendly nod to His Majesty’s explanation.


“We spent a long time selecting those who would be suitable for the heroes’ party. As a result, we have set our sights on you, the 『Stardust Light』.”


“……I am honoured.”


It’s a very self-explanatory story that’s going on without my knowledge.


Of course, I can’t say such a thing, so I shut my lips.


“From what I hear, 『Stardust Light』 sounds like a pretty good party.”


“Yes. I’m very proud of the members I’ve gathered from all over the world.”


It’s honestly nice to be praised for the party.


So I answered honestly.


“Its proud membership appeals to us as well. So please, let the 『Stardust Light』 be our country’s heroic party.”


What a surprise. This was a step towards grasping glory.


There was no reason to refuse.


“I humbly accept your off—”


“Except you.”


The king’s words were not immediately understood.




I couldn’t understand it even after taking my time, so I voiced my doubts.


His Majesty then let out a sigh and explained.


“All the members of the 『Stardust Light』 are excellent. However, only you, the…..leader, are not good enough. While the other members are S-class adventurers, you are an adventurer who barely maintains the A-class status. To put it bluntly, you are a hindrance.”


“I’m not a hindrance … I’m the team leader.”


“Hmph! What a pathetic man you are, clinging to your position!”


Instantly, The king’s tone becomes rougher.


This must be his true nature.


“And that title of team leader is questionable! We’ve already assessed you through the Adventurers’s Guild! Explain the role of each of your members!”


“Well, there are five members, including me. A knight who is in charge of both attack and defence, Warriors who can be trusted being the vanguard, a monk who acts as a healer and a wizard who specialises in long-range attack….”


“And who are you?”


“I’m the manager.”


“I don’t want it!”


This is getting absurd.


“Knights, warriors, monks, wizards and managers are the standard configuration though. …… In my opinion.”


“You’re insinuating that  your connections are weapons! What a ludicrous excuse! You just can’t do anything without someone to protect you!”


“Well, …… that may well be the case.”


“You admit you were making excuses. After all, you are just a lackey. I can’t entrust the leadership of the heroes’ party to someone like you!”

His Majesty tells me in exasperation.




At that moment, a man standing beside His Majesty called my name.


He is the Prime Minister of this country.


“You have to understand. A party of heroes on a mission to defeat the Demon King attracts attention from all over the world. Therefore, if there are disproportionate people in the party, they will receive a lot of condemnation. That will, in turn, tarnish the dignity of the Kingdom of Intail.”


“….. So why don’t you ask another adventurer party to do it for you?”


“The members you have assembled are uniquely talented. I was surprised when I investigated them myself. A knight who has received the blessing of the Almighty, a warrior who can fight forever without eating or drinking, a priest who can even raise the dead, and a wizard with three sage medals……They are so talented that I wonder where on earth you got them.”

That’s because I’ve really searched for them like hell……


Apparently, the upper echelons of this country want to make the 『Stardust Light』a heroic party, no matter what their intentions are.


But they don’t understand.


All the members of the adventurer party 『Stardust Light』 are not just human beings, in a good way or a bad way.


“Let’s be clear on this occasion. It’s true that I’m the leader of the 『Stardust Light』, but what I actually do is closer to being a beastmaster than a leader.”


“…. What are you talking about?”


“That party is all the members I’ve assembled on the premise that I control them. My job is mainly liaison ……to talk to them in advance so that the damage caused by their fighting doesn’t get out. If there is no one left to do that job….”


To His Majesty and the others, I told them.


“I think you’ll probably…..regret it.”


Silence reigned in the audience chamber.


Eventually, His Majesty and the Prime Minister broke the expression on their faces and






A small chuckle is heard.


“Oh, yes! Regret! Then let’s look forward to it at best! If you’re really that good, I might regret it!”


His Majesty sneers at me.


“I forgot to mention that, in your place, I will be adding Julius, our near-guard knight, to the party. He is the same age as you, but unlike you, he is the best of the best. He will more than make up for the hole you left out. So you have nothing to worry about.”


Then His Majesty looks at me with condescending eyes.


“You have nothing more to say, have you? Then I will tell you again.”


With a winning smile, His Majesty told me.


“Ned Wolkinter. You are hereby expelled from the adventuring party 『Stardust Light』!……Now, please excuse yourself as quickly as possible. I’m sure you understand, but I won’t allow you to have any contact with the heroic party.”


I can’t get through him at all.


I let out a small sigh and left the audience chamber.



“Now the obstacle is gone……our country now has the strongest and bravest party!”


“Yes, with them in action, we will be able to outmanoeuvre the rest of the world in no time.”


The Prime Minister nodded to the delighted King.


“Prime Minister. The exchange we just had…… you are as glib as ever.”


“Not as bad as Your Majesty, but I can take on any number of youngsters of that calibre.”


Haha! The two laugh together.


“The members of the 『Stardust Light』 are pathetic. They can thank me for unleashing them……from an incompetent brat, who used them for good.”


“Are they simply good people, or are they vulnerable?’ ……In any case, it is too good to have a party of that magnitude monopolised by a single person. Let them properly work for the country.”


The king nodded in satisfaction at the Prime Minister’s statement.


“The chain of contacts between the Ned and the heroic party should be broken while we’re at it. I believe they have a tool to communicate. Take it away immediately.”


“Yes, sir”


The Prime Minister bowed deeply and immediately set to work.


The Prime Minister leaves the audience chamber. Looking at the closed door, the king slowly leaned back on his throne.


“Kuhaha … is my country that will defeat the Demon King. My name will be etched in the history of the world……!”


The king smiles with amusement.


His head was filled with fantasies of himself being hailed around the world as a great hero.


He doesn’t know it – but decades later, the king’s name will indeed be etched in history.


However, it was not as a hero, but as the worst dark lord.





Dear friends of the『Stardust Light』


The communication does not connect, so I am sending you a letter.


You may have already heard, but I have two things to say to you all.


The first one.


The 『Stardust Light』 have now been appointed as a brave party by the king of the Kingdom of Intail. From now on, wealth and fame will be at your disposal. Enjoy it to the fullest


…..What? Why am I writing like it’s somebody else’s business?


Let me explain then.


Secondly, I want to tell you.


Because of the stupid king, I had to leave the party.

Apparently, I’m not fit to be a part of the Kingdom of Intail heroic party. I heard that an excellent young Kingsguard knight will be replacing me, so please get along with him from now on.


To be honest, I thought about taking you with me and going somewhere, but at any rate, he is the king of a country. If you go against him, you will get into trouble.


Besides, it’s an undeniable honour to be chosen for the heroes’ party. You won’t lose it because of me alone. I don’t think any of you are interested in the honour…


Anyway, that’s why I’m leaving you here.


The party was originally formed just over a year ago, and if the meeting was sudden, then the parting may be sudden too.


I’ll be looking forward to your help in defeating the Demon King.


You guys can probably defeat him. But it looks like there’s going to be a lot of damage instead.


PS: I heard they sell really tasty bun buns in the cafeteria of the Demon King’s castle, so buy some.






In the corridors of the Royal Castle.


I was walking around trying to work out the contents of the letter I had written.


“Honesty, isn’t necessary right? Erasing it”


Erase some sentences with a pen.


Then, the letter was completed, folded properly and put in my pocket.


“I’m a hindrance. It’s like……I’ve finally been found out”


I mumbles and mutters while scratching my hair.


To be honest – what His Majesty told me was true. I was a lackey in the 『Stardust Light』, half-fed by adventurers of superior ability.


At least objectively, that is the undeniable truth.


And the Hero Party is an organisation that carries the name of the country on its back and attracts a lot of attention. It’s probably not surprising that I’m out of the picture.


“Hey, Ned.”


As I was walking down the corridor, someone called out to me.


When I turn around, there is a man clad in a white and silver armour suit.


“Well, well, well, isn’t that the Hope of the Kingsguard, Sir Julius?”


“…. Don’t take a queasy tone. Just the way you always do.”


I’m going to put it back the way it was because he said so.


People have gone to a lot of trouble to do this, even though they have done it humbly.


“Be thankful, eh, Ned? If I hadn’t been so tactful, you’d be carrying an undeserved burden right now.”


I raised my eyebrows at his words.


“You proposed my banishment?”


“Yes! I am the one who advised your banishment! Hahahaha!”


Julius laughed merrily.


“Because I know very well what you have been doing since you were a child. So I’m the only one you can’t fool! You have a broad face, but otherwise you are just an ordinary man! You’re always relying on someone else, always doing nothing yourself……! But you used me like a pawn during the mid-term exams and graduation exams at the institute…..!”

The hope of the Knights immediately shook his body. 


‘Is he emotionally unstable?’


Julius and I have known each other since we were very young. We were both born and raised in this country and went to school together at the academy, where we got to know each other.


However, we are not on good terms.


If anything, we are the opposite.


“You can’t defeat the Demon Lord! But I would have no problem with that! I, who is known as the greatest of all time among the Knights of the Kingsguard, will be able to lead the hero party right! And when the Demon King is defeated, I will marry the Princess and ……gufu,fufu…..!”


“…..You’ve picked the wrong people for this..”


This man has long been in love with that daughter of His Majesty the Idiot, that is, Her Royal Highness the Princess, and it is as if he became a knight of the Kingsguard just to be united with her. His passion is so great that he has accumulated enough achievements to be regarded as a gem, as he has said, but he is a man whose fundamental motives are riddled with inferiority complexes.


Our king …… doesn’t have a good eye for people.


Both himself and others must have a character that cares only about the top.


“Now that it’s come to this, I’m not going to argue, but ……you, make sure you hold the reins of those guys for me. Otherwise, in the worst case scenario, the country will be destroyed.”


“Ha, what a load of nonsense. Are you trying to make me feel like a sore loser?”


I don’t mean to, but I keep my mouth shut, thinking I don’t need advice as he seems confident.


At that moment, someone approaches me from the end of the corridor.


It is a girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a beautiful face.


“…… Princess?”


At the mention of the girl’s identity, Julius turned quickly and smiled wryly.


“Ooo, Princess! You are in a good mood toda—!”


“ ──Ned-sama!!!”




The Princess came up to me, flicked a bullet to the approaching Julius.


Apart from Julius, who is holding his solar plexus, the princess is closing in on me.


Princess of the Kingdom of Intail – Iris Intail.


Those who were familiar with her called her Princess.

“Why is Ned-sama out of the heroes party? I don’t understand! Let’s go and protest!”


As usual, the princess acts with her usual self.


We are close enough to touch skin to skin. Her hair is as smooth as silk and smells sweet.


As expected, when I tried to move away a little, the Princess quickly closed the distance. I give up and decide to talk to her as it is.


“Unfortunately, I’ve already protested it.”


When I replied with a sigh, Julius peeled his eyes and became angry.


“You, you! How dare you speak to the princess in such a disrespectful manner?”


“Please be quiet Julius. I asked for that one when I’m talking with Ned-sama.”




Julius looks frustrated.

He looks as if he’s trying to say. Why do you address Ned as ‘sama’ and call me by my name……?


I have had several exchanges with the Princess and we are now able to talk casually like this. What…. should be regretted is that I should have interacted with His Majesty as well.


As for His Majesty, I had deliberately avoided interacting with him in part because I had not heard good rumours about him, but that decision may have backfired. The most important thing to remember is that the government is not a party to the law…….Even if they had interacted with me, the way she talked about me, they would have banished me anyway.


“Don’t worry, the 『Stardust Light』 will all run riot freely…..and do fine without me. They might actually be able to defeat the Demon King.”


That is, if they can be properly controlled.


“So why don’t you support them together? It is for the best that the demon king is defeated and the world is at peace. Don’t you think so, Princess?”




The Princess looks convinced.


“I understand! I will support the brave party now, just as Ned-sama says!”


For better or worse, the pure princess is easily persuaded.


Julius looks at me with a blank stare as I feel like I’ve finished a job.


“You….. are still a first-class talker, as ever.”


“Well. My motto is to help others. Being a good talker is an essential skill.”


Julius frowned. As if to say he didn’t want to be in the same space as me anymore.


But …… maybe it’s time for me to walk away too.


If I remain in the royal castle, I’m likely to get tangled up with troublesome people.


“Princess, may I ask you to deliver a few messages?”


“Sure! To whom?”


“The General Secretary. I happened to meet a guy who runs a printing business on my last trip. He’s got a pretty big factory, so if you think he might be interested, tell him to contact me later.”


“I Understand!”


“And tell the Cardinal to go to the West Ward Alms Clinic. He’s been unwell for the last six months, hasn’t he? I’ve found him to be a good doctor. Tell him it’s a referral from me and he’ll see him straight away.”


“I’ll be sure to tell him!”


At any rate, I’ve done the rest aside from meeting the king.


“Hmm……as usual you’re all about other people.”


“It’s all just errands I’ve run along the way.”


Saying this, I handed Julius the letter I had in my pocket.


“I also need a favour from you. Give this to the members of the 『Stardust Light』.”


“What’s this?”


“It’s a farewell letter to my former comrades.”


“Ha, I wouldn’t take this stuff. I’ll throw it right away.”


Julius says with a nasty smile.


“Then I’ll ask the princess for this too……A-aa it would be easier if Julius gave it to her.’”


“Don’t worry about it! I will send it for Ned-sama!”


The Princess said with a twinkle in her eye.


Julius’ face turns indignant and angry.


‘Damn, that’s the thing…..! That’s what I don’t like about you…..!”


Saying this, Julius placed the letter inside the armour.


The princess looks a little disappointed.


“Well, do it swiftly. This whole thing has made me hate the kings and nobles of this country, but I don’t hate you that much.”


“But I hate you!!!”

TL: There’s a manga adaptation soon, and sorry. I forgot to put the illustration.

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#Just a guy making a map to her heart is. I LOVE HAREM.

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hoho, now this is interesting~
Thanks for bringing back this novel!
you're welcome! I'll do my best to translate it faster!