I was banished by the power harassment knight captain Thumbnail
I was banished by the power harassment knight captain

Chapter 2 - [Captain SIDE] The strongest knights without Buff Master defeated by a demon army

“All the troops, vanguard formation!”


Balan, who rode on horseback, glared at the Goblin’s army and issued a command.


The strongest knights trained by him create a formation with uninterrupted movements.


The Black Knights have been improving their skills since three years ago when Balan became captain.


Recently, the overall status of all members of the group has increased by about 10 times, which is unprecedented.


“It’s all the result of the hard training I imposed.”


a 10-kilometer marathon heavily armed in hot weather.


Put the other members on their backs on the gravel and do push ups.


Furthermore, in order to develop spirit and perseverance, bungee jumping without strings from a 700-meter waterfall — the fact that no one died has instructed a strangely hard training.


Thanks to him, there are many bad reviews such as the Black Workplace and the Black Knights…


It’s ridiculous.


Victory silenced all such voices.


The Black Knights, who have won consecutive games, have a good reputation.Balan smiled happily at the possibility of marrying Princess Lydia.


Balan didn’t get married even in his late twenties because he wanted to get Princess Lydia.


And he had an ambition to eventually ascend to the throne of this country.


To this end, Abel, the son of a hero, was abandoned.


“It’s a matter of morale to have such a weak person.”


There was a fool who poured cold water on me when I was about to order a full-scale attack.


“…Captain! Please wait a moment.I can’t see Abel-sama.”


A beautiful girl with silver pigtails tied with a red ribbon.This is Tiffa a Half Elf, the deputy captain of the knights.


The little girl was also a disciple of the former captain Sigurd, so she called the dropout “sama.”


“Hmm! I expelled him, who was a disgrace to the Black Knights.”


“…what!? Are you insane?”Why did you do such a thing without consulting me?”


“Riot? Would it be funny if the weakest man in the swordsmanship tournament were listed at the bottom of our knighthood?”


“That’s not true!”He trained the skills of [Buff Master] and eventually raised the status of all the members by 10 times!?Black Knights are the strongest because of Abel’s help!”


“…what are you talking about!?


Our knighthood is excellent.The reason why all the members’ strength soared was because I had imposed strict training on them!”


“There’s no point in training to hurt your body like that!


It’s all thanks to Abel-sama, I’ve told you many times in the report!”




At Tiffa’s violent remarks, Balan shouted.


If it weren’t for the war, I’d have cut off the fool’s neck.


In the first place, he didn’t get along with this little girl who relied on magic.


Only by strengthening the muscles to the limit and crushing the enemy head-on with a sword can you become a knight.


Sigurd, the former captain of the team, said, “In the future, magic will decide the victory or loss,” and appointed Tiffa as deputy captain.


“How dare you talk against me, Half Elf girl!”If we win this battle, you’ll be expelled!”


“…huh. I didn’t think he was this stubborn.All right. I have no regrets about these knights.

I will go to Abel-sama.”


“Do as you please.All the troops, charge!”


Balan kicked the horse in the stomach and ran out.He was followed by a large number of knights.


Kick the enemy with overwhelming speed and power.This is the usual way to win.


“Captain…! The enemy is on the cliff!”


A group of dark elves appeared on a cliff overlooking the Black Knights.


The magic of fire and thunder shot in from above like heavy rain.


The attacked knights fell off their horses and were trampled down by their comrades.


Screams are coming and going around.


“What!? You idiot!”


If you were a member of the group, you would jump back and forth like a breeze, such as a magic attack.


“As expected! Abel’s buff is gone, and the magic defense is greatly reduced!”


Just in case, Balan checks his status.



Name: Balan Austin

Level: 48

Body strength: 4760 ⇒ 476 (DOWN!)

Muscle strength: 6020 ⇒602 (DOWN!)

Defense: 5440 ⇒544 (DOWN!)

Magic Defense: 1510 ⇒ 151 (DOWN!)

Magic Power: 530  ⇒53 (DOWN!)

Agility: 2270 ⇒ 227 (DOWN!)



“Oh, no…!”


It was too much for Balan to feel dizzy.


All the status of Balan, which had reached four digits, had fallen to one-tenth.


Am I sure what Tiffa is saying is true?


Was it Abel the one who supported the Black Knights?


I don’t think the training I gave the members was meaningless…?


“Yes! Anyway, charge! Crush the enemy in front of you!”


Balan, who was angry, couldn’t believe his eyes the next moment.


Among the goblins with poor equipment, a giant dragon suddenly appeared.


“No way, summoning magic!?The enemy has an unusual level of summoner!”


Tiffa issued a warning.


The dragon let out a deafening roar.


All the horses stood up in fear, and the momentum of the charge was crushed.


“Get rid of it! Get rid of it! We’re not ready to defeat the dragon! If things go on like this, we’ll be wiped out!”


“Tiffa! What are you giving me?”


“It’s impossible to beat such a monster without Abel!”


Defeat is unforgivable to the strongest knights.

Even if the dragon is the opponent.


Oh my gosh!


The Black Knights were bathed in a super-hot dragon breath.


Balan was tossed about on the ground.




Mithril armor saved his life, but he almost lost consciousness due to pain.


Nearly a third of the glorious knights have now been turned into charcoal.


“Retreat! Retreat!” 

“Captain, this way!”


Tiffa, who magically protects himself, issues orders.


Balan was carried on his back by Tiffa, grinding his teeth and leaving the battlefield.


It was a crushing defeat.


The next day, Balan found out about something in shock.


Abel saved Princess Lydia from the dragon and was promoted to the head of the newly established Knights of the Guards.


Rumors of the Black Knights’ defeat spread like wildfire.


Balan’s reputation spread throughout the country, where he was ordered to charge too hard and killed and wounded.


In order to avoid this, Balan blamed Tiffa, the deputy commander, for the mistake and expelled her.


They couldn’t beat the dragon because she interrupted the charge…


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Hey! Just a random person on the internet translating stuff. I'm in charge of Son Of a Vicius Lord, Poor Dexterity and The Hero Banished Me XD

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