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Rough Man and Sweet Lady

Chapter 55 - Shooting Until the Last Small Stream of Semen

TRANLATOR’S NOTE: Hi guys, An here. So… I have finally decided to pick up this R18 novel as it hasn’t updated in almost 6 months! You can find the previous chapters (from 1 to 54) here.


Although there were no great waves in the woman’s heart at this time, as she felt the power with which the liquid sprayed on the palm of her hand, the pit of her stomach began throbbing rapidly.


Her palm wasn’t very big but the amount of semen sprayed out by the man was so frightening that she was unable to hold it all.


The stream of semen spilled from her palm flowed down her fingers and dripped on the meat stick that had just softened a bit.


Xiao Jing grabbed the woman’s sticky hand again and rubbed it along the meat stick a few more times. Only when he shot until the last small stream of semen was he really satisfied.


After lying on his back for a while, he put on a jacket and got out of bed. But without taking the opportunity to tidy himself up, he grabbed a moist handkerchief and carefully wiped the woman’s hand that was covered in the sticky semen. Even the crevices of her fingers were meticulously cleaned.


“Sleep ah. I won’t bother you anymore.”  


He put the woman’s hand back on the quilt and patted her on the back, urging her as if he was coaxing a child.


From start to finish, Xiao Jing knew that the woman hadn’t fallen asleep, but he didn’t expose her. In the future, there would inevitably be a day when he is able to make the woman sit on his crotch, swing her waist and shake her breasts as he propositions.


As soon as his train of thoughts moved in that direction, his recently alleviated meat stick almost hardened again.


He lowered his head, reached out and patted it, saying in a low voice, “You should be content with the current situation.” 


The woman lying on the bed with her eyes closed could hear the sound of water coming from outside the house. Xiao Jing was taking a bath again.


Without the presence of the man who forced her to do those lascivious things, his fearsome scent and his annoying words, exhaustion and drowsiness overwhelmed her and her eyes closed. But to her surprise, she found out that even though her head was dizzy, she couldn’t fall asleep. She lay there in a daze.


After a while, Xiao Jing came back and climbed into the bed, lying still under the quilt for a while. After finally getting rid of the slight chill on his body, he stretched out his arms and drew the woman tightly to his chest.


Roasted by the heat from the man’s body, the woman felt annoyed and frowned. However, she fell asleep in the blink of an eye.


After a wild night of venting, both of them slept quite soundly.


Although the woman was tired and was unlikely to wake up easily, the loud sound of running water successfully awakened her.


She was startled, scared, embarrassed, and annoyed by this sound. Probably due to some physiological reaction, her sleepy eyes opened in a daze.


Outside the house, the first ray of light had just lit up the dark sky.


Inside the room, there was no longer any Xiao Jing on the bed; only the residual warmth of his body was there.


The woman supported her body with the help of her arms and got up slightly to open the window a little.


In the dim light, she saw Xiao Jing’s figure in the yard. There was a carrying pole with two casks placed beside him. He held a cask full of water and poured its contents into the water tank with a loud sound. After this, he picked up the carrying pole with two more casks and went out.


The woman was still half asleep so she didn’t know how much time had passed before she saw Xiao Jing come back again with the two casks full of water and continued filling the water tank.


‘He… is still there.’


The woman fell back on the bed and returned to sleep as she listened to the splashing of water.


Two hours later, the woman stood in the yard, staring at the water tank filled to the brim in a daze.


She thought of the scene she saw early this morning of Xiao Jing holding up two casks on his carrying pole in order to fill the water tank. She also recalled that when Shuang Niang [1]  left the yard yesterday, she asked her an odd question, “Did Xiao Jing ask you to wash clothes in the yard?”


The woman frowned, the expression on her face turning a little grave.


This was a small village, not her home in the capital city. Not every house here had its own wells so nobody would like to spend a great deal of extra effort to wash clothes in the yard. Thus, the water that was brought by using a carrying pole would only be used for cooking and drinking purposes. When they had to wash clothes, the people could go out, find a small stream and wash it effortlessly.


But Xiao Jing never said anything about this. Or rather, he deliberately didn’t mention it.


Because he knew that she wasn’t willing to step out.


At first, she was reluctant to walk out of the house. Now, she was reluctant to walk out of this fenced yard.


As if like this, she didn’t have to confront everything in front of her eyes; that she didn’t have to face a life that was entirely different from the past.


The wounds on her body were getting better little by little but her heart was still living in the past.


Even if Xiao Jing forced her to do the things she didn’t want to do, such as washing clothes and cooking, and also punished her if she didn’t do it well, under that rude and unreasonable outward impression, he… 


The woman stretched out her hand and touched the water in the tank softly with her fingers. Almost instantly, a gentle ring of ripples appeared on the surface of the water.


He only had two casks. How many times did he go back and forth to fill this big tank with water disregarding the injury on his shoulder?


The woman’s face was clearly reflected in the water, making her see the ugly scar on her forehead that could not be covered with the scattered hair.


But the woman remembered the strength of the tip of Xiao Jing’s tongue as it sucked and kissed it last night. It was as gentle as the ripple of water in front of her…

  • 1. Niang [娘] – The previous translator already mentioned this but I’ll just remind again. The ‘Niang‘ here isn’t her name; it means young lady/mother. Here, it means ‘Lady Shuang’ but since the previous translator left it like this and it does really sounds a lot more appropriate, I’ll be using it.
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A lazy couch potato who loves Sherlock Holmes, romance and fluffy animals. I translate during my free time so that I can bring some of the novels I like to others and share their awesomeness hehe~ Thanks for reading my translation, hope you enjoyed it!

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