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She decided not to get revenge

Chapter 4 - She decided not to get revenge chapter 4


Katlena Agreta replied coldly with a unique delicate, high-pitched voice, after a sensitive greeting and casually setting down the tea cup.


“I still have a lot to learn, so I’d like to get some advice from a reliable senior. I’ve been hoping that His Excellency would return since the Duke committee was finalized, but I don’t know what to do because some people call me to have such an undeserved title. Even if you used to call me formally before, please call me by my name comfortably. ‘Schaurillin’, I’ll call you that.”


Schaurillin closed his purple eyes for a moment, smiled, then answered slowly.


“Okay, Katlena.”


“Do you know why I’m here?” Katlena asked.


“You’re finding and killing all the Alves staying in the capital.”


“I believe there’s a misunderstanding on that, to clarify, not ‘all’ of them.” Katlena spoke slowly and leisurely in a very monotonous voice.


“Alves seem to be noisy these days. Your Highness must be very anxious.”


Schaurillin smiled brightly when he heard that. He responded thoughtfully, with his distinct generous and caring demeanor.


“Even if I didn’t, I was concerned. I was afraid that His Highness Ilinai would be enraged by the abrupt death of a fellow citizen, so I was wondering if I should assess the issue ahead of time and call you. I was seeking a magic orb for communication.”


“I’ll see to it.”


Katlena Agreta stared at Schaurillin with strange sunken eyes. Then she added softly, in a cold voice that sounded ominous.


“I’m not touching the ‘diplomatic’ fairies, therefore I’m here to tell you that I don’t want your Excellency to be concerned, because you may not be aware of the deaths of the fairies in the city. Just in case you have a horrible dream.”


“I see…”


“You understand how I feel, right?”


Schaurillin, who had only been silently bringing up acceptance, smiled gently when he heard the question. He replied in a friendly voice.


“Of course. Thank you for taking care of me, Katlena.”


“No worries. Then I’ll see you next week.”


“Be careful on your way home.”


“Oh, one more thing…”


Katlena Agreta, who turned around as if she’d forgotten something, tilted her head, making her crimson hair droop in one direction. She asked with a sweet smile.


“Did you hear that we’re going to have a party to celebrate your return? I’ll be the one hosting it.”


“I heard that, I’m simply grateful that you’re concerned about me, it’ll be held ‘there’, right?”


“You heard. Everyone said it’s a secret place.” Katlena Agreta whispered softly. “I purposefully kept it out of sight and organized a surprise party… I need to be more strict from now on.”


“Oh, my. Wasn’t this supposed to be a party for you from the start?”


“You must have known my purpose anyway. I could only assume that you’ll cooperate.”


“Just pretend that it’s a gift. There weren’t many souvenirs to bring from Rangvi Island, which is where I was exiled.”


Katlena Agreta raised her chin without saying anything when she heard that. 


Katlena has to stop using that expression. She was a busy person, and didn’t visit because of their long history in the first place. 


She only came to leave a warning not to contact King Ilinai Nuetta Higgin because they can’t tell someone about this problem.


Schaurillin had guessed that this talk would finish shortly as she said the purpose of her visit. 


He also got to his feet immediately and kindly sent her off.


Katlena walked out of the mansion without regret. 


Schaurillin, who had followed her to the gate, stood there silently crossing his arms as he watched her crimson back pass through the main gate.


A ‘souvenir’ brought from exile. 


The high elf leaned softly on the porch and squinted, having become too familiar with the human world too soon.


Schaurillin gazed at the maze that led to the front door and after realizing that his guest had left, he smiled for a moment before moving his lemon-colored eyebrows.


“Miro, there’s going to be a bloodstorm in the administrator soon, and we’re about to be dragged right into the center of it, so let’s be ready.”




Katlena Agreta closed her dark eyes and remembered the ‘three staff who resigned their mansion jobs due to excessive work during the party preparation period’.  


She tapped her cheek a couple of times while sitting flat with her legs crossed in front of the finished fountain decoration.


For a short while, Katlena had a chilly face like a distinctive iron mask, smiling with her eyes to be seen by others, and then she quickly stopped.


People all across the world enjoy creating misunderstandings and spreading rumors, but they are only catching bugs. 


The party wasn’t prepared for Schaurillin or anything.


She was recently offered the rank of Duke in accordance with her role as administrative minister. 


With so much power in her hands at such a terrifying rate, she began dispatching spies from powerful families all around the world.


Katlena Agreta felt it was amusing, but if she was confident that her true goals wouldn’t be exposed, she believed having one or two spies for counterattack might be beneficial.


She’s been like that for three months.


Katlena received a report that three elves, who used magical transformation to hide their pointed ears, infiltrated among the personnel recruited by the mansion. 


It was just before the title of Great Sage and her victory were celebrated.


What makes the elves suddenly send a spy to Katlena Agreta? 


It’s not like her summoning of Schaurillin Inborgia from the empire’s banishment was caused by a thousand years of affection.


In Roschodur, a human Empire surrounded by fairy lands, such ‘local problems’, no matter how trivial, could not be overlooked.


It didn’t take long for her to figure out that they were Alves, not Elves. 


There was nothing that could be accomplished in using black flames. 


It’s because she was able to tell the race apart just by looking at the ‘mark’, the fairies’ unique stigma.


The guys who were unfamiliar with the fairy were confused, but Katlena Agreta had no reason to be. 


It wasn’t an elf imitating a human, but an alb imitating a human.


And that was really suspicious.


First of all, she wonders as to why the King of Alves, Ilinai Nuetta Higgin, would suddenly do such a thing. 


She was certain that Ilinai wouldn’t do it, the first notion that sprang to her mind was reasonable.


This doesn’t mean that he’d be loyal to her. 


Alves may be attempting to infiltrate her mansion for political reasons. She simply assumed that King Ilinai couldn’t possibly utilize such a frivolous thing. 


Humans would have no reason to send idiots who believed she would not even know what the ‘mark’ was.


She gives credit to Ilinai, the king of Alves, with whom she has a close connection. 


It’s a credibility that he’s actually a ‘wise’ magistrate, rather than a personal trust. From a fully logical standpoint, he has no reason to harm her in this way. 


Then three people were planted in the new Duke of another country.


What if it wasn’t the king’s spy who was dispatched? There’s always ‘unofficial’ guests at every event. Even the king has no idea.


Killing a few ‘unofficial’ visitors doesn’t cause diplomatic problems.


Didn’t King Ilinai send gifts quickly to express his gratitude for the ‘extermination’


While staring at the “dark pearl in the wilderness”, a lump of mana spinning around with an elegant black light on the fountain, Katlena Agreta rose from her seat.


After ‘executing’ the three spies, Katlena Agreta requested the emperor to re-appoint Schaurillin.


In other words, it should be said that it became ‘so’ in the first place.


A huge party, the most innovative and efficient way to solve multiple purposes at once. 


Human and material resources rush in from all sides, and the city becomes noisy. 


As access becomes more active, it becomes easier to deceive individual cases. When people gather, there’s a conflict, and when the number of people hired increases, the gaze on the people who quit was ignored. 


In other words, there’s no reason to attract attention just because there are one or two violent incidents in the city, and it doesn’t matter if three employees quit silently. 


It was also perfect for openly operating her secret assassination group ‘Lupus’.


Half a year is left before the National Foundation Festival, and in winter, she, whose major magic is fire attribute, will be in trouble to move on her own. So she staged an artificial party.


Anyway,sheI was thinking of bringing Schaurillin back soon. His skills were necessary. She planned to call him even if there’s no lack of manpower. 


Wasn’t there a ‘minor’ personal issue with him that she needed to resolve? 


Of course, she didn’t want to convey her message solely through those words.


In other words, it was something she needed to accomplish at some point, therefore she decided to use ‘it’ in this situation. 


Since she even received the title of great sage earlier than expected, thanks to her quick thinking. So they just assumed it was the right moment.


Despite public or close aides’ concerns, Katlenia Agreta said with confidence “I will not take revenge”.


It was honest in itself, with no hidden meaning, at least not in the sense of seeking vengeance. 


‘I had no intention of exacting revenge on Schaurillin.’


Schaurillin was a capable prime minister in various ways. 


He was a symbol of centralization, and he was born a noble in the country and still lives as a nobleman, even as a Duke, which was advantageous.


So, even if she wanted to kill Schaurillin, she wouldn’t consider doing so. He’s better off staying alive for some reason.


Therefore, contrary to public speculation that Schaurillin had been only summoned to the capital to get killed, Katlena called him only because he was necessary.


The administrators’ atmosphere has been unstable recently. There could be various reasons, but she, the administrative minister, was busy.


In accordance with the imperial family’s notion that she aims to fill Schaurillin’s position, she has recently been assured by the Duke and has even taken over checks against local forces and foreign countries.


She only had one body, no matter how good she was. It was difficult to keep even the administrator under control while keeping an eye on the local aristocrats’ ambitious schemes.


Stories become twisted as a result of this. Therefore, the plan was to use the most suitable human being for the job as a prey and purify the unclean people of the administrator down to their roots.


There’s no point in wasting the available labor on a remote island even if I can’t get rid of him in the first place. In addition, when he came to the capital, he just started doing his job.


In any case, summoning Schaurillin was not meant to punish him or take revenge. It was planned that a series of responses would take place as soon as possible.


Wasn’t it too much for Katlena to have worked so hard to establish her turbulent life only to be buried in revenge?


Even if her life had already been shattered by awful emotions, she didn’t want to waste my time and effort for no reason in order to kill an opponent who would not die easily anyway.


Standing in front of the burning square that haunts her every night in my dreams.


Of course, she didn’t mean that she’d pray for his entire body to be stable and peaceful.


Shouldn’t she be given a small ‘retribution’ for the sake of the world’s balance? She don’t have to express or foretell revenge because it’s so normal.


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