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She decided not to get revenge

Chapter 2 - She decided not to get revenge chapter 2

The sky continent of Camamita and the four specialities of the human state of the Roschodur Empire.


The Nettle bread that you couldn’t forget the taste, once you eat it.


Rosetta, the Sage of the East Forest.


Prince Inborgia, the 400-year-old High Elf who has been naturalized in the human Empire.


And, the dark flame mage, the Great Sage, Duchess Katlena Agreta.


The cold and ruthless life of this woman, who doesn’t know the heart of a person, was dotted with modifiers such as ‘youngest’, ‘iron-blooded’, or ‘scary’.


There was even a rumor that whoever draws out Duchess Agreta’s smile would save the most beautiful bride in the world. 


At the very least, the ‘world’s most beautiful bride’ wouldn’t be the Duchess of Agreta herself. 


According to legend, Duchess Agreta was a human being who’s unable to love, and human warmth that once existed within her has long since vanished.


400 years ago, Duchess Agreta lost all of her family in the hands of Schaurillin Inborgia. So the world automatically assumed this when she directly recommended the Emperor appoint Schaurillin Inborgia, an iron supporter who devastated the family.


‘Ah! Finally, Duchess Agreta will break Schaurillin Inborgia’s neck!’


In what method and how thoroughly this vicious Duchess’s revenge was planned when she dared to summon the family’s head to the capital where her secret assassination group took control.


      I. The Cold-Blooded Duchess, Katlena Agreta.


     i. With welcoming words.



“Schauri, Schauri!”


With a smile on her face the girl ran on the soft grass between the rose gardens. Young expectations shown on her rose-colored cheeks.


“Schauri! Show us magic!”


After receiving the call, the white fairy, whose cheeks were kissed by the sun, raises his head. 


A faintly gentle affection passes over his beautiful sculpture-like face. Opening his grape-like purple eyes affectionately, he replied.


“I’m afraid you’ll fall, so walk slowly. I’m someone who won’t disappear. So, it’s about magic again?”


And like the fairy in the fairy tale books, the tall fairy opens his arms affectionately to the small person in front of him.


“Good. What magic do you want to see today?”




Surprisingly, Schaurillin Inborgia’s neck was still attached three days later. 


People around the world were now talking about how clever the assassination technique was. 


In fact, Schaurillin’s own thoughts weren’t that different. He didn’t believe he was going to be assassinated.


Half-Elf Miro Rosway, the assistant of Schaurillin Inborgia, sighed as he brought the special paper for the suicide note, that he had actually ordered, to Schaurillin’s room. 


It was a unique type of magical paper that was mostly used in Wills. The major county, which produces this special paper that couldn’t be forged or reproduced, was also the main county, but rumors circulating around the world made people feel uneasy.


Miro was allowed into the bedroom a little slower than usual after a courteous knock and a few seconds of waiting. 


He walked into the room, unsure if the lord had overslept. If it was unexpected, it would be, and if it was natural, it didn’t appear that the access was delayed due to oversleeping. 


Miro ran into the high elf, who was already well-dressed, sitting on the patio railing.


His hair, which was cut short near the back of his neck like a knife, shined with the color of a lemon, like the sun. 


The pale yellow tail was swaying with a handful of elegant metal decorations on the back of his neck. Lemon-colored hair of various lengths would normally be tied only in a long tail and hung behind the back.


The hair was ever beautiful, like the afterimage of the sunlight that came in between the leaves, and was simply characterized in lemon color. Trees, woods, and a faint smell of earth are buried in bright golden hair like shards of time. 


The purple eyes with a hint of sadness on his beautiful face that never ages were used to cynically depict the period in which elves have lived.


Despite the fact that Miro’s blood was mixed, the half elf’s constitution was nearly human-like, with the exception of life and aging speed, and therefore it looked to be rather diverse. 


Miro Rosway’s gaze has been drifting on its complexity for the past forty years of his service. For a short time, he had to pay close attention to the lost clarity before deciding what to do when he came face to face with the high elf in the brilliant morning sun, as he did now.


Originally, it was thought that elves, especially high elves, had long hair. 


Schaurillin, on the other hand, appeared to have a sharp bob from the front and side. The long tail shakes like an ornament only when viewed from behind. 


Some said it was God’s sign of devotion to the human Empire, while others said it was a mark of a traitor who had broken a clan’s territory.


Like a dance with delicate steps, the vivid purple eyes, which peered out of the terrace as if lost in thought, briefly fell down and then turned again toward Miro Rosway.


A faint smile was laid over the high elves’ stern and sculptural face. 


Schaurillin gave him a gentle greeting. Then Rosway was called out from the never-ending stream of short ideas.


“Good morning, Miro.”


“Prince Schaurillin, have you slept?” Miro Rosway replied a beat late.


“Yes. Maybe it’s because of the ‘dream’, but I woke up a little early.”


Schaurillin, who jumped off the terrace railing, gestured lucidly to the bird in the cage. 


A friendly long-tailed golden bird, which flew from the birdcage without a door, sat on his index finger and rubbed its beak.


“I haven’t received a handover yet, so we don’t have any work to hold on to till late at night. What’s in your hand anyway? I believe it’s still too early for the paperwork that’s allocated for me to be received and confirmed.” Schaurillin says.


“This is the special paper you ordered, Prince Schaurillin.” Miro replied.


“Come to think of it, I ordered something like that.” Schaurillin smiled, as if he was having a good time. 


He approached Rosway and received the special paper. 


For the time being, the special paper was provided as requested, but Miro Rosway appeared to be uneasy once more.


“Don’t put fire to such rumors for no reason, if you order a suicide note or something, stories will spread that you’re terrified.” Miro advises.


“If you’re afraid, be afraid, I don’t know when I’ll die, so I’ll fill up a document ahead of time to express my position.”


Schaurillin, who responded strangely, stepped in front of a tiny desk in front of the terrace, holding the suicide note.


He pushed a big oak desk with his toes alone, despite having a clear and thin body figure. 


He sat on the edge of the terrace and took out a flag pen while he pushed the desk attached to the inside of the wall with his toes and placed it in the center of the terrace.


Regardless of Rosway’s unhappy expression, Schaurillin began writing down on the special paper.


“I’m not sure how powerful Duchess Agreta’s hidden assassination group is but I don’t intend to give up, even if it’s greater than the rumors. However, in any race, life’s often brief and unpredictable. I should be prepared for my death even if I don’t know when I’ll die.”


“Kat won’t do that.”


When Miro couldn’t take it any longer and brought it up, Schaurillin smiled.


“She’s no longer my ‘Kat’, Miro.”




“I’m the one who killed her family, and Katlena Agreta is the one who survived the barren world alone for eighteen years after losing her family and secured a position with her own hands. Though I don’t believe all her rumors are true, it’s not uncommon for a subjective and determined hypocrite to be branded a tyrant.”


Whether Miro’s expression brightened for a moment or not, Schaurillin continued to speak.


“However, for such an ambitious and competent person, the more she organizes her past resentment, the better. In order to raise one’s political dignity, it’s neat to use the annoying old enemy as an example to solve it, in any case, She’s not the kid from twenty years ago. Getting confused won’t do us any good.”


Regardless of Miro’s opinion, Schaurillin spoke himself honestly. 


From his perspective, Duchess Agreta, whom he greeted in front of the Imperial Palace, was nothing more than a stranger. It was strange to say the least.


It wasn’t just because a 15-year-old child had suddenly grown up. It’s not merely that he hasn’t followed her development and is surprised by the sudden change. 


Katlena Agreta, whom he knew, was not cold nor twisted. He thinks that it changed color or has taken on a darker shape as she reaches a high level of fire magic, but that’s just a guess. It was difficult for him to accept and adjust to such drastic change only because he guessed the reason. 


He simply felt out of place. First and foremost, it couldn’t be the same or close to what it was 18 years ago.


Schaurillin had predicted that this would happen eventually fifteen years ago, when he glanced down at Katlena, who had put his head on the floor in front of the palace.


After checking Miro’s expression, which is now almost in tears, Schaurillin grinned softly as if he couldn’t help himself while composing a suicide letter. 


He shook his head and added a few more lines to the will.


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