The Villainess Who Only Had 100 Days to Live, Had Fun Thumbnail
The Villainess Who Only Had 100 Days to Live, Had Fun

Chapter 3 - I do not have time to speak with your Highness (1)

Chapter 3: I do not have time to speak with Your Highness (1)






—89 days away.






“What’s wrong with you, Lelouche!”





Just after the lunch bell rang, My Imperial Highness, who is from a different

grade, comes rushing into my classroom.


No matter how little the rest of my life is, I can’t skip class. I am not going to…

But it’s a bit exciting.





Even so, I can’t put any shame on the duke’s name. It is the state’s duty to have a minor

aristocrat educated. The duty given must be done properly to the end.



But you have free time for your break, right? What a break time it is!




I’m happy for the visit, but I don’t have time to deal with you.






“I beg your pardon, Sazanzir, I have business after this.”



I want to make this short. If I tilt my head, he will spit even more on me.



“I heard it! It seems that Remy is crying every day! It seems that she is pushing until the day off⁉”




“Oh… I’ve got Baron Alban’s permission. Rather, I studied with her yesterday in his presence.”



Even if I said that I was accompanied by a sign of gratitude and dinner, the threshold of His Imperial

Highness’s anger will not be lowered.




“What’s the purpose, if you really play and enjoy bullying Remy⁉


Bullying is a very… Are you really just studying?”





For some reason I’ll emphasize it, as it emphasizes “really.”




But your Imperial Highness is really at a loss.





“But Remy weeps every day!”


“She has a very weak lacrimal gland, does she?



I think that’s a wonderful place, too.”






‘My Highness, in public?’


Well, I know my attitude is bad, but… I think “you” are too bad to say to a lady.






I tried to put the Prince’s hand down gently but he made it clear and said, “No!  I’m going to

grab you by the shoulder!”





Your Highness, people around seem to be disappointed, but please be patient. Everyone is frightened.




…… The Highness really thinks of her …….




My chest hurts a little, but I still keep smiling. I’m proud of myself.



“Well then, I have my own agenda. Excuse me.”




With a light curtsy bow, I tie my hair as I walk. It’s a matter of course an outrageous act,

but it really takes time. I’ve never had my hair done by myself, so the roots that I tied up 

are messed up. Still, it’s better than not being tied.




“Wait a moment! What have you been doing lately?”





I Looked back in spite of oneself. Oh, you’re still interested in me, aren’t you?



“Whatever you say…just practicing swords.”





It may not be surprising. I have never heard of the necessity of the sword-

accomplishments of a young lady of the peaceful Lapishenta kingdom, not to mention a man.



It was the very first time I had a sword nine days ago. Even so, it is necessary to hold it.



I have no intention of telling you about that.




“It’s more fun than I expected to get started? and with your Highness, if you like.”


“No, no, I…”



Yes, of course I knew it. You’re not good at exercising, are you? Instead, you have always been

studying and have always been at the top of the class at the Academy. You respect that diligent

place much, don’t you?




He studied too much but he didn’t develop his ability to look at women.





“What’s wrong⁉?”



I laughed and offended the Prince. I covered my mouth and said “I’m sorry.”



“You didn’t laugh at me, did you?”




Yes – I just laughed because I was jealous. No matter how little the Prince’s immunity

was, he would have been more charming to me.





This is exactly what makes women’s jealousy ugly. I will leave you some time now, before I

present myself to you with any more ugliness.




“Then Your Highness, Excuse me.”



I made a bowing curtsy and returned my heel.




I wonder if His Highness was still worried about me. I am a little sad, and could not see

his face.


That’s why I borrowed the edge of the school ground today to work for training.



“Well…It doesn’t work, does it?”



It was difficult for me to arrange the people who would help me all day. Not only the Prince,

but also the President of the Academy, my father, are opposed to being “dangerous”.



But I got a small sword by making money talk, and continue to imitate the way boys who are

training on the ground. They’re members of the swordsmanship club and will soon participate

in the national competition.





You seem to be worrying about me, but… I’m not bothering you, so please forgive me.



I wonder if I lack energy and momentum. The sword that I swung had clattered.






The rebounding sword turns into an arc and falls to the ground. When I was holding my

wrist because I could not stand the pain, a shadow appeared in my view. I heard a heavy laugh.



“I don’t think he has enough basic strength. In particular, grip. If you can’t stand this shock,

it’s not a good thing. It’s useless.”




“…Your Imperial Highness Zafild?”


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