The Villainess Who Only Had 100 Days to Live, Had Fun Thumbnail
The Villainess Who Only Had 100 Days to Live, Had Fun

Chapter 1 - Let's Bet With God


Chapter 1: Let’s bet with God.


“You will die after one hundred days.”



I fell down from the stairs of the school. It’s like someone shoved you. Is it because of my imagination?  

So unconsciously, I slipped my feet from the stairs.



Right after that, I saw God in the pure white world and spoke to me.



“I am sorry. In fact, the bylaws forbid you to speak. So you should have died without knowing anything.

I am sorry that I have given you such a fright in vain.”



He was a very white and beautiful young man- tall but thin figure with white hair stretched only on one side. 

He has white skin a white dress but His eyes are golden.



The young man looked exactly like the god of Nanashi in the last painting of the Nanashi no Rakuhi (Sunset on the Nanashi) by the devout Shintoist and rare artist André-Oscar.

I ask a young man of divine beauty,



“Why did you tell me?”



“…my arrogance.”



“Why should it be your arrogance? “



“Very much…I thought it was too bad.”



“I see. You sympathized with me, didn’t you?”



‘Who is he?’ He’s like God. But the sympathy from

the person I met is certainly arrogant.



“Do you know that I am going to be abandoned by

my fiance, Prince Sazanzir? “


“Yes. I know that Crown Prince Sazanzir Luchino

Lapishenta, my forlorn, was having an affair.

It is a well-known fact for everyone at the Academy

that they are on good terms with Remy-Alban, the




“Well? I wonder what I’m planning to end up with? “



“For now…I was convicted for a crime, and I tried to

protect my daughter from the aggravated Princess

by the hand of my fiancé…”



“Well, then you have taken the gossip by heart that I 

am contemplating the assassination of Lady Remy. 


Honestly, I wonder if I’m going to go wrong…

though I have my doubts. 


But if you will be looked down on in public,

you may end up doing as much as killing.



Wow!  A hundred days from now, I wonder if there will be a dance party for the King. 


No matter how much you are in love with your Imperial Highness, can you break off your engagement in public?

Is it possible?!”



He laughs unintentionally.



“You can’t do it unless you’re joking.”



“It’s just as bad as me.”



“I suppose I should call you a wicked lady.”



“Very good!” she applauded.



This God continues the dark story with a serious face.


“And besides, your Elquage family is deprived of the family estate for your treason. As a result of getting all the family on the street, they will be put on human trafficking.


And the fiancée who took your hand will also be killed by someone, right after you have been killed. You’re not going to die, but you’re going to be half-paralyzed.


Well, he is really being targeted by the assassins.


I wish I could pursue a story that is so magnificent from where it must be more than a hundred years ago that there was public human trafficking in this Lapishenta kingdom. And Prince Sazanzir is in the hands of an assassin…What happened to the escort?”



“Haha!” I laughed.


“Can you believe me? “




I immediately shook my head to God, who timidly drew his eyebrows.


“I am so miserable about myself!” 



“I don’t mean to say it out loud, but I have made a considerable effort to become a duchess and a princess.

I sharpen myself, and am full of manners and culture. Always for the kingdom. In order to become the longing of the people.

To be more beautiful than anyone else. I lived with dignity, discipline, and order, and with discipline.


I’ve put up with a lot of things these 16 years. I don’t even know what to do. Of course, I don’t even know about the love that a young girl brings out.”



This is the end of the story, which even God sympathizes with.


However, there is no other way to avoid using the light that has just entered the darkness.


“Can the future be prevented from telling me that? “


God nodded slowly to my question.


“Yes – but it cannot escape death. There is cause and effect in the world. Human death cannot escape its cause and effect.

The process until then can be changed, but no matter how much effort is put into the reincarnation of life…”


“Oh? Why did you tell me then? “


And God did not answer.


‘What kind of person…Well, He’s God. He’s really arrogant. You’ll die, but you might die a little more decently

if you try hard?! Really? I would be ridiculed to the end?’


“If I can show you a beautiful death, I want you to reward me.”




God widened his eyes and his mouth suddenly became loose.


“Anything will do. I thought I’d have the haughty Lord say something to me.”


It’s the first time I’ve ever spoken such a trivial word. But it’s okay, right? I would die in a hundred days anyway.

I wanted to say it once. That’s not a very interesting word. It doesn’t really sound funny.


Then God laughed.


“Oh, well. Then, I’ll give you whatever you want in your next life.”


“An appointment? “


I held out my little finger. It’s a pinky promise. A kind of a curse of child deception introduced from the East.


And it is said that a promise will come true if you tie your little fingers with each other. 


“Do you think that people who break their promises will suffer misfortune?”


Once again, God was surprised but he entangled his white knotted fingers.


As soon as our fingers were tied, the world was surrounded by light.




And I, Lelouche Elquage, returned to this world. To die the most beautiful way in a hundred days.


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Phúc Hoàng Nguyễn Phúc Hoàng Nguyễn

I want to translate this but I'm afraid it was MTLed .__.
sure! i can give you the raw link :)