Artificial Demon King – I’ve Been Living a Lazy Life Using High Technology, and for Some Reason I’ve Been Called the Demon Lord (T_T) Thumbnail
Artificial Demon King – I’ve Been Living a Lazy Life Using High Technology, and for Some Reason I’ve Been Called the Demon Lord (T_T)

Vol. 0 Chapter 0.2 - Prologue 2: Video Diary 40010102

Prologue 2: Video Diary 40010102 


Ah—, January 2, 4001. The weather is cloudy.


According to the forecast, there is no concern about rain.


The world may have been warming for a while, but after civilization dies out and the world returns to nature, everything will return to its original state.


Thanks to this, the days have been moderately cold.


It doesn’t matter if you’re a hermit or not. I’m going to stay in my room and get warm every day.


So… today I’d like to introduce you to some of my… friends.


Whether you’re a human or an android, you can’t really live on your own.


My life? Anyway, I owe it all to these guys.


Well, let’s get started.


“First of all, Sin, please respond.”


[Yes, Master—]


Her name is Sin. I called her “she” because her voice is female, but she’s an artificial intelligence.


I guess it’s an abbreviation for something, but I don’t know where it comes from because there are no records of it.


The main body is sleeping deep underground, therefore impossible to introduce. So I will only use my own voice this time.


To put it simply, she is the AI in charge of this facility, and she also serves as my caretaker at present.


It is thanks to her precise management that this facility is able to exist.


Okay, the next step is to go to… Are the Magamis outside?


[Yes, Master. Shall I summon them?]


Not if they are working. Can you turn the camera?


[Yes. I’m transferring the footage from the Torrie.]


The wipers should be around here, yeah, about this size, Okay.


So, first, this cute little doggy whose picture is out now is Magami.


It’s based on a wolf, but whatever.


In the image, he looks like a cute-looking fella with a metallic backpack on his back, but in reality, he’s a two-meter tall giant.


And in these backpacks, there are two heat guns and two arms to control them.


“Magami, can you hear me? Try to extend your arm.”




“Thanks, Magami.”


As you can see, he’s also an android.


It’s a wolf-type combat android called the W series. I got it from a nearby base.


Originally, they were designed to fight terrorists, but now their role is to exterminate vermin around the area.


He is the best hunter with excellent mobility and firepower.


It seems that these guys are also awakened by their previous life like me, but… the original is a dog.


It seems that the dog’s intelligence is not able to distinguish between its own instincts and thoughts and the commands from the CPU installed in the body. Therefore, the CPU has priority over the dog’s actions, and the dog obeys what the CPU tells it to do.


There are others in the W series, or rather 50 of them, but Magami is the only one with a name.


In the beginning, I used to call numbers from double 01 to 50, but it was too tedious.


In the end, the only one I give orders to is 01… the captain, so I thought I’d at least name the captain.


Well, just like that, I guess Masaru is next. Torrie, please.




Now let’s move on to Masaru. Are we getting a little far?





Ah, there you are.


This big gorilla is Masaru.


A labor android called G series.


It has great power and is as dexterous as any human.


Masaru, give me a wave.




Thank you.


Masaru is also the leader of the G-series, which has 50 of them.


Right now we’re working on building the outer walls and defense equipment.


Magami and the others have cleared up some of the vermin around here, but there’s no end to them, as they keep coming back.


The creatures have become more fertile since they went berserk… Good grief.


These shelters have walls and defenses, but just in case.


You don’t want to be fighting in the eaves of your house while you’re sleeping, right?


By the way, we have adjusted the system so that some vermin are not driven out for their meals.


Originally from a boar’s… Oh, Torrie is good.


This thing you see in the video now. It is huge, and its fangs are vicious.


It reminds me of the mammoths I used to see in illustrated books. Even their tusks are teeth, but they don’t seem to have any use for their primary function of chewing.


It’s not like this shelter is currently lacking in food.


If we don’t have a certain amount of these beasts to eat the plants, we’ll have trouble with unlimited growth. Especially since the plants are also mutated.


So I let the forest regulators breed them and have them serve as food for the Magamis as well.


That’s a bit off topic.


“And the last one is Torrie.”




This eagle is Torrie. Did you switch the video to E02? That’s very clever.


He is a professional in reconnaissance and air combat. He comes from the same background as Magami.


I’m glad we scoured the base early. You’ll never find an intact, stored aircraft anymore.


The E series is not as powerful as the W series, but it does have a heat gun at the base of its wings.


Oh, you’re showing me exactly what I need to see. Thank you.


No matter how monstrous they may have become, long-range attacks are still a threat to the flying ones.


If they burn off his wings, he’ll fall off and be done for.


The W series and G series also have the ability to send images, but I leave the cameraman to Torrie and his team.


Thank you, Torrie.




This is the end of the introduction.


I think I said something yesterday about loneliness not being hard, but maybe it’s thanks to these guys that it’s not hard at all.


Thanks to them, I am living without any inconvenience.


There are no more surprises in the sky or on land.


Well, if you’re not careful, you might get poked by a boar, but still, compared to other places, this would probably be paradise.


Well, that’s it for today, I guess.


Since it’s called a diary, should I talk about what happened today?


Let’s see… something different…


I can’t think of anything. Life was pretty much the same as usual.


I went to bed, woke up, took a shower, ate, and now I’m taking a video, and after this I’m going to eat… take a bath, and go to bed.


If I had the time, I should probably do some target practice.


I don’t think it’s a very healthy lifestyle. Androids don’t get sick, though.


Ah, yes.


Should I have introduced you to what life is like now in the beginning?


Okay, let’s go with that tomorrow, yeah.


So that’s it for today.


See you later.

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