[Still I Am] the Brave Hero, Who Was Expelled From His Country and Party Because of His Long-Standing Back Pain, Was Struck Down by a Beautiful Elf Osteopath Who Healed Him. Thank You, Now I Can Fight Again–! [Saving the World] Thumbnail
[Still I Am] the Brave Hero, Who Was Expelled From His Country and Party Because of His Long-Standing Back Pain, Was Struck Down by a Beautiful Elf Osteopath Who Healed Him. Thank You, Now I Can Fight Again–! [Saving the World]

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: The Hero with back pain, chased miserably from his party and country

Chapter 1: The Hero with back pain, chased miserably from his party and country


Until recently, I was known as the hero of the Kingdom of St. Philia.


Five years ago, I was highly praised for leading a heroic party and defeating the Demon King as a front attacker of the vanguard swordsmen, and I was promised a comfortable life with a huge reward from the Kingdom of St. Philia, a title, and a mansion in the prime location of the royal capital.


But now, I had been expelled from the Hero Party, chased away from my hometown, the Kingdom of Saint Philia, and was wandering in a secluded forest with nowhere to go.


With heavy footsteps, I am making my way through the vast forest that surrounds the autonomous territory of the elves in the far east of the Kingdom of Saint Philia.


The reason for all of this…




It was the severe back pain that had been plaguing me for the past few years.


During my last battle with the Demon Lord, my body had gone beyond its limits and I had developed severe back pain.


For the past year or so, the pain was so bad no matter what I did, and the other day, I finally went over the limit and my back started to interfere with my daily life.


There was no way I could fight anymore, and the Holy Sword of Destruction, which I had used for years to defeat the Demon Lord, was no longer being wielded, instead it had become a cane.


I stopped and rubbed my hand on my aching back, which was making a creaking sound.


“Ugh, my back is as hard as a rock.”


The pain of back pain can only be understood by those who have experienced it. After all, the lower back is located in the middle of the body.


Therefore, even the slightest movement can cause pain in the lower back.


Whether you are walking, sitting and reading a book, trying to reach something high up, or just lying down, the lower back can give you chronic pain.


Still, since I was able to defeat the Demon Lord, I should be able to live in a peaceful world without any problems.


However, human beings are inexplicably stupid, and with the common enemy, the Demon Lord, gone, the power struggle among the royalty, nobility, and big merchants intensified.


Of course, I’m not interested in such power struggles.


I went to my favorite osteopathic clinic every day to get a massage to ease the pain in my back, which was getting worse and worse, and I did not show up at the court, which had become the abode of demons.


The senior nobles, who had never been to the battlefield and whose family background alone was enough, seemed to have underestimated my honor in defeating the Demon Lord.


In the background, there seemed to be a conspiracy by Douglas Brahman, a warrior of the heroic party who wanted to monopolize the credit and honor of defeating the Demon King.


“He went to a dubious sexual massage parlor and swung his hips too hard, resulting in back pain!


“He is no longer a hero, but has become a symbol of shame for the Kingdom of Saint Philla! The hero is taking advantage of his popularity with the people to expand his power by playing tricks on the common people.


I think he has ambitions to usurp the kingdom and the throne.”


He told the king many things that were either true or not true.


The king believed it and sent me into exile.


The other members of the heroic party, with the exception of Douglas, were exiled at the same time as I was, and forced to work in secluded places far away from the national government.


It is true that Douglas has always been self-centered and selfish.


But we trained together, we fought the Demon King together, we vanquished him together, we were the oldest of friends, right?


But this is too much.


The dubious sexual massage parlor said something about it, but rather all the senior nobles were going to a high-class brothel.


It’s called Love Angel, but I know it too, don’t I?

How dare these people criticize me for going to an orthodox osteopathic clinic?


No, the more I think about it, the worse my back pain gets. Back pain is also linked to mental health, right? I can’t walk anymore, or rather, I don’t want to walk. It’s hard on my back and my mind.

After defeating the demon lord, I was banished, and now I’m going to die here, suffering from back pain.


I can’t move because of the back pain, and my mind has also been negatively affected by being banished.


When I finally couldn’t stand up, I cowered miserably on the path in the forest, crying alone at the cruelty of the world.


While I was crying alone, I heard a voice saying, “Oni-san, you’ll catch a cold if you sleep like that.”


Just as I thought I heard such a voice, a person appeared in front of me, cowering on the ground.


I looked up and saw a girl in front of me.


She has a very beautiful and attractive face, and her ears are sharp and long.


Her hair was a beautiful silver color and her skin was very white.


She was the most elf-like elf girl I had ever seen.


She must have been about twenty years old.


“Did you fall down? Are you hungry? I have some portable food, would you like some?”


The girl crouched down in front of me and spoke to me with a worried look on her face.

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