Supreme Pupillary Master: Peerless Eldest Miss Thumbnail
Supreme Pupillary Master: Peerless Eldest Miss

Chapter 28 - Fight poison with poison

Luo Qing Tong might have said that, but her hands didn’t stop moving. She placed her fingers on the youth’s slender wrist to take his pulse.

She needed to determine the toxin’s components present in his body before she could prescribe the correct medicine.

Others would only see it as an act of checking one’s pulse.

However, only Luo Qing Tong could take someone’s pulse to tell how many kinds of toxins were in a person’s body!

Even if the other person was on the verge of death, as long as they showed any signs of vitality, she could revive them!

Apart from her pupillary techniques, Luo Qing Tong also had the title of evil doctor ghost pupil.

When she finished checking the youth’s body, the stunningly beautiful face immediately turned serious.

How unlucky was this boy?!

His body was in such a terrible state!

Not only did he have the poison from the python and the medicine, he also had another kind of accumulated poison present in his body! How insidious!

The poison had blocked the juvenile’s meridians and caused them to converge, closing them shut, thus making his body seem like a waste!

How did he get poisoned like this?!

Although he seems to be highly experienced and had so many artifacts, it’s no wonder he has no strength.

Logically, a child with this kind of family background definitely cannot be this weak!

However, the youth had brought multiple artifacts and yet, was still chased by a group of third-rank pythons, causing him to almost lose his life.

Luo Qing Tong frowned as she looked at the youth for a moment before sighing, ”Forget it, who gave you such good luck to have met me.”

She released the youth’s wrist. Then, she looked up and scanned her surroundings. Instantly, she found a few herbs that could cure the poison caused by the python.

This is the benefit of being deep inside the Jiuwu Mountain.

There were spirit flowers and grass everywhere, but it depended on one’s own ability to find them.


Luo Qing Tong plucked those herbs, covered them using her spiritual force, and rubbed them together.

A ball of lustrous green medicine appeared in her hands.

This was a refining technique unique to Luo Qing Tong.

Because she had the pupillary skill, she can see all the ingredients in the elixir, easily remove any unneeded medicinal properties and leave the important ones inside.

Medicinal formulas to her were completely unnecessary.

Even if she occasionally lacked a few medicines, she can quickly find an elixir with similar medicinal properties.

For Luo Qing Tong, as long as the diagnosis is confirmed and she had found the corresponding elixir, she can figure the formula’s limitations and refine them to obtain the needed medicine!

In the 24th century, there were countless people who wish to ask for her help!

After all, technology had become so advanced yet, several precious medicinal ingredients had become extinct!

This had resulted in many medicinal formulas being rendered useless!

But to Luo Qing Tong, all of this was pointless!

The reason why the poison in her eyes cannot be cured is that in this Jiuwu Mountain, she was unable to find the medicinal ingredients that can neutralize the poison!

Damn it!

Who on earth gave Luo Xin Ning that poison?! The ingredients for the antidote are extremely rare and difficult to find! She was obviously very determined to blind the body’s original owner’s eyes.

As Luo Qing Tong thought, she frowned and raised her hands to feed the medicine to the youth.

Very quickly, the latter’s pale and slightly gray complexion returned to normal.

At the wound, a stream of black blood flowed out, but in an instant, the blood returned to its red color.

“Alright, the python’s poison has been detoxified.”

However, the accumulated poison inside his body could not be cured at the current moment.

After all, the youth’s body was too weak and the poison and his meridians had been fused too tightly.

Removing the poison cannot be done so simply at the moment!

Luo Qing Tong could naturally use her pupillary skill to separate the poison and the youth’s meridians, but this method would be too harsh on the youth’s body.

It wasn’t impossible to die from the immense pain.

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