He is obsessed with me after I saved him Thumbnail
He is obsessed with me after I saved him

Chapter 2 - End of Inspection

~ Episode 2 ~

“End of inspection.”

I stepped out of the machine.

This was also a satisfactory test, as expected.

Rose Lutiens. Final grade F.

Yeah, that was great!

I clenched my fist looking at the small screen.

[Thank you for your hard work.]

After seeing the results, I almost applaud myself but I just can’t stand it.


It’s still too early to celebrate.

Instead, I touched my forehead with a cold sweat with the back of my hand.

I don’t know how hard it was during the inspection in the machine.

Even though the plan has been under way for three years already, it took more energy than expected for me to suppress its ability.


But still, it ended finely until the end, right?


After the inspection program was over, I crumpled up my paper and saw my teammate, Meichel, with a towel in hand.

Her gaze was still nailed to the screen.

I quietly approached her and tapped on the shoulder.


“Oh, you’re here?”

“Yes. That towel is mine?”

“What nonsense is that? It’s mine.”

“If not, I’ll use it. Thank you for the preparation.”


I shook off my sweaty bangs with the snatched towel.

The fluffy towel began to gradually get wet.

Meichel who looked at the towel alternately with me, soon frowned disapprovingly and said,

“I always feel, why are you sweating so much? It was just a test.”

“I don’t know. Are you nervous?”

“Don’t lie. You don’t look like that at all.”

“You got me.”

As I gave a sultry smile to Meichel, her lips trembled slightly.

For some reason, he looked a little disconsolate.

“Rose, what are you really going to do now?”


“It was my last chance, and I’m getting F again. It’s been three years. We’re going to get a disqualification notice from the headquarters this time.”

“Even if you are disqualified, there is nothing you can do.”

That’s my purpose.


A sharp call. At first glance, he looked resentful.

I stood awkwardly and scratched my cheek.


Or maybe she is upset? Is she saying that he wouldn’t like it because if I go away leaving him alone?

“Well, Meichel, you don’t want me to leave, do you?”

“Don’t imagine such a terrible thing. I’m just angry to hear that.”

“Or not.”


“… There’s something creepy about it. Just a little bit.”


That’s right, you misbehaving girl.


I frowned at the unusual mood.

Though you look like a child, for a moment, you looked like a grown woman.

It was ironic that the teammate, who used to curse all the time, is worried now.


When are you ignoring the fact that you scored the inspection with an F grade for 3 years? Did you even hear me hating you, did you?


“Why did you do that?”


“The grade, why did you do that?”

A bold question.

Meichel’s words, which seemed to know the cost, stiffened her back for a moment.

She glared at me while biting her lips.

“Why do you always get an F? Are you still capable of healing the metropolitan area? I can’t even get a D. Please be ashamed!”


Like a woman who hates incompetence because of the complex of being a commoner, her eyes were full of contempt.


If anyone had heard it, it would have been nothing more than an eerie gossip, but I was relieved inwardly as I looked at it.


What do you mean?

There’s no way Egha would know so much about my plans so far.

The tension I had in my arms was eased in an instant.

“Why did you do that? People can get F grade for three years, be disqualified, and so on. That’s not like you.”


“Hey, are you kidding me at this moment?”

“I’m not kidding.”

“Why do you think it’s a joke?”

In response, I gently picked up the remote control and turned off the monitor as a result of the inspection that Meichel had seen.

The F, which was embedded under the ID picture of my face, quickly became a black window with a button and disappeared.

The letter F was no longer visible.

That alphabet was the result of my creation.

At the same time, it was only the end of life.

I said, breathing out calmly.

“It’s a distraction, Meichel Magnolia. The way I see it, ordinary people’s lives aren’t bad either. I live comfortably under the protection of the Estate security team, and I don’t have to worry about getting hurt. I’m happy and how good is this?” But Meichel’s response to what I’m saying was not very good.

Shee shook her head with a disappointed look.

“I don’t understand. Such an incompetent life.”

“Yeah, don’t understand if you don’t like it. Even if you want to cover your eyes and say hello to yourself, I won’t stop you either.”

“Cover your eyes and…..what?”

“There’s something like that.”

With a simple word, I removed the towel I had rubbed hard from my shoulder.

Then I kindly placed it on Meichel’s hand.

It was a gentle retribution.

“Yikes! You’re so dirty!”

“I did it on purpose. It’s a gift to celebrate my f**king disqualification, a gift I especially prepared.”

Because you’re so unlucky.

“F*, f**king.. What’s that?”

“Even if I tell you, you won’t know what it is.”

Meichel’s face blushed as if it were burning as I put my finger to her mouth.

If you think you’re ignoring yourself, you’re right. That was the answer.

“… I can’t do it anyway. You will hate me for the rest of my life. Even if you become a normal person, go somewhere, eat well and live well!”

“Thank you. Don’t worry, I was planning to draw anyway. I will be moved by this and repay you again.”


If you keep talking, you might get more than this.

At a short glance, Meichel backed away, loathing it. The towel I received was thrown to the floor.

However, perhaps because she didn’t notice, she stepped on the white hair towel and engraved shoe marks.

In any case, with the dirty-tempered hair.

“If you have nothing more to say, I will go.”

“You, you, uh…”

“And get out of the way. It’s getting narrower.”

I slowly walked out, pushing Meichel standing in the middle of the hallway, into the corner.

Shortly after turning against her, a loud voice rang the hall floor.


“Oh, I’ll be sure to contact the team members in advance for the farewell party to attend the King’s private banquet today!”


“I’m not going. You do it.”


After waving roughly, I left the laboratory without looking back.


Just in time, a cool breeze blew through the long doors throughout the open hallway.

I stopped in place and closed my eyes for a moment.

I could feel the coolness between the wet hairs.

The sweat on the forehead and around the neck had long disappeared.

My body, which had been nearing exhaustion before, soon returned to its original state.

In terms of the way it felt, there was no physical examination at all.

‘It’s amazing to see you everyday.’

Just before a physical examination, physical ability increases significantly because it essentially distributes ability expression inducers.

When I was still not good at controlling my strength, I struggled to lower it to F grade.

Now it was a hazy memory.

I slowly moved to the accommodation, checking the reflection on the wall.

Inside the wall of the silver building, I was walking casually.

Again, it was a face that did not look like a person who seemed to have exhausted all her energy.

No darkening, no signs of exhaustion at all, a normal look.

On reflection, I’ve been keeping this figure for some time.

Because of that, there was a question that arose these days.

“I’ve improved… a lot.”

Having swallowed my healing ability with all my might for three years for getting an F while overcoming all the drawbacks of the drugs.

And now that the grade has not been measured properly, what will it be?

What grade am I going up to?



I don’t know the limits of my abilities.

As ordinary people who have no power, they have to live their whole lives belonging to the kingdom for their own safety.


As it is set in a world based on natural ability, the novel clearly stated the criteria for defining the expression of ability.

I also knew that since I was a big fan of the world.

Even a person who expresses his or her abilities can sometimes be disqualified if his or her physical exam results continue to be at their worst.

That was the big picture I was aiming for.


‘Just getting F grade, pretending that the initial expression of ability was a coincidence.’

The innocent days when I felt sorry for the injured maid and hoped she’d come to life unexpectedly were long gone.

Now, I’m using my power again for someone….


It was me who had endured the difficult physical examination even though I regretted that day and endured the evil.


In the end, I was disqualified from the headquarters in this way through the standard procedure after three years.


It seemed impossible to go back to that time.

“… I’m about to start crying all of a sudden.”


After taking a shower at the dorm after the physical examination was over, I closed my mouth and looked at the poster hanging in the lobby.


[Announcement of the 3rd physical examination]

Applicable: Rose Lutiens (female, 20)

Velos Territory Security Team

Content: One, two, and three-way physical examinations over the past three years have resulted in a comprehensive average grade of F.

Disqualification of the ability to heal is confirmed.

Estimated date of deprivation: March 27, 10 a.m.

Please visit the management department for more information.

I didn’t expect the phrase of my dream to come down to the notice so quickly.

Even though I had already guessed the content, I was deeply impressed.

“March 27th, it’s tomorrow.”

Oh, my God. I love it so much.…!

I put my hands together in my chest to calm my pounding heart.

Following the emotion that touched the demotion itself, another emotion began to pour in.

Are you telling me to pack up and get demoted?


I was invincible but liked the neat dismissal that fell without a hitch to the under-capable person.


‘Oh, of course. That’s what I was hoping for.’

I thought it would be better to go back to my room and pack my things up.

Since it was a foreseen result anyway, we had been organizing our luggage steadily since before, but it would be better for each other if we cleaned up our own luggage.

I turned around like an arrow with a satisfactory fist in my head.

But something hard stuck together and hit my forehead.



He stepped back, frowning at the pain.

In the background, which was empty until just now, someone was standing in the way.

I naturally skimmed through the color of the line that came into view.




Gold brooches which are given only to security teams in the Seoul metropolitan area.

A dark navy uniform that you can tell he’s on the Velos security team.

Furthermore, a name tag with silver thread on top of the chest.

Oh, o it’s you?

I let go of my crumpled expression as if I had done it before and smiled the opposite.


It was none other than my acquaintance who stood staring at the posters with serious eyes.

Ishid Fernando.

To put it mildly, he was the sub-main character in this world of fiction.







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pta123123 pta123123

Im sorry but the translation is kinda messy
maria maria

i feel like she's more popular than she thinks lmao thanks for the translations! this looks interesting so far