The Story of the Holy Knight Who Lost His Virginity Because His Rival’s Interrogation was Too Naughty Thumbnail
The Story of the Holy Knight Who Lost His Virginity Because His Rival’s Interrogation was Too Naughty

Chapter 1.1


“Listen up, you virgin. You have been accused of committing adultery with the daughter of the Count family. You’re a Holy Knight, but there have been countless complaints about you seducing noblewomen, haven’t there? It’s a shame that the Holy Knight, who is supposed to serve God with his innocent body and virtuous soul, has to hear this. It’s going to be a hassle since you choose indiscriminately, right? Haha, I don’t know. This time, His Royal Highness has decided to investigate you. You will be interrogated by me in a quiet manner.”


 The guest continuously fired word after word as soon as he entered the room.


 It was Cavan Rossina, Deputy Magician of the Royal Palace. A few years ago, he was summoned as a palace mage after making achievements in skirmishes on the border with neighboring countries.


 By systematizing his own theory of magical power and applying it to tactics, he was able to dramatically improve the combat efficiency of mages on the battlefield. He was soon credited with creating an opportunity for the military to rethink the cooperation between soldiers and mages.


 Although he was a commoner, he had achieved an exceptional career. He was a genius who had risen to the rank of palace mage at the young age of twenty due to the commendation of the crown prince.


 Luciel appreciated his talent.


 Luciel’s troops quickly adopted the technology proposed by Cavan, and he paid special attention to his remarks at the Demon Creatures Countermeasures Conference. In his essay on war between nations, he also read with interest his argument that justice and vices are to be used, and that neither one should be subjected to them.


 But Cavan hated Luciel.


 Luciel Mel-Yard had the lineage of the Great Aristocrat Marquis Mel-Yard.


 He served the royal palace as one of the most noble knights the palace had. His sword skills and loyalty to the royal family made his future promising.


 Despite the difference in their positions, when two young people had outstanding abilities, people would inevitably begin to compare them.


 Luciel, a nobleman and holy knight, who was universally admired for his refined manners, gentlemanly demeanor, and strong, beautiful appearance as the model knight.


 Cavan, a commoner and a mage, who had a friendly and approachable personality, a sharp tongue, and a wild appearance that earned him the enthusiastic support of some.


 For better or for worse, the two were often compared to each other, and before long, they became rivals.


 Perhaps because of this, Cavan had made an enemy of Luciel, continuously bothering him every chance he got.


 The other day, when Luciel was talking to the lady-in-waiting of the royal palace, Cavan appeared with a gloomy expression, but when he talked to the lady-in-waiting he did it with a cheerful smile, opposite to that of Luciel, he said, “You’re still here, Holy Knight? As expected, the virgin isn’t smart.”


 Fortunately, Luciel left the scene, as the lady-in-waiting was often stopped for a little bit, and was still waiting for the time to round up the conversation, which wasn’t her point. However, she couldn’t help but sigh at Cavan’s unchanging attitude.


 When Cavan just came to the royal palace, Luciel felt like he was talking to him normally, but someday the number of piercing words increased, and now he called him a virgin.


 Luciel was not as well-spoken as Cavan.


He had no passion to refute his constant stream of sarcastic and snide remarks. Luciel was also a member of the nobility. He knows that people will say what they want. Luciel’s policy was to leave things alone unless something incredibly unpleasant happened.


 This time, however, things were different.


 Luciel had been under house arrest for a whole day now, alone in a room in an unknown mansion. His clothes were taken away from him, and he was not allowed to send any mail. After sleeping for an entire night, he woke up and did nothing but muscle training to keep himself occupied.


 I guess you could say that he was in a bit of a mess.


“Tell me the truth. Did you sleep with Sarna Ibianka?”


Luciel thought silently,


‘Isn’t that the daughter of the count who ruled over Ibianka? She’s a beautiful young woman, about nineteen or so, who has been visiting the sanctuary a lot lately. I heard that even the other holy knights and holy masters were looking forward to her visits.’


’But why am I a suspect? I’ve only spoken to her a few times.


“Hey, are you listening to me, impotent bastard? I think it’s better to think a little about the situation you’re in, right?”


Cavan’s expression ironically distorted, his eyes stared at Luciel.


 He was active as a battlefield mage, and had a beast-like sharpness that sets him apart from many royal court mages. He also had an imposing physique that was unique among mages, who tended to be more like scholars. He also spoke vile words without hesitation, perhaps due to his commoner background.


“I’m sorry. I was listening, but I didn’t understand. If I were as sexually impotent as you say, there would be no room for such accusations.”


“That’s the sophistry typical of a nobleman. Are you saying that you can’t have a proper conversation with a commoner like me?”


“That’s not what I’m saying.”


‘First of all, I would like an explanation that’s neither subjective nor prescriptive. However, looking at Cavan’s appearance, it seems difficult.’


Luciel wondered what happened.


“I don’t care what you think. I don’t expect you to talk to me properly. You’re always ignoring me. So I’ll just ask your body. In honor of the noble holy knight, I’m going to interrogate you very carefully and thoroughly, okay?”


Cavan sleighed onto the bed that Luciel was sitting on. 


“Rossina, what on earth─”


“It’s better not to resist. Running around will only deepen suspicion. The cross-examination will be left to me. Be quiet.”


He pushed Luciel by the shoulder and rolled him onto his back.


Cavan’s hand roughly grabbed Luciel’s knightly outfit.


“What are you doing?”


“I’m going to have a look at your crest.”


An unpleasant sound echoed through the room, and Luciel involuntarily shouted, “Ah!”


“Rossina!! You just took my button off!”


“Oh? What are you looking at me for? This is not the time for that.”


Cavan looked down at him sullenly, his brows furrowed. Luciel argued, trying to keep his clothes from being damaged any further.


“Oh, I’m quiet, just don’t be rough. The clothes of holy knights are sewn by female saints through their prayers. Don’t treat them roughly.”


“All right. Don’t move.”


Cavan sighed, scratching his head casually.


“Don’t go crazy…”


When Luciel stayed still as he promised, Cavan’s hand suddenly became polite.


Luciel didn’t dislike that about him. Cavan may not talk much, and he may be pushy, but there have always been moments when he showed sincerity.



Although he looked annoyed, Cavan steadily took off his knight’s uniform.


“It’s probably a pain in the a*s to put this on, right? There’s just too many buttons. Do you usually have a servant do this part?”


“I don’t think there are any servants in the dormitory who I can ask to do that. Actually, once you get used to it, it’s no problem putting it on by yourself.”


“Oh, you live in a dormitory?”


“Do I?”


“Because you’re not in the Knights’ dormitory, right?”


“Not everyone, but it’s true that the Holy Knights can get a single room in the royal dormitory.”


“Wow. I thought you were living in Mel-Yard’s mansion.”


“That’s not true. I’m a bastard.”


Luciel was the son of his father and his mistress. His mother died when he was very young and he was taken in by the Marquis.


It would have been a knot in his heart, but both the main wife and his half-brother were kind to him. However, he knew that he would not be pampered forever, so he decided to join the Knights as an apprentice to leave the house early.


Cavan’s hands stopped and his mouth closed awkwardly.


“Did you not know about this?”


The Marquis family’s circumstances were the aristocratic society’s open secret. Nobody would talk about it openly, but they all knew about it. However, nobody cared much as it was a common story for aristocrats. Luciel was wondering if Cavan knew since had been in the royal palace for a few years, but apparently he didn’t.


He always made fun of him for being a virgin or a naive boy, so Luciel thought he would definitely poke at him if he had something to attack, but it looks like he was wrong.


Cavan may have a bad mouth, but maybe his character wasn’t so bad, Luciel thought back.


“Well, there are rumors… but you and your brother are too close for that, aren’t you? Your brother also always looks at me with a nasty stare whenever we meet, he’s always annoying me.”


“My brother? That’s surprising. My brother is one who believes in abilities, so I would have thought he would have supported you. Whenever I talk about you, he always smiles and listens.”




Cavan squinted his eyes.


“What’s up?”


“Do you ever talk about me with anyone?”


“Yeah, I talk about you a lot.”


“Really? What do you talk about? Oh, you’re not talking about how I’m some little commoner, are you?”




“What are you talking about?”


Luciel stared up at the black eyes that shook in an uncharacteristic manner.


“Rossina, I’ve always wanted to say this, but you really shouldn’t say stuff like that. It’s like you’re purposely lowering your own position.”


Cavan might be offended if he said this. But Luciel felt that now was the time to say it.


“No matter what they say, you can do it with your own strength. You are a mage who is second to none at the tactical level. It should be easy for you to shut them up.”


People were free to do whatever they want. The speculative aristocratic society was even more so. The royal palace was a melting pot for such messy things.


It’s simply too wasteful for a person like Cavan to be subservient because he cared too much about his identity. The aristocracy sniffed out his sneakiness and reached out to torment him.


Even if Luciel was teased that he was a virgin, Luciel liked Cavan’s irreverence. He didn’t want him to fold over something so trivial.


 Contrary to what he expected, Cavan did not get angry. Instead he looked at Luciel with eyes that seemed to be holding something back.


“I don’t care about what those people say about me but you… you’re the one who hates me, aren’t you?”


“Why do you think so? Isn’t it you who hates me?”


“Then why did you ignore me all this time?”


“What? I’ve never ignored you. I just can’t keep up with the pace of your conversations.”


“The withdrawal from the elite unit and invitation to ours was also refused.”


“Yeah, that was for your sake. I’ve seen the materials, and you’ve already got a good group of people. I decided that if I joined, I’d only be bringing in the Sanctuary’s influence and that would be a hindrance.”


“So it’s not like you didn’t want to work for me?”


“If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have spent a month worrying about it.”


“But when I went to the office to talk about it, they wouldn’t let me in, and when I asked you out to dinner, you always turned me down.”


“Is that so…? I’m sorry about that. I’ll pay attention to the receptionist. Also, I’m not good at eating out. I don’t like eating outside. I also don’t like unbalanced nutrition, it affects my muscles.”


“Is it for your muscles that you sent back the bottle I gave you for your birthday?”


“Was that a gift?”


 Last year, Cavan did indeed send Luciel alcohol. It had been delivered to the Marquis’ mansion, but his brother had taken the trouble to deliver it to Luciel’s quarters. However, it had been a month past his birthday by then, and the only thing on the card was, “I’ve got some rare liquor for you,” so he didn’t realize it was a gift to celebrate.


 Luciel’s brother said “It’s rare liquor, more expensive than the jewels mother wears,” and since he couldn’t accept something so expensive without a reason, he decided to send it back with a polite letter.

 As Luciel explained, Cavan hugged his now drooping head.


“I was sure he did it on purpose…”


“Rossina-dono, are you feeling sick?”


Luciel got worried because Cavan suddenly laid face down on the bed sheet and mumbled about something.


When Luciel looked at him, Cavan looked back.


“I still have some of that liquor at home. Let’s drink it together later.”


“I appreciate the sentiment, but drinking is bad for my muscles. You can drink it by yourself.”


“Ah, I see! No wonder I can’t get through to you! Unknowingly destroying the flags I carefully planted, this muscle brain virgin knight! I’m going to take it all off!”


His hand was still polite despite calling out something that didn’t make sense. Luciel laughed at the strange childish attitude of Cavan. 


He was usually more unruly than calm, but today they were able to have a decent conversation, and he seemed to be less difficult than Luciel thought.


“I think you’ve called me a virgin about a million times.” Luciel said jokingly.


“You’re exaggerating. You don’t even care about being a virgin.”


Luciel looked back at him.


“What, you actually?”


“…You wouldn’t be a holy knight if you cared.”


“You’re a virgin by profession. In fact, there’s probably a waiting list of women, and maybe even men, who would love to be your mistress. You’ve got the best face, the best family background, and you’re a holy knight of character. Everything is so good that it’s disgusting.”




“What? What is it?”


“This is the first time you’ve ever complimented me, so I’m surprised.”


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Heh heh crossed wires