Quick Transmigration: Lord Villain, Let Me Kiss You! Thumbnail
Quick Transmigration: Lord Villain, Let Me Kiss You!

Vol. 3 Chapter 4 - Devil's fiancé (Teens)

“What’s wrong with them Kai… Don’t you think so they’re acting weird?” Naomi asked while getting out of bed.

{You’re right host. They’re totally crazy…!}

‘Hmm,’ Naomi hummed and walked out of the infirmary. She decided to go to the library as she hasn’t seen it yet. She walked toward it. When she moved out of the corner what she didn’t know was a shadow could be seen behind her back.

After the 4th period of Math Teacher finished his teaching and collected all of his stuff after giving students homework. After a few minutes later, Jeong-Eun came to his classroom. When he entered all the students were looking at him with admiration and fear.

They saw that he was in a bad mood they didn’t dare to go near to him. Even his two days girlfriend didn’t go near him. Zhang Yue saw that his best friend was in a bad mood so he asked him about it when he saw that his best friend sat down.

“Dude, what happened to you? Why in bad mood….”

“I’m not.”

“Dude from your tone it seems you lost a fight or something.”

“Nothing I am fin-” before he could finish his sentence, he heard transferred student name in Whispering. He looked in front of him and saw that some boys were looking at the screen of a phone. He decided to ignore it but that guy came to Zhang Yue’s group to show it.

“Whoa! So this is the newly transferred girl. Wow~ she is stunningly beautiful. But isn’t he Ryu a third year, why he’s in the classroom of the second year. Hmm, maybe he knows transferred student” XiaoYe said with an exciting sound in his voice. A boy in punk style with dyed blue hair.

“Hmm…. yeah, it’s Ryu. But what he’s doing with—” before Zhang Yue could finish his sentence the phone was snatched from him, he looked who dare to be snatched from him but was stunned to find that Jeong-Eun was looking at it with a murderous look.

He tried to ask him why he’s looking at the phone like that but he couldn’t even ask before he heard a loud bang! Sound. All students were shocked to find that the phone has been crushed completely.

Because Jeong-Eun had thrown it hard against the wall. There was a long silence in the classroom. No one dared to move, they knew this devil is angry currently and it was not a good thing to provoke him.

Zhang Yue couldn’t take anymore this stuffy, bone-chilling silence because every moment felt to him as if he’s going to die in the next second.

“Hey what happened to you! Could you stop all of this if you are angry let’s go to the fight club? You can kill them however you want. What do you say?” Zhang Yue asked with a little bit of nervousness in his voice, he was scared but who told him to be a childhood friend of this devil. But too much to his shock he got a reply from his best friend.

“I want this picture deleted… Completely.”

After commanding this he kicked away the seats that were in front of him. Some got crushed while some got broken. XiaoYe moved after he no longer could see the devil anymore. He taps the shoulder of Zhang Yue and murmured slowly with a shaky voice,

“Why was he angry….. just because of a picture”

Zhang Yue shook his head as he replied he didn’t know. While taking out his phone to text someone. After texting he looked at the picture again this time with focus. He didn’t know why but he got the gut feeling there are more terrifying things coming in the future.

Naomi didn’t know that many things were happening because of her not sleeping yesterday. She hasn’t made a move yet the devil started to show his true colours.

Well, it’s not like she knew anything because right now she was planning to go to the karaoke bar. The class monitor of her class decided to give her a welcoming party so all the students were going.

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