The strongest hunter who was not allowed to hunt monsters joined a cooking guild Thumbnail
The strongest hunter who was not allowed to hunt monsters joined a cooking guild

Chapter 1 - S-class hunter quits the guild

TLN:- I’m back sorta? anyways here’s a new series from me please do point out errors (I did fail my JLPT so you know…) it will be a 3 chapters a week most likely as I found myself a part time(finally).


“Zelet! You killed the S-rank monster again !!”


Guild Master Gangel, of the Hunter Guild glared at me.


The shout echoes throughout his office.


 Looking around there were documents piled up on the desk, which due to the voice, a part of it collapsed and spread on the floor. Books, seized items, and even liquor bottles are lying on the floor, it’s really terrible.


The sunlight shining on the flax colored wig of Gangel looked divine.


 In such a room, I stood like a wooden pole.


 In response to the beast-like swordsman Gangel, I look at him with my dark eyes, which is said to be darker than in the casket.


 My eyes are called cold by other hunters, but apparently they weren’t enough to extinguish the flames of Gangel’s anger.


 On the contrary, it was considered a rebellious attitude and resulted in just anointing.


“How many times have I ordered you to not hunt the S-rank monsters around! “


 When he barked again and hit the desk, the documents finally fell.


 It was a pitiful catastrophe, but Gangel didn’t seem to care and pulled on his mustache.


 For a while, Gangel and I glared at each other in silence.


 A hunter is a job whose livelihood is to subdue and exterminate demons. And the hunter guild is in charge of arranging such hunters.


 The number of members is less than 700. The hunters are divided into 6 grades of S, A, B, C, D and E according to the grade and strength, and the request is ordered according to the experience and grade.


 Above all, I have fought on the frontlines as the finest S-class hunter.


 The monsters rated by the Hunter Guild nearly have the same strength as the Hunters.


 The highest-ranked S-ranked monsters are also called disaster-class, and are treated in the same way as large earthquakes, large storms, and droughts.


 I continued to subdue such S-rank monsters day and night, and reached my current position.


 However, I don’t pretend to be a hero. I had been rushing to defeat the S-rank monsters, and I had just gained status and honor before I knew it.


 For me, the S-rank monster was the one who robbed me of something important.


 My heart is already weathering over the years and the number of monsters I have defeated, but they are the beings that are harmful to humankind.


 At one point, Gangel, who was in front of me, gave me an unexpected order.


 It is a “ban on killing S-rank monsters”.


 When I heard the order, I doubted my ears. Is it some kind of joke …


 However, the Hunter Guild was serious. All requests to subdue S-rank monsters are now considered “exclusion requests”, and it is no longer possible to kill S-rank monsters.


“That couldn’t be helped. If I hadn’t killed the S-rank monsters there, many villagers would have died. Or did the villagers’ lives not matter?”


“Huh! That’s not the case. I’m saying, Zelet. You have many more cases like this.”


 With that said, Gangel slams on the papers.


 On several sheets of paper, various opinions were listed on this matter.


“S-rank monsters are an endangered rare species.”

“The monster’s life is irreplaceable.”

“Poor things.”

“Isn’t it possible to transfer them to the mountains with transfer magic? “

“If you block the movement with paralytic magic … You didn’t have to kill it.”


 There were many other things, but I stopped reading.


“They’re all garbage.”


 I kick them away on the floor.


 Rare species? life? Poor?


 So what? Let’s hear If you can say that in front of S-rank monsters.

 Both transfer magic and paralyze magic are out of the question.


 If you have a magical user who can transfer such a huge monster, please introduce them.


 Abnormal state magic has almost no effect. In the first place, if paralyze magic can be used, one wouldn’t just be subduing the monster.


 The guys who wrote this claim don’t understand the fear of S-rank monsters at all. I think I’ll pull these sheltered guys in front of a S-rank monster at once.


“Absolutely stupid… There are only those who have only mouths.”


 I shrugged my shoulders, annoyed.


“This is public opinion, Zelet. I think it’s funny. I think it’s ridiculous. But the world is heading towards the protection of monsters. In line with these movements, monster protection policies are now being discussed in the Kingdom Parliament. It seems that it has been done. “


“Protection policy? Ah … Is it an organization that appeals for the protection of monsters centered around aristocrats? Opportunistic aristocrats who do not know the actual situation? You can ignore them.”


“That’s not the case. The number of aristocrats who took the banner of the protection group exceeded 10% in the Kingdom Council. I think that it is only 10%. Even if it is 10%, when passing an important bill, this 10% is surprising, it can’t be more ridiculous. If they sell votes with the protection policy as a shield, the protection policy is likely to be implemented. “


 you’re kidding?


 How are you trying to live without defeating the monsters?


 If you surrender, will they stop?

 Do you really think that if the princess kisses, the monster will turn into a beautiful boy?


“That is not all”


“Is there more still?”


“As you know, running a guild costs a lot of money. We can’t just collect the membership fees from you hunters. Therefore, there are patrons who fund us. It’s an aristocrat. ”


“No way …”


“The Patrons have been replaced. The next patron is a nobleman who appeals for the protection policy. The conditions that the aristocrat has put out instead of funding us …”


“Is it prohibited to subdue the S-rank monsters?”


“The people who appeal for protection policies are not stupid. They know the danger of monsters. Therefore, there is no blame for subduing monsters of rank A or lower, which has a large number of monsters. About the rank … “


“So, don’t hunt S-rank monsters? No! A-rank is good. Other hunters can still subdue. Even the Knights of the worst kingdom can do it. But S-rank monsters are different.”


“I know you’re particular about subduing S-ranked monsters. You’re not interested in A-ranked monsters. The guild  knows that what you saw when you were a kid is an S-ranked monster. But this is a job. The Hunter Guild is not a place to satisfy your personal revenge. “


“I would have said that such feelings have already weathered. The most unconvincing thing for me is that, saying S rank is not good, so be patient with A rank.”


 In the first place, A rank is a small fish among small fish from my point of view, regardless of other hunters.


 In addition, the reward is one digit less than the S rank, and considering the expenses, it will be a complete deficit. There is almost no thrill.


 Anyway, if you want to exchange lives, you want to have a sweaty fight.


“I would consider it if someone would raise the reward and pay for the maintenance of the weapon.”


“Hmm. Your equipment is too expensive. Don’t use it anymore. The other hunters are supportive of this request. You’re the only one breaking the order, Zelet.”




 There are no three hunters around here who can defeat S-rank monsters.


 Among them, I have enough subjugations that it’s nearly double the score to second place and below. Rather, it would be more difficult to find a person who is breaking orders.


 Gangel snorted uninterestingly.


“… Well, that’s what it is. So, from now on, A-rank monsters–“


“turn them down”


“Huh? Didn’t you hear me, Zelet. You can’t subdue S-rank monsters anymore. It’s only a matter of time before the protection policy passes the parliament.”


“If the world doesn’t change, I have no use in such a world.”


“You, no way —-“


“The subjugation of S-rank monsters is something I’ve done all my life. I’m familiar with the dangers and ecology, and I can’t work with aristocrats who throw money and ban them.”


 I turned my back on Gangel.


“I quit the Hunter Guild”


“Zelet, are you serious? Even if you quit, you still can’t subdue the S-rank monsters.”


“I know, but doesn’t that mean I’m in a worthless workplace all the time.”


“You! The Hunter Guild isn’t worthless !!”


“Oh. The scattered spirits will be crying behind the grass.”


“Huh !! What are you going to do after quitting! You are a top-notch hunter, but what else can you do? There is no workplace that can hire a hunter.”


 Gangel barks like a dog.




 I don’t say anything.

 I just quietly closed the door and went out.


 This is how I left the Hunter Guild, which I had belonged to for many years.

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Discussion (5)

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Why are these kind of scenes that are depressing and causing my blood to boil are common in web novels? Anyway, thanks for the chapter ?
Diana Kurosawa Diana Kurosawa

If those Rank-S goes extinct, it'll be more peaceful tho~ Then let all the goblins to Goblin Slayer~
laharl8080 laharl8080

the pharse: i think it's funny, i think it's ridiculous. is pretty weird, did you mean You think it's funny, i think it's ridiculous
Amplifity Amplifity

let me guess, they go crying back for the mc when some stronk monster appears then mc helps them, dang why can't they just let them die for once?
Amber Crosby Amber Crosby

Seems interesting, thanks for the chapter.