70’s Villain Female Educated Youth Thumbnail
70’s Villain Female Educated Youth

Chapter 1 - Wears A Book

Qin LingLing looked at the sky outside, it was still dark. She struggled hard to get up from the bed, rubbed her temples on both sides, sighed deeply in her heart, and finally got out of bed and went out.


In front of the deteriorating yellow mud brick house, a huge ceramic jar was set. The water was brought down from the mountain by a bamboo. When the jar was full, the water would pour down the gap into the ditch.


To make herself sober, Qin LingLing lowered her head, scooped a spoonful of water with a ladle, and washed her face.


In the darkness of the day, Qin LingLing examined the wavering face on the water’s surface and caressed it; her hands were rough and her face was dark.


This is a face that does not belong to her, and this body does not belong to her either. And this situation began three days ago.


She was an ordinary assistant director of a small company three days ago. She had been working overtime in order to catch up with the schedule at the end of the year. She was finally able to leave work early and take a rest. However, she was summoned back to the company by the director due to a work matter, and she became exhausted and passed out.


When she woke up again, she had already appeared in this dark yellow mud house, full of moldy smell and turned into a female educated youth with a high fever, and they both had the same name and surname.


Today is the third day she came to this world, and in these three days, she also figured out her situation clearly. She crossed to a small southern village in 1975 and became a female educated youth from the city to the countryside.


In these three days, in addition to letting her body get better and adapting to the life here, Qin LingLing also made a careful investigation of what kind of place she was in, so that she could deal with it in the coming days.


Gradually, she discovered that she had traveled not in the real era, but in a book, or more accurate, a book she had recently read.


The book is about the heroine married an awful man in her first marriage, and finally died tragically. After being reborn, she canceled the marriage and fell in love with the hero.


When the male protagonist was a child, he had a childhood female friend. The childhood female friend in the book regarded the male protagonist as her white moonlight [1]. After she went to the countryside, because of the character of the girl, she was bullied and miserable, and finally encountered various injustice and blackening, and hindered the affection of the hero and the heroine, becoming the biggest female villain in the book-Qin LingLing.

[1] 白月光 / Bai Yueguang – the person or thing in the heart that is beyond reach, always loved, but cannot be touched.


That is right, that Qin LingLing is who she is now.


She could bear it that she had crossed decades ago, after all, that is where the older generations came from. But why does she have to wear the big villain in a book?

[Wear means she transmigrated or crossed over]


Generally, there are some ordinary villains who are trying to make small profits. They cannot be called as villains, but they are the best products that embody human nature to the extreme. On the road to success, the heroine merely needs to turn defeat into victory, which is cool.


However, the author did not play by the common sense and set up this particularly hated villain, and throughout the book, it was not known what is the author’s intention, so he/she spent a lot of time writing about the various ways of the female villain’s blackening.


When Qin LingLing read this book at that time, apart from complaining in her heart that the female character has the same name as her own, she felt oddly sympathetic to the female character because of how sad her life was. Of course, this was not an excuse for her to do all the bad things.


Qin LingLing isn’t the only one who thinks so. Many readers have written to the author, saying that since she/he wrote too much about the female villain, so can’t she/he give her a good ending and also have the male and female lead happy life together?


But the author is not willing to listen, since the views is good, and to lengthen the length of the book, naturally she/he will not let go of this big villain so quickly. Therefore, the female villain was repeatedly knocked down by the male and female lead, and then stood up again and again, just like the undead cockroaches.


Because of this, the comments are filled with cursed every day. And of course, the ending of the female villain is naturally sent to prison easily by the heroine.


The ending is a little anticlimactic, although the female villain has been resolved, but Qin LingLing’s ending is unsatisfactory.


It is precisely because she has read it, and because of the author’s later manipulation of the book, that made this book stayed in Qin LingLing’s memory.


And now she has become the female villain in this book, Qin LingLing, that will go through all kinds of tragedies and blacken into the final **oss, and finally be crushed by the male and female lead’s halo!


Therefore, what she is worried about now is not what kind of environment she is in, but rather that she is worried that she will follow the pace of the book, and finally be blacken and end miserably.


Thinking of the ending of the final female villain in the book, Qin LingLing’s body became even colder in this warm early autumn morning.


She stood for a while before she started squeezing her toothpaste to brush her teeth.


She can’t go back now that she’s arrived; all she can do is try to fix it and save herself from becoming miserable.


At the very least, it isn’t time for the girl to go black. She is still a female educated youth who has just got married, and everything should have room for a change, as long as she does not blacken too much.


When she heard footsteps approaching, Qin LingLing turned to see a dark and slender woman approaching her and exclaimed, “Sister-in-law!”


Qin LingLing brushed her teeth and didn’t react, either because she didn’t hear her or because she hadn’t yet adjusted to her new name.


Gu Yao, her sister-in-law, was the one who came.


Gu Yao looked at her sister-in-law, seemingly uneasy, and then asked: “Sister-in-law, have you recovered from your illness? If not, why don’t I go to the field and ask for a leave of absence until you get better?”


Qin LingLing gurgled and spat out two mouthfuls of water as she held the enamel jar in one hand and the toothbrush in the other, “No, I’m already healed, I can go back today.”


Gu Yao still wanted to say something, but she couldn’t because her sister-in-law had a frigid look and didn’t seem to want to talk to her. “Sister-in-law, don’t worry,” she added, “my brother will be safe and return; don’t think about it; maybe he will return in a few days.”


Gu Yao’s eyes were eager, for fear that the person in front of her would do something stupid again.


In this regard, Qin LingLing did not agree with Gu Yao’s remarks. The elder brother Gu Yao said was her current husband. Her husband is called Gu Zheng, a soldier in the army.


Gu Zheng received orders from his superiors to return to the army shortly after the two of them received their certifications and returned home at the beginning of the month. He immediately returned to the army with two days left on his vacation, claiming that there was a danger in Henan and that the People’s Army needed to go rescue and offer disaster assistance.


He left just over half a month ago. In the past few days, some people had heard news that the Henan Province had been hit by a serious flood disaster, and various local forces had gathered to go to Henan for rescue and relief.


It was only then that they learned that during the rescue and relief work, Gu Zheng had saved a pregnant young woman  and swept away by the flood.


In the face of the catastrophe, life and death seemed to be instantaneous. There were countless people like Gu Zheng who were washed away by the water. No matter they were ordinary people or officers of the People’s Army, they are no longer safe. Military army that rushing to the front line, their lives are even less guaranteed.


The news that the man brought back was probably that Gu Zheng had no way to survive and that his life was in danger after being swept away by the flood.


Through the neighboring village, the Gu family quickly heard about this, so they hurriedly called the original owner Qin LingLing back three days ago to inform her the bad news. Although there is no guarantee that the person is really gone, they already know the chances of him surviving the flood are zero.


It is precisely because she knew that her newly married husband was gone, that when she was washing her clothes by the river, she plunged into the water.


Despite the fact that she lacked the desire to die, Qin LingLing’s approach led many others, including her sister-in-law Gu Yao, to believe she was going to die with her husband.


In the book, there are only a few, not many, descriptions about the husband, Gu Zheng. He is only described through the memory of the original owner.


Throughout her life, Qin LingLing also felt that the greatest warmth came from her unfamiliar husband, even though she had done terrible things over the years, she had always kept the softest part of her heart for her husband.


It can be said that the reason the original owner become a villain, largely because of the death of her husband.


If the husband hadn’t died, perhaps Qin LingLing wouldn’t have suffered so much, and would not have turned into the villain.


But his death is an established fact, and Qin LingLing did not think much about it. And the most important thing is that she is not the original owner, and this husband is not her real husband.


She nodded, “Okay, I know, don’t worry about me, I’ll go in first.”


When Qin LingLing turned and entered the room, there was a sneer from the other side, “Big sister, do not bother, city people like her, how could she possible care?”


Gu Yao looked at her sister, who was resting against the door, a little enraged, but Gu ChunHua smiled gleefully when she saw her enraged: “My mother said, about eldest brother’s matter, there is no way, that the neighboring village would be lying. It is pointless to keep her! They live so well in the city, and the reason they come to our house because their hearts are corrupted. She has to leave sooner or later.”


Gu Yao’s face flushed as she reprimanded her, “Big brother will be alright, you put your crow’s mouth away, or don’t blame me for beating you.”


Gu ChunHua didn’t expect her eldest sister to scold her suddenly, and her temper also came up, “How dare you hit me? I’ll tell my mother if you hit me.”


The arrogance of her younger sister made Gu Yao’s expression worse. Seeing her elder sister’s face turned bad, Gu ChunHua grinned and added, “What, did I say something wrong? Everyone else has returned safely, but big brother is still missing. My mom said, you have to accept it sooner, anyway, big brother is not a blood relative.”


Gu Yao did not hear Gu ChunHua’s last sentence because it was murmured very quietly.


Instead, another person came out of the main house and slapped Gu ChunHua directly on the back of the head. “Talk, talk, talk, if you have to the time to talk, go sweep the floor for me.  DaYa [2], you too, hurry up, go see the pigs in the pig pen, and then cut the weed.”

[2] 大丫/ dà yā – Oldest/ Eldest Girl.


The person who spoke was Li Dani, Gu ChunHua’s mother.


Gu ChunHua grumbled something and entered the house irritated that she was scolded by her mother.

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Currently trying my hardest in translating novels

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BrazenLittleThing BrazenLittleThing

What kind of sister is this?! Grrr
Kawaii1234567 Kawaii1234567

OK this looks good so far