The Neighboring Aarya-san who Sometimes Acts Affectionate and Murmuring in Russian (Roshidere) Thumbnail
The Neighboring Aarya-san who Sometimes Acts Affectionate and Murmuring in Russian (Roshidere)

Vol. 2 Chapter 00 - Volume 2, Chapter 0: Prologue ー It’s not like that!


TN: Read volume 1 at I Can’t Read Japanese TL. Link is available on NovelUpdates. Another note: this project will not be done as MTL but rather hand-translated. Please be aware that this will often lead to slower releases. Thank you for reading. 


A room in a certain apartment building. In a room with a calm and quiet feel, a girl rolls around on her bed, making a million different expressions. 


“Why… No, but…”


A girl named Alisa mutters to herself as her facial expression restlessly changes back and forth. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the owner of this room: Alisa Mikhailovna Kujou. 


She was still wearing her high school uniform as she rolled back and forth on her bed. She’d only taken off her blazer, so her shirt was still getting wrinkled, but she didn’t care. It was unusual for her to act like this, but today wasn’t a normal day anyway. 


She was thinking about what happened half an hour ago. On the way back from school, he looked into my eyes and held out his hand to me. His hand… The words leaked out on their own. 


“Love? ‘Love’? ‘Love’? Eh? Ehh??”


The words slipped out of her mouth almost unconsciously. She found herself thinking out loud as a huge wave of emotions welled in her heart. 


“Love? Kuze-kun? I-… Ah-!!”


She asked herself again, as if to make sure. Right on cue, her face turned red and she dove into her pillow. 


“It’s not-! It’s like not thaaaaat!”


With her face pressed against her pillow, she shouted out in denial as though it’s a reflex. 


Me? In love with Kuze-kun? No! It’s not that simple!


There’s no way she could be in love with someone so lazy, she thought. She’d even told him that to his face, …in Russian. Still, she was just stubbornly saying things she didn’t mean. But this Masachika was pulling at her heartstrings, over and over. 


He’s always one step ahead of me, he never shows his nervousness on his face, he never notices what I do for him, what a joke he is, and yet I could never tell him what I really wanted to say. …There’s no way I love him… Right?


That question bounced back and forth inside her head. She tried to get rid of the thought. 


“Really. I don’t like Kuze-kun at all. I just… got a little carried away in the heat of the moment. That’s all it was!”


She defended herself in front of nobody in particular, got up, and went to the closet. 


Even if… That’s right, even if. Yeah, even if I did like Kuze-kun. There are more important things to do, so…


As she changed out of her uniform, Alisa mentally organized what was most important to her. There was no need to even think about it. It was, of course, to become the student council president. It would be ridiculous for her to set her goal aside just because of some silly boy. It would be a betrayal to none other than Masachika, who said he would do all he could to support Alisa’s dream. 


Yeah… Since I have Kuze-kun’s support, I should do everything to live up to his expectations, right? What would he think if I threw away my entire campaign and confessed to him?


As she asked herself that question, she imagined Masashika’s face. 


‘Huh? I love you? …No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that, I said I like you. …You know, platonically. Like, I support you. …Did you see me that way? Well… sorry. I don’t think I can really be vice president either…’


That’s what the Masachika in her imagination told her in a flat and uninterested tone. 


“Wha-, Hahh…”


She took a critical hit from her own imagination and tripped over her own words. She staggered back toward her bed and collapsed onto the quilt. She was motionless for a bit, then raised her forehead a bit and started slapping her blanket. 


“I don’t! I don’t care! Everything about you! I don’t like it! I don’t!!”


She smacked her hand down every time she said a word and breathed heavily. 


And anyway, it’s Kuze-kun. The moment I see him at school tomorrow, he’s going to piss me off with that lazy attitude of his.


Everything I’ve said up until now-




The thought of it made her impossibly angry again, so she got out of bed and closed her closet with a bang. As she did, she heard the front door close, and with her hands on her flushed cheeks, she calmed herself down and went to greet them. 


“Welcome back, Masha.”

“I’m home, Alya-chan.”



Maria smiled as fluffily as usual, hugged Alisa’s shoulders with her free arm, and kissed both her cheeks. But she was moving as though she was distracted, and she seemed to be spacing out. 


“Maria… What’s going on?”

“Uh… What do you mean?”

“‘What do you mean’…”


Alisa couldn’t find the words to explain what she meant. Maria looked at Alisa in a bit of a weird way, but suddenly took a stuffed animal out of the plastic bag and smiled. 


“Right, right, that’s right! Actually, I… met someone that’s really nice!”


A stuffed cat suddenly appeared in front of Alisa, who was taken aback by how suddenly cheerful Maria became. 


“Ta-daa~ Alya-nyan!”

TN: Chan, nyan, yeah. 


“A-, Alya-nyan…? Eh?”

“Look, look! Doesn’t it look like you?”

“…Which part?”


Alisa took a step back and looked at the stuffed animal. She couldn’t help but ask back with a straight face. 


“Ehh~? Its expression?”

“Stuffed animals don’t have expressions…”

“They do~ See? Look!”

“Ahh, yup, yup, I get it. …Just don’t call me that.”


“It feels uncomfortable to be called that.”

“Uhhhh, then… A-nyan?”

“Well, that’s…”

“Yayy, I’ll take you home then~? A-nyan?”


Maria hugged the stuffed animal to her chest with a happy smile and went to her room. As Aliya still stood at the door with a dumbfounded expression, Maria suddenly stopped and called out to her. 


“Right, Alya-chan, I’m talking about Kuze-kun…”



The name of the person Alisa was thinking about just before got called, so she immediately put her guard up. Maria continued in a cheerful voice, and Alisa couldn’t tell if she’d been caught. 


“Nah, I just thought that he was a really nice boy. I can see why you like him so much~”

“I’m telling you, I don’t like him.”


“You’re persistent.”


As though trying to hide her scattered thoughts, Alisa let out a heavy sigh. And immediately after, she gasped when she saw Maria’s gaze over her shoulder. That was because unlike her cheerful voice from just before, her eyes had… a scary seriousness in them. Soon though, those scary eyes were once again replaced with her usual smiling face. 


“Yup, yup, I see~”


“Oh, I see~ Alya-chan is cute when she’s not honest with herself.”

“H-, huhh?”

“But if you like him, you better confess soon~ It’ll be too late once someone else has taken him.”

“Wha-, what are you talking about!”

“Hehe, youth~”


Maria, unconvinced by Alisa’s words, replied with a giggle as she went into her room. 


“Really, what the hell…”


Alisa had a look of resignation on her face since she couldn’t keep up with her sister’s pace. She tried not to worry about it and went back into her own room. But try as she might, 




She just couldn’t get Maria’s scary-serious gaze out of her head. 

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Discussion (22)

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The link to volume 1 is broken is there any alternatives to read vol1?
Dulsara Dulsara

Thanks for picking this up. Also I hope there will be a chapter from Masha's POV to confirm that she's Masachika's childhood friend
Aka Aka

Damn this prologue just further tell us about Masha. She might be the childhood friend. That serious eyes when they're talking about Masachika, I really think she's the childhood friend.
BigBoss BigBoss

Looking at Masha's illustration... She really looks like a blond... And she speak russian...
MrRthro MrRthro

can't wait to read the rest of the chapters I'm happy and thankful to God that I accidentally found this gem Thank u very much for translating.
Legebro Legebro

cant wait to read vol 2, thx for translating
Aya-chan Aya-chan

I need an English translation to be translated into Indonesian, so may I ask for your translation?
Aya-chan Aya-chan

I'm waiting your answer!
no one important no one important

Thanks for the translation
Alzhan Void Alzhan Void

"She didnt even confess to me" "I'm sure its just my imagination" -Her literally one hour ago: I love you..♡ -Her literally 10 minutes ago: Have a kiss on the cheeks ♡ -Her literally the whole novel: "You're so cute, I want attention too, give me give me, look at me too, you looked really cool there, please put on my school socks...♡" How am I supposed to react to this? Am I supposed to calmly accept that a human being so utterly dense an in denial can actually even remotely possibly exist? What? A love confession isnt good enough? Holding your hands with a big smile is not good enough? Kissing you on the cheek is not good enough? Repeatedly muttering compliments and feelings of longing towards you is not good enough? Why? Just because it was in russian? This smart Masachika is wondering why the stubborn perfectionist lady who never shows her emotions to others or asks for help is stuggling to tell her feelings honestly? He can infer that two people are dating just from their mood in the middle of a huge argument, but he cant catch on to this? Im so flabbergasted. There better be a goood, VEEERY good reason why the author made him so dumb. He's acting like your typical dense protagonist, EVEN while hearing her true thoughts, constantly. I can understand his rejection of loving someone or dating someone, but I cant overlook the blatant drop in intelligence regarding matters ONLY related to Alya. His "romance meter" seems pretty on point regarding other matters. And I wont accept lazy excuses like him being afraid to love and denying it mentally. Its too obvious. Even if he doesnt want to wrongly assume, its just too blatant to not understand. Masachika has been portrayed as otherwise too socially sharp to misunderstand, or be unsure of such blatant displays of emotion. Its uncharacteristic, and only serves to keep going the fluffy misunderstandings (russian love praises) which is...alright, just very frustrating for me, it really deteriorates his character. Hah... whatever. I guess the story is still very fluffy, but the charm of the MC has severely diminished in my view.
Alzhan Void Alzhan Void

Sorry for the rant, I had a lot of thoughts regarding this chapter. Thanks for reading, and thanks to the translator for translating.
Super Super

Thanks for translating this gem, appreciate it