My Appraisal Skill is So Cheat – Reading the Legendary Hero and Stealing His Skills to Become the Strongest Thumbnail
My Appraisal Skill is So Cheat – Reading the Legendary Hero and Stealing His Skills to Become the Strongest

Vol. 1 Chapter 1 - The skills I received are out of the standard

In the world where I, Mel Lylute, live, it is customary to receive a number of unique skills from the Earth Mother Goddess at the age of 15.


Some are for rough stuff, such as sword fighting or magic amplification, while others are for more specialised skills, such as cooking, construction, or accounting.


Some of them, like “storytelling” and “lock-picking,” can lead your life in an illegal direction depending on how you use them.


Among the various unique skills, “Appraisal” is a bit interesting.


The skill of reading information about the target object.


This skill may seem a little plain, but it is actually quite useful.


At any rate, I can tell in an instant that something that looks like junk has tremendous value.


The higher the rank, the more “people” are added to the target, and the ability to detect criminals who hide their true identities and live happily.


Its versatility and rarity make it so valuable to the state if given.


But it’s not all good.


On the contrary, it is the worst ‘natural enemy’ for criminals.


That’s why they try to kill you while you’re still a low rank, and they even try to kill you.


Now that I’m 15, what unique skills will I be given?


Looking back, my life has been one of hardship after hardship.


My father was a drunkard, and I was his only son, supporting my mother who was sick a lot and worked on the farm.


My mother died of an epidemic, and my father, of course died of alcohol poisoning.


If possible, I would like to live a comfortable life, far away from the bloody world of cut and thrust.


I wish I could have the inherent skills to live such a life.


With a mixture of anticipation and anxiety, I went to the church to perform the “Blessing Ceremony” with a sense of excitement.


“Congratulations! It’s been a while since I’ve seen an “appraisal’’. Now Lylute’s future is secure.”


The priest, who had a bit of hair on his head, said smilingly.


This is the back room of the town church.


In a dimly lit space with only the light of a candelabra, I froze with my hand over a suspicious crystal ball.


“Lylute-kun? Are you okay?  Did I startle you so badly you went into a daze?”


The priest, who celebrated his 40th birthday this year and is lonely and single, nodded his head with a smile on his face.


“Um, …… did I really get an ‘appraisal’?”


“It can’t be wrong. Well, it’s just this one, and the rank is E, the lowest of S, A, B, C, D, E. Some people get a couple of skills, and most people start with rank D……. Oh, there you go! It’s “appraisal”, right? You’ve hit the jackpot in the sense that you’ll never run out of food!”


The kind priest who cheerfully cheered me up when I was a little depressed.


He is an old man who has been loved by everyone for his friendliness and faithfulness since he came to this town on a whim about two years ago.


They also collect orphans and do something like an orphanage.


I’ve been living on my own, but I’ve been coming here often to help kids in the same situation, so I’m rather good friends with the priest.


“I’m sure you’re right, aren’t you? That reminds me, last year, I heard about a carpenter apprentice, Gotha, who had one skill and his rank was E……. Huh? This is the only thing I’ve heard about it. ……? And that guy is depressed and withdrawn……”


“You see? He wanted to be a carpenter, but he got the ‘fishing’ skill. He wanted to be a carpenter, but he got the ‘fishing’ skill, so his master gave him a hard time about it. ……”


Unique skills are not life-altering. It’s better to think of it as “I’ll be lucky if it fits in with my life plan,” the priest said to himself.


I’m a little depressed, but I’m not like Gotha.


After all, it is a rare and useful “appraisal” skill.


If he worked hard to raise his rank, he could eventually work for the royal court.


I give my utmost thanks to the priest who approaches me with a smile.


“Thank you, Father.”


“No, no, it wasn’t me. It was the Mother Earth who gave you the “Appraise” skill, and Lylute, you were gifted.”


The priest put his hand on my shoulder and encouraged me.


“Talent, huh? I don’t really feel it, but I’m going to work hard to move up the ranks and get ahead!”






A burning pain in my chest.


I reflexively lowered my eyes and saw a sharp knife plunged into my chest.


I followed the hand that held the knife and saw the priest’s lifeless smile…….


“What’s with the ……?”


My hand leaves the knife.


I fell on my back, as if I had lost my support.


“Why? I don’t have to explain it to you, dying man. I just don’t want you to raise your rank. Well, if your initial rank is E, it’s unlikely you’ll ever reach rank B, where you can appraise people.”


The priest looked down at me coldly, not breaking into a smile.


“Just in case, I guess. The only reason I’m even bothering to imitate a priest in a church is to eliminate those who have been given the ‘appraisal’ skill in this way.”


Half unconsciously, I activated my “Appraisal” skill.


A semi-transparent window appeared over the priest’s cold smile. The words appeared in a row.


Name: Hagel Oys

Title: Great Thief and Swindler

Age: 40 Race: Human Gender: Male Height: 177 cm Weight: 75 kg

Physical strength: C+

Muscle strength: B

Agility: A-

Magic: C

Mental Strength: B

[Specific skill: “Fraud”: A]

The ability to deceive people. The ability to play with people through attitude and speech.

The Art of the Dagger: B

Ability to handle a dagger.

[Limited skills : “The Goddess’ Embrace.]

Can completely heal all wounds, diseases, and conditions only once.

After use, the skill disappears. Auto-activation type.

[Element of Demon Power (small)]

Increases strength, muscle power, and agility by 1 rank for 5 minutes.

Cannot be used continuously. Interval time is 48 hours.


Overall, good. Some fatigue.

He has determined that, he has inflicted a mortal wound on Mel Lylute. He believes that there is no danger of a counterattack.



Is this the status of a priest?


That’s not the name I know.


And it’s puzzling that there is such a thing as a [state], not just a status value. I also don’t understand why there are “+” and “-” in the ranks.


However, if I wanted to, I could go deeper into personal information. But for now, I’ll keep it to the bare minimum.


At any rate, if this status is correct, this man who claims to be a priest is definitely the great bandit Hagel Oys (quite famous).


A world-famous bandit was working as a priest in a small town under a false name.


I’ve never even imagined such a thing.


“You are also unlucky. If only you weren’t in my living quarters, you’d be living the life of an elegant connoisseur.”


Hagel would say, indifferently.


“Well, we’ll have to dispose of the body. What a pain in the a*s.”


Hagel looked back at me unguarded, as if he was sure I was dead.


Are they going to get some tools to dispose of the body?


Well, I don’t care about Hegel’s thoughts at this point.


The only thing that mattered now was that he was off guard and had his back to us, and we couldn’t let that opportunity slip away.


Hegel turned away and shouted toward the door.


“Well, I guess I’ll leave you to your troubles. Hey! Is Rowe there? Rowe.”


I pulled out the knife that was stuck in my chest and jumped up.


“G–uh, ……?”


I jumped on him and plunged the knife into his back.


He then threw his full weight on it and pushed the knife into it as he fell.


Hagel spits out blood.


“Gosh, gosh, what the heck, ……?”


I’m not going to answer your questions.


I pulled out my knife once.


Then Hagel fell on his face and drove his right back fist into me.


His limited skill, “Goddess Embrace,” was activated, and the fatal wound I had inflicted healed in a flash.


And then he struck back at me


I dodged it effortlessly.


I knew what he was going to do.


I’ve been leaving Hegel’s status up all day.


In the “Status” section, it said.



I am in perfect physical condition due to the full recovery effect.

I don’t have a full understanding of the situation, but I can plan to counterattack. After activating the “Demon Power Element (Small)”, I attack with my right back fist. As soon as Mel Lylute is frightened, I’ll take the knife and kill him for sure this time.



“What? You dodged?”


Hegel became confused.


I took advantage of the opportunity and plunged my knife into his chest as he turned to face me.


Pulled it out and stabbed it some more.


And then again, just for good measure.


His limited skill, “Embrace of the Goddess,” is a one-time use. There is no longer any way to heal him due to his status.


”Huff, huff, huff ……………… phew…….”


Slowly, I lifted myself up.


I can’t stop my hands from shaking.


My hips fell to the floor.


What the hell is going on?


Why am I still alive?


No, I can kind of understand why.


I stared at my hand, which was shaking slightly.


Activate the unique skill “Appraisal”.


Title: Appraiser

Age: 15 Race: Human

Gender: Male

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 58 kg

Physical strength: E+

Muscle strength: D

Muscle strength: D

Magic: E

Mental Strength: C

[Specific skill : “Appraisal” EX]

The ability to read information about a subject and copy it.

The higher the rank, the more objects and information can be read.

Rank EX can read all the information of any event.

[Limited skills]



Mental state is unstable. Physical condition is good as he has fully recovered from the Goddess’ Embrace.





I’m not sure how should I feel about that.


Let’s put my fragile status aside.


What the hell is this? An “EX” rank for “Appraisal”? I’ve never heard of “EX”? Does that mean it’s out of standard? Does that mean it’s beyond the highest rank, S?


In fact, the skill description says a hell of a lot. So you’re saying that when I read Hegel’s status, I was reading into his competence and skills?


No, yeah. I’m aware of it.


I think I used both the “Goddess Embrace” and the “Element of Demon Power (Small)” just because I felt like I could. If I hadn’t used them, I would have been dead by now.


Besides, I’ve only ever used a knife for peeling root vegetables. But the fact that I can handle a knife as well as Hegel is probably due to his unique skill of “dagger technique”.


But Hegel said my skill rank was “E”.


Did I misread E and EX? Or maybe I almost died and woke up?


I don’t know.


I don’t know, but it’s not something I should be thinking about in the first place.

The most important thing for me right now is–


With a crunch, the door in front of me opened.


“Father, call Mr. Rowe at……………?”


A small face peeked out from the wooden door.


A lovely girl with silver hair. Her long, pointy ears flicked up and down.


“Father, are you ……? Mel, ……”


Her blue eyes alternated between Hegel, who was lying on the floor, and me.




What I need to do now is to find a way to get out of a situation where anyone can see that I’m guilty of murdering a priest.

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Doing Translation for fun and lil money.

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Gautam Gautam

Thanks for the chapter