Road Survival,  I Have a Hint System! Thumbnail
Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 1 - Road Survival Game

Welcome to the Road Survival game!


If you want to survive, you must remember the rules of the game!


(1) Each player has a used car as for movement, other supplies need to be obtained by yourself.


(2) There will be scattered boxes of supplies on the road, please try to collect them, this is the key to survival!


(3) There are not only supplies in the crates, but also unknown risks, so please face each crate carefully.


(4) Dying in any way in the game will be result in your real death!


(5) Don’t trust other players, they may be your allies or they may have their eyes on your supplies.


(6) Upgrade your vehicle as much as possible. More equipment can help you to resist more disasters, only your vehicle can help you reach the end.


(7) You will encounter more dangers when driving at night so please drive carefully.


(8) One kind of disaster will happen every seven days. Please prepare for it before it happens. This week’s disaster – double suns.


(9) Close your eyes and focus on the game’s social media to get more advice.


(10) The elderly, children and other unsuitable people will not participate in this game.


Friendly reminder: A moment of speed is nothing. Only those who reach the end alive are the ultimate winners.


Have a good game!




Zhang Tuohai frowned at everything in front of him.


A four-lane highway.


On both sides of the highway was an endless desert.


The hot wind wrapped in yellow sand hit your face, making you feel raw pain.


The hot sun hung high in the middle of the sky.


Hot sunlight stinging people made it so they could not open their eyes. Droplets of sweat refused to stop rolling down.


Zhang Tuohai’s hand was on the steering wheel looking outside at the post-apocalyptic scene. He lightly sighed, “Survival game?”


He was just hungover for one night, how did he get here?


At this moment, he was sitting in a second-hand car.


The sun visor was half-hung over, the dashboard screen was broken, the seat cover was cracked open and the whole car looked tattered.


Zhang Tuohai’s eyes fell on the gas gauge.


A line of words surfaced.


[200 units of fuel remaining, 1 unit per kilometer will be consumed.]


He turned his head and looked to the side.


A crowbar was placed on the passenger seat.


[Crowbar: A good tool to help you open supply boxes. Of course you can also use it to open anything else, such as your teammate’s head.]


There was nothing else in the car except this crowbar.


“Heh, it’s really all about collecting it yourself.”


The first order of business was to figure out the game’s mechanics before considering how to survive.


Zhang Tuohai closed his eyes and focused on the game’s social media silently in his mind.


A light blue box surfaced in front of him.


The contents were: World channel, regional channel, trading area, manufacturing and private message.


Zhang Tuohai quickly entered the world channel.


“Can someone help me? Where is this place? There is yellow sand for miles on both sides of the highway, how do I leave?”


“Do you all have only a crowbar with you? Is there anything else? Do you have any water? I’m dying of thirst, I can exchange the crowbar.”


“I’m dying of hunger, can someone give me something to eat?”


Messages slid by and there wasn’t much information other than complaints.


Zhang Tuohai noticed that there was a note next to the send button. Today’s message count: 1.


[System: In the world channel you can only send one message a day. If you need to chat freely, please go to the regional channel.]


“Is this a restriction on players exchanging information?”


Zhang Tuohai pondered.


According to the information coming from other players, everyone’s situation was the same. They all have only one vehicle and one crowbar to start out with. It seems that to survive one can only depend on themselves.


Zhang Tuohai turned his gaze to the regional channel.


The interface was similar to a QQ group chat, with 5000 members.


The avatars were all real photos and the names were all real names.


Zhang Tuohai silently peered at the screen for a while. The messages in the regional channel were similar to the world channel. No one had set out to explore for the time being.


Zhang Tuohai really wanted to see what others had explored found.


After all, the rules of the game stated that there were supplies and also dangers in the supplies box.


So, it was best for someone other than him to go and try it out.


However, it seemed that no one had set off yet.


Shaking his head, Zhang Tuohai continued to study the game’s social media.


The trading area was a platform for material exchange, which allowed players to exchange things with each other and the game would not charge a commission.


However, it was empty of anything.


The manufacturing area allowed you to.. manufacture things. But there was nothing there, requiring players to provide blueprints.


And blueprints could only be obtained from a supply box.


Private messages, on the other hand, were like the mailboxes of various other games and social platforms, allowing one-to-one communication.


After he looked at all the functions, Zhang Tuohai exited the game’s social media.


He now had two options. One was to continue to wait here and wait for others to scout out the supply boxes.


The second option was to personally set out to find supplies and information himself.


Choosing the first option was safe and required little risk, though it would put his fate in the hands of others.


Choosing the second option required taking some risks.


Zhang Tuohai prefered to control his own destiny, though.


Moreover, now that his hangover was over, his stomach was empty, naturally giving him a disadvantage compared to others.


He could not afford to rest.


What’s more, in seven days there would be the disaster of the double sun above his head.


If he couldn’t prepare before then, he would die all the same.


“It’s time to hurry.”


Zhang Tuohai twisted the key and stepped on the gas.


The used car drove toward the unknown ahead.


Even though there were no cars on the road and no sneaky police officers trying to ticket him, Zhang Tuohai kept the car speed at 30 mph. His eyes scanned the road back and forth, looking for a supply box.


The scenery on both sides of the road was unchanging. Always endless yellow sand as if it would stretch to the end of the world.


A wave of heat blew in his car, making Zhang Tuohai dry and thirsty.


Zhang Tuohai raised the window and wanted to turn on the air conditioner to cool himself down, but he was shocked to find that the broken car actually did not even have an air conditioner.




Zhang Tuohai cursed the organizer of this twisted game in a low voice.


Suddenly, a white box not far away attracted Zhang Tuohai’s attention.


A one-foot square wooden box painted white was placed in the middle of the road.


“This is a supply box?”


Zhang Tuohai slowly stopped the car and grabbed the crowbar that was sitting on the passenger seat. He carefully stepped out of the car and came to the side of the supply box.


Zhang Tuohai focused his gaze on the white wooden box a line of words emerged.


[Level 1 Supply Box: The most basic supply box which may contain supplies but also might contain danger.]


That was the description that the supply box was given from the game.


“It’s really just going to tease me like that? Has it become a battle of character now?” Zhang Tuohai thought in his heart.


Just then, an electronic voice rang in Zhang Tuohai’s ears.


[Hint system binding success.]


[The supply box in front of you has a bottle of mineral water and a piece of whole wheat bread. There is no danger, you can open it without worry.]

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I am the editor for The Hero Banished Me and the translator for Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Discussion (3)

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ichigoeater ichigoeater

What hint system? The darned thing is a straight up walkthrough!?
Darren Laudat Darren Laudat

this is similar to another novel I read.
Trevor Trevor

What other novel?