I Thought I Had Reincarnated in a Musou Game, But It Turns Out This Is a Hardcore Grimdark Game Thumbnail
I Thought I Had Reincarnated in a Musou Game, But It Turns Out This Is a Hardcore Grimdark Game

Chapter 1 - A Punk Talks with a Demon.

The last hero had died. It was around the seventh year since I was born into this world. Such rumours had reached this village.


Such tragic news had arrived even in this quiet—no, somewhat lonely and impoverished village. The legend of the hero passed down in fairy tales was now devoid of its bloodline, an utterly despairing piece of news.


“They say the demons are coming to attack us!”


“What were the soldiers of the Holy City doing?”


“They’re hiding behind their high walls; they won’t move quickly!”


In this remote village, few strong men could take up arms immediately. Most of the town consisted of women and children. The men, who didn’t go off to work, were merely farmers, diligently tilling their poor-yielding fields, and none seemed to possess any skill in swordsmanship.


Yes, the last hero had died. Whether it was the Demon King’s cunning plot or the demons’ desperate operation that succeeded, I do not know. What factors led to the hero’s demise remains unknown—but in the countless repeated battles between the hero and the Demon King and humanity and the demons, the latter emerged victorious.


The demons’ tyranny began unilaterally. As if to repay for what the heroes had done to them over the long history, they began to oppress us humans with violence.


I see. So this is the world setting, huh?


While humanity was trembling under the threat of demons, I observed the situation detachedly. My extraordinary calmness for a seven-year-old was because my soul’s age wasn’t seven.


In my past life, I was born in Japan, an era more advanced in science than this one, where the town centres were covered in concrete jungles, a time moderately difficult yet moderately convenient to live in. I died at the young age of twenty.


“Why… Why can a mere human, who isn’t even a hero, do this to us…!”


In the pouring rain, the distinctive death stench of the demons filled the air. The black clouds covering the night sky seemed to conceal the moon that sought to blame my actions.


The weather was perfect for demon hunting. Thanks to it, I killed many today.


“Killing demons isn’t a privilege reserved only for heroes. Well, maybe if you’re lucky, you might live,” I said, laughing coarsely in a familiar, childish, bell-like voice. It was surprising to have a female body in my second life, but once I got used to it, I grew fond of it. Most importantly, there was no hindrance in killing demons, so it didn’t take long for me to love this body.


“Here are three. Untouched demon cores—can you still hear their voices even in this state? As a punk, it feels weird to say this, but abandoning them doesn’t seem very commendable, does it?”


With those words, I played with the three demon cores—the weak points of demons—in my palm. Demons are sturdy creatures. They can regenerate their bodies over time if they have these red glass-like demon cores. For humans, it’s like having their brains and hearts, or rather, all vital organs, condensed into one.


“You monster…!”


The demon man (or rather, male?) whose limbs had been cut off and a sword thrust near his demon core glared at me with spite.


“I don’t care what you call me. More importantly, are you ready to answer my question now?”


Demons often construct social bases similar to humans. They understand human language and have villages, towns, and even armies. While their physical structure is more akin to monsters, their bodily performance far exceeds that of humans.


The basics of outwitting them are sneak attacks. And for sneak attacks, information is crucial. I wanted to verify a particular piece of information right now.


“Who do you think would talk to someone like you!”


“Oh, I see.”


If he wouldn’t talk, then so be it. I crushed one of the demon cores I held without hesitation.


“Natural Healing skill level has reached its limit”—a mechanical female voice echoed in my mind, like that of a game. This is it. This sensation. A clear sense of exhilaration from the skill levelling up. It was an experience that stimulated my brain like a drug, something I couldn’t have in my past life.


I kill demons for this taste.


“Natural Healing, huh? Not bad, but… it didn’t feel very satisfying. Did I kill a kid?”


“You… fiend!”


Seeing the demon thrash about with only stumps left of his limbs, seemingly ready to pounce on me, I sighed deeply, genuinely exasperated.


“Hey, it’s your fault for not answering my question, alright? Besides, I’m representing the humans who your demons have slaughtered. So don’t go whining just because a few of your kind have been killed.”


Honestly, this makes me sound like the bad guy here.


I toyed with the two remaining demon cores in my hand, making them rattle together. As a human, I couldn’t hear the voices of the demon cores, but their heartbeat-like pulsations were transmitted through them. Having a body that’s hard to kill must be tough. Even in this state, understanding the situation around you must be pretty painful.


“If you think about it, it’s rather merciful. Unlike the humans killed without question, these guys can be saved depending on your answer. You get that, right?”




“Sigh. You still don’t get it, huh?”


Good grief. These demons boast about being superior to humans, but their brains don’t seem very not

I deliberately let one of the demon cores slip from my hand and placed my foot on it. I hadn’t crushed it yet, but felt a satisfying crack under my foot.


“Oops, this one’s fragile too. Unlike the other fortresses I’ve crushed, this place seems like a village, so I guess that makes sense.”


That was a lie. When I discovered the children were in this demon village, I had already planned how to use them.


Thankfully, even for demons, women and children are considered worth protecting. But they mercilessly kill human women and children, and when it’s their turn, they beg for mercy. Why should I show any compassion for such hypocrisy?


“Crushed fortresses? You, don’t tell me…!”


For the first time, despair appeared on the face of the man who had remained stoic despite his comrades being killed, his limbs cut off, and his loved ones taken hostage.


“Did you think help was going to arrive if you just waited? How naïve. The first fortress, Rosalia. The second fortress, Echelon. The third fortress, Zard… You can imagine what happened to them. That’s why I’m here. Because those guys, desperate to save their lives, spilt the beans. You were sold out.”


I don’t need to say much more. There were plenty of sacrifices for my skill levelling. I don’t believe in leaving leftovers.


I pressed down on the core with my foot. —Crack. With a sound like crushing candy, I confirmed the skill level-up notification of the demon’s death.


“Only one left. This is your daughter’s core. I wouldn’t recommend hoping that I’m lying and that the people at the fortresses are safe.”


“…! Alright, I’ll talk! Just spare the child…!”


“That’s what I wanted to hear. So, let me ask again… I heard there’s a place where demons are raising humans as livestock. Where is it?”


Just as humans can level up their skills by hunting monsters and demons, demons can also level up their skills by hunting humans and monsters.


Some clever demon must have figured that out. They raise humans to a suitable level, fattening them and then using them to level up their skills. It’s practically a human farm.


“The Galileo Magic Academy…”


The demon’s words squeezed out with great effort, made me grin.




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