The Great Sage Who Did not Remain in Legend Thumbnail
The Great Sage Who Did not Remain in Legend

Vol. 1 Chapter 1



“Wow, these prices here are so high!”


People who occasionally visited the magic bookshop at the entrance to the slums next to the colorful district of the capital city would say so and then walk away.


“If I sold things cheap, I’d be too busy to handle it.”


The shopkeeper, Mergin, muttered to himself, bored.


Well, no sales again today. Maybe I’ll go for a drink. Despite the lack of sales recently, Mergin closed up shop early and headed out for a drink.


“Are you coming to drink at this hour again? You should work more seriously.”


Rikka, the waitress at the bar, greeted Mergin with a disapproving look. She was a redhead with a ponytail, fitting the image of the tavern well, named Rikka’s Dining after her.


“I am contributing to the sales, so stop complaining.”


“You only order cheap booze, so you’re not really contributing. How about ordering some food once in a while?”


“I can’t pay for lousy food.”


“Who’s the one saying my husband’s cooking is lousy?”


The well-built proprietress, Milly, emerged from the back.


“Just kidding. Ah, Commander’s cooking looks delicious.”


“It’s not just looks; it’s delicious.”


After being teased by the proprietress, Mergin quickly changed the subject.


“Commander, don’t tease him. You know he can’t afford to order food when sales are down.”


“Tsk, stingy. Well then, drink without eating anything.”


“Come on, Dad, don’t spoil him.”


Although the Commander looked tough, he was a friendly guy. Even when customers didn’t order food, he sometimes provided complimentary meals like this.


“Hehe, Commander looks scary but he’s actually kind.”


“His scary face is unnecessary. This wine here is good enough.”


“Alright, this is plenty.”


The Commander brought out beef stew and red wine. After serving the food and drink, he went back into the kitchen.


“If you’re going to eat free food, at least help with the dishes.”


“Yes, yes, understood.”


Mergin replied to Rikka and discreetly cast a spell on the red wine. It was one of his life magic spells, making alcohol taste better. There were also spells to enhance food, but the Commander’s cooking was already delicious without any magic.


“You always spin your finger on the rim of the glass before drinking. Is that some kind of charm?”


Rikka asked, leaning on the counter and observing Mergin’s movements.


“Yeah, I’m thanking the gods who provide for us daily.”


“Oh, so that’s something people do in your homeland?”


Mergin is not a native of this country. He wandered in from somewhere else and settled down. Even foreigners can live and conduct business here if they pay the hefty taxes required.


“Well, well. Look, another customer just came in. Get to work.”


“I don’t need you telling me to work.”


With a huff, Rikka turned away from Mergin and went to take the new customer’s order.


After finishing the beef stew and red wine meal prepared by the Commander, Mergin headed to the kitchen.


“Commander, don’t let the dishes pile up like this.”


The sink was piled high with dishes from last night and today.


“You’re the one washing them anyway. Hurry up and get to it.”


“Alright, alright.”


Mergin used dishwashing magic to clean up the piled dishes.


“But seriously, it’s impressive every time.”


“Right? I think 3 million G for this magic book is quite cheap. Commander, how about one for yourself?”


“You idiot, you know our average customer spending. Can’t afford 3 million G just to wash dishes.”


“It’s a lifetime investment, so it’s cheap.”


“Shut up. If it was 300 G, I’d consider it.”


The currency in this country is almost equivalent to yen. So, Mergin sells the dishwashing magic book at his shop for 3 million yen.


“All done. Thanks for the meal, Commander. It was delicious.”


After quickly finishing the dishes, Mergin waved goodbye and fluttered out of the kitchen.


“Thanks as always.”


The Commander muttered softly. Washing dishes was quite a laborious task for the bar. Drawing water from the well and cleaning each dish one by one took a lot of time. With Mergin’s magic, it was done in just about five minutes, leaving everything sparkling like new.


“Will you come again tomorrow?”


The proprietress called out to Mergin as he emerged from the kitchen.




“Then I’ll leave the dishes for you.”


“Alright, alright.”


Earlier, the tavern was empty, but now it was bustling with customers. It wasn’t the best clientele due to the low prices, but it was a popular spot.


“I swear, that Mergin guy, going back to the colorful district again? If he has money to buy women, he should eat expensive food.”


Rikka commented as she watched Mergin leave.


“He’s in his prime, can’t blame him.”


“Seriously, he’s such a good-for-nothing.”


Rikka sighed with a disapproving look as Mergin headed to the colorful district almost every day.


~This is the story of a former great sage who did not remain in legend.~

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