The 100th confession failed for me, so I swore I wouldn’t confess again. But when I went to confess again, something seemed off about the other person. Thumbnail
The 100th confession failed for me, so I swore I wouldn’t confess again. But when I went to confess again, something seemed off about the other person.

Chapter 1

“Could anyone give up after being rejected once by someone they liked? Ordinary people probably could.


But what if they weren’t ordinary? They’d probably continue confessing persistently, regardless of what others say, without hesitation, just continuing to confess to the person they love.


From the other person’s perspective, it must be nothing but annoying. But from our side, it’s natural to want to fulfill our desires no matter what.


…But after around ten times, your feelings might start to waver a bit.


I remember wavering a bit after ten times myself. But I endured. Could my feelings really disappear just because I’ve been rejected ten times?


No, that couldn’t be possible! Even if I confess fifty times or more, my feelings won’t disappear… There were times when I was so sure of that.


Everyone will understand that the past tense means things are different now. I might have lightly dismissed it earlier, but I’m that stubborn guy who continues to confess to the person he likes, no matter how many times.


I’ve confessed exactly one hundred times to the same person up to now.


I just reached that milestone yesterday with my confession. I’m known throughout the school as the supposedly ordinary guy who’s actually quite desperate.


“Good morning, Aiki. Are you going to confess again today?”


“Good morning. Well… yeah, probably.”


“What’s wrong? You sound hesitant. Did you give up?”


“Well, hmm… yeah, maybe I did.”


“Maybe? It sounds like even you’re not sure.”


The person I like is Akuya Aosui, also in my grade. Akuya is famous in our year for being a man-hater and somewhat of a Madonna figure. She’s cruelly turned down many guys before.


My confessing started when I fell in love at first sight with her when we became second years. She was the first person I felt this way about, the one who made me realize I’m more persistent than I thought.


“No, I’ve decided. I’m giving up on her.”


“That’s probably for the best. I think you’re cool, and instead of chasing an impossible love, you should look for someone new.”


“You’re a good guy.”


“That’s way too rude of you.”


“Ah, forget it.”


As I said, I’ve decided to give up on her. I’m tired, and I started to think it might be pointless to keep trying if I couldn’t make it happen even after a hundred confessions.


During lunch break, as usual, I had called her to an empty classroom. In a romance comedy, the confession event would take place on the rooftop, but unfortunately, our school doesn’t have an accessible rooftop.


Reality forces a reassessment.


“Another confession today?”


“Yeah, it’s a confession.”


“Well, that’s to be expected. You really don’t know when to give up, do you?”


“Haha, thank you.”


“I’m not complimenting you.”


As expected, Akuya is beautiful and cute. How did she come to possess such an artistic face? I wonder if her parents are incredibly beautiful too.


If possible, I wanted to date her, meet her parents, get married… It’s a happy path I dreamed of, but I know it’s impossible.


“So, yeah. I knew.”


“It’s not funny.”


“For someone who finds it unfunny, you sure come every time. Why do you come?”


“…Come to think of it, why do I? I’m not really sure myself. But somehow, I feel like I’d regret it if I just turned you down.”


“Well, whatever. Thank you so much for coming just for me all this time.”


I bowed deeply, expressing my sincere gratitude.


“E-eh, why are you suddenly doing this!?”


She seems quite surprised. Considering my actions until now, I think her reaction is appropriate.


“I came to confess.”


“Isn’t that what you always do? I don’t understand the meaning behind this.”


“You’ll understand soon enough.”


After taking a breath, surprisingly not feeling nervous, I noticed Akuya seemed a bit flustered. It’s probably just my imagination, though.


Now, let me say it.


“I’ve decided to give up on Akuya. I won’t confess or talk to you anymore. So, thank you for everything up until now. I’m glad my first love was you, Akuya.”


With that said, I left the empty classroom in silence. I’ll never know what expression Akuya had at that moment.


But it was probably quite something.

Author's Thoughts

亜玖亜 (Akuya) forms a unique and beautiful name that combines the ideas of support, preciousness, and elegance and 青水 (Aosui) can be interpreted as "blue/green water" or "fresh water."

Edit: Correction in name: Aku to Akuya.

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Doing Translation for fun and lil money.

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