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His Sensitivity

Chapter 5


Morning came a little bit early when the sound of an alarm clocked wake the whole dorm room of 105. The alarm never stopped and even the deep sleeper Ren woke up because of the alarm set in loop.

“Who the hell set that fucking alarm three am in the morning?!” Mikhail growled from anger his face black

Surprisingly there is a figure still sleeping soundly on his own bed with a black phone ringing beside his bed. Ren threw a pillow at Jiro wanting to suffocate him at his sleep while Mikhail jumped down on his bed and tried to literally choke the sleeping Jiro

“Bro why? Argh ! Letsfmooego “

“Just die you stupid shit!”

The whole room is so chaotic while Dean tried to separate the two of them not wanting any murder to occur on the room he is residing in.

Ren just wanted to hit him once and then sleep but who let him wake the school tyrant at three am. He couldn’t help but let out a small yawn just sleep while they are arguing bah, he can still sleep it’s still early for this shit.

“Stop this ! Kill him when he leave the dorm. There right in the hallway but don’t you dare commit it here”
Dean also wanted his sleep and tried his best to prevent a murder happening in this room just thinking of a sleepless night being interview at the police station because of murder he can’t help but have a headache.

“Bro I’m sorry I just want to wake up early and prepare breakfast for everyone because we now have a new dorm mate”

Jiro looked pitiful sighing like that with a hunch back, The pitiful sight of Jiro did nothing to ease the anger of Mikhail and he leave the room with a huff after grabbing his jacket. The door slammed with a loud ‘thud’

Ren felt that this dorm room is really messy, he secretly dissed Jiro inside his head

If you don’t wake up with your own alarm then don’t set one idiot.

This is the reason why sharing the common space is hard, inside the dorm is a shared bathroom and a mini kitchen.

“I’m sorry everyone I’ll cook breakfast as an apology”

Ren and Dean decided to sleep again as it really is still early.

Mikhail did not return to the room after that as he jogged around the school trying to calm down his anger and urge to punch someone. He is the type of person who does not want to be disturbed while sleeping and have a temper when forcefully woken up

Just before the bell rang Ren is already seated on the back room with his head leaning on the table. He said he would continue sleeping but who would have thought that he couldn’t do it after all now he felt drowsy.

This is bad the classes are about to start and I can’t doze off!!

Luke approached the withered Ren and handed him a congee to eat for breakfast. Ren wanted to reject the congee as he have already eaten a buffet of breakfast made by his roommates but at the same time he could not reject Luke’s goodwill of buying him some breakfast.

He accept it and ate it as fast as he can despite his bulging stomach but doing so just made his constitution worse than before.

“I guess you really are hungry mmmm I’ll bring you breakfast another time”

“Okay thank you Luke”

Ren tried to force a smile despite feeling bad but Luke did not notice anything out of the blue and felt that he really did a good job on bringing his childhood friend some breakfast, after all he knew just how poor the little prince is.

Class started but Ren couldn’t focus.

Ahhhh he ate too much and his stomach hurt so much that he can feel cold sweats roll down on the nape of his neck. Ren clenched his hands into a fist in an attempt to hold a grip on reality and not doze off.

He abruptly stand from his seat when he felt something coming up from his throat, the whole class looked at him even the teacher writing on the blackboard stopped what he is doing to look back and saw the transfer student change his face color from black to blue.

Clearly something is wrong with the student.

Ren did not want to be rude but if he waited for permission he might just vomit in front of the whole class and that would be a sorry sight to behold.

Not bothering to say anything he decided he will just say sorry later and rush to the bathroom as fast as he can.

“ Argh this sucks” Ren said as he wiped the corners of his mouth but then another round of vomiting occurred.

The bathroom is empty as everyone is in their respective classrooms listening to the lesson for the day. Only the sounds of vomiting and running water can be heard from inside.

Ahhhh I’m done just my second day and this is happening to me

Ren couldn’t help but rant inside his head as he held onto the wall for support. It might also because he indulge himself on too much food that he forgot his own capacity on the other hand he really can’t reject Luke so that just result to this pathetic image.

Maybe he will rest on the floor for now.

The door burst open from a kick on the other side although at this moment Ren couldn’t give out a shout he still jolt from shock.

“Oyyy are you still alive?”


Ren stopped mid sentence when he got carried all of the sudden.

He is really laying limp on his arms ,no energy to move anymore. He does not care anymore where he will be taken by this school tyrant he felt empty after throwing up all of his breakfast

“I’ll take you to the infirmary”

With Ren’s little energy that he managed to accumulate he fished out a small strawberry candy at passed it on to the school tyrants breast pocket.



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