Breaking Death Flags with Power: Reincarnated as the Villain in an Eroge, Dominating with Debuffs Thumbnail
Breaking Death Flags with Power: Reincarnated as the Villain in an Eroge, Dominating with Debuffs

Vol. 1 Chapter 2 - The Villain and the Current Situation

Titan Onyx. Height: 175 cm, weight: 60 kg. He inherited his mother’s blonde hair, which he ties with a rubber band. Despite his appearance, his body is surprisingly toned.


His personality is highly self-centred and twisted. He often makes sexual remarks to the heroines and abuses his noble status to do as he pleases, making his outrageous behaviour a common sight at the academy.


This is how Titan is described in the game… no matter how many times I see it, it’s hopeless. To make matters worse, he is pathetically weak in the game.


There’s a route where Titan joins the protagonist’s party, but he’s incredibly weak… he’s more of a hindrance in battle.


He can equip one-handed swords, but no matter how strong the sword is, he barely inflicts any damage on monsters. Whether due to poor AI programming or a deliberate feature, he even applies debuffs to the protagonist at random…


The player’s hatred for Titan must have been intense. And since it’s a cuckoldry (cuckoldry) route, he steals the heroine and the strong one-handed sword you painstakingly developed, then leaves the party.


No wonder the cuckoldry route was so unpopular. Titan’s presence makes battles harder, and he steals your developed characters and weapons, making the effort not worth it.


In the end, Titan is executed by beheading in the cuckoldry route, and I’m sure many players felt he got what he deserved.


Let’s get back to the point. Weak, awful personality, and just plain unpleasant… that’s Titan.


“Well, if I’m careful, I should be able to improve his personality at least… probably. The problem is his weakness.”


Since I don’t know which route the protagonist will take at the academy, my top priority is addressing Titan’s weakness. Whether I become an ally or an enemy of the protagonist, it’s crucial to ensure some strength before heading to the academy.


“Kagurazaka Academy” is primarily a gal game but essentially an RPG. There are monsters and dungeons. This much was certain from Titan’s memories.


In the game, there are several events where you must defeat monsters. Many Titans have died during these events…


“I definitely don’t want to die. So, how should I train myself?”


I’ve already got an idea. How many times do you think I played through this ero game? I’m a gentleman who’s completed over 100 runs!


Titan has an interesting feature. In the cuckoldry route, no matter how resistant the protagonist is, Titan’s debuffs always get through… he’s a genius at enchantment magic.


He fully invests in using this talent to annoy the protagonist… classic Titan. But that aside…


“Enchantment magic classes start after entering the academy, don’t they? And I think it’s a second-year elective… what should I do?”


I crossed my arms, thinking. There are three main ways to learn magic: through classes, from monster spellbook drops, or treasure chests in field dungeons.


Learning through classes takes time but guarantees the desired spell. Monster spellbook drops have low rates but allow for immediate learning.


Treasure chests… honestly, aren’t reliable. Their appearance is random, and their contents are also random. Given this, spellbooks from monsters have better odds, right?


Frankly, Titan has no talent for the sword. In the game, everyone starts at level 1 when they enter the academy. Currently, both Titan and his brother Orf are at level 1, too.


In such a state, can I defeat monsters? The answer is no.


“For now, I’ll try diving into an early dungeon. I want to see how different it is from the game.”


There’s a chance the enemies might be weaker than in the game. I pinpointed a dungeon that seemed manageable at level 1.


“There’s a dungeon accessible from the first year… if I remember correctly, it’s in the Onyx family territory. The explanation was something like a 10-minute walk from the Onyx mansion…”


I visualized the map I frequently saw in the game. The academy is there, the Onyx family estate is here, and the ‘Forest of Lost Paths’ is to the east.


I grabbed a one-handed sword and headed outside… only to be wracked with pain. I realized how bruised I was. I’d taken a beating, hadn’t I?


“First… I need to heal. I’ve accepted that I’ve been reincarnated as Titan, and I’m glad this happened before entering the academy.”


Before starting at the academy, there’s still a chance to avoid Titan’s bad reputation and grim fate.


It’s December now, so I have three full months to train. Titan, there’s no time to be depressed! You’ve got countless death flags ahead of you!


I told myself this as I lay back on the bed and closed my eyes. My goal is to graduate safely from the academy. Staying in the Onyx family is no longer an option. I need to become strong enough to live as an adventurer.


I repeated this to myself as I drifted off to sleep. When I woke up at dawn, no one even bothered to wake me up for dinner—pathetic.


It’s understandable since Titan was hated for his constant harassment of the servants. That’s why there’s even a route where he’s assassinated. At least for the next three months, I’ll try to be kind… what a tough life you’ve got, Titan!


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