This Group of Men is Toxic Thumbnail
This Group of Men is Toxic

Chapter 1 - The Forceful Kiss

The night was deep, the evening breeze blowing gently.


Zuo Ning raised her hand to tuck a few stray strands of hair behind her ear and looked up at the pitch-black five-story villa in front of her.


This villa complex, called “Lotus Creek,” now appeared rather old, but Zuo Ning knew very well that even with her current abilities, she could not afford the house before her.


After all, no matter how old and worn it might be, this place was the closest residential area to Yue Ming Lake, the largest man-made lake in S City, a first-tier metropolis.


This place was made for the wealthy.


“So many years, and I’ve never seen anyone living inside. Did the person who bought this villa do so just as an investment?”


Zuo Ning murmured to herself in the night, her thoughts wandering far away. By the time she snapped back to reality, it was already eleven o’clock.


Realizing she had important matters to attend to early the next morning, she sighed softly and turned to leave.


“Thud!” A sudden noise came from the flowerbed not far away, like something had fallen to the ground.


Instinctively, Zuo Ning looked in the direction of the sound and, under the streetlamp’s dim light, could vaguely make out a dark figure in the depths of the flowerbed, with a black bottle lying on the ground outside.


A drunkard?


Considering the neighborhood’s usually good security, Zuo Ning plucked up her courage and took a few steps in that direction, cautiously asking, “Are you alright?”


Hearing no response, she stepped closer and finally saw a man around thirty years old.


The man was dressed in a dark suit. Even sitting crookedly on the ground, his well-built physique and handsome features were evident.


While Zuo Ning was carefully examining the man, he lifted his head and seriously scrutinized her as well.


His eyes seemed covered with a thin layer of mist, his gaze somewhat dazed, yet when he looked at Zuo Ning, his eyes appeared burning with intensity.


Zuo Ning felt a shiver down her spine under his gaze. Clearing her throat, she asked, “Are you drunk? Should I… call your family to come get you?”


From the man’s attire, Zuo Ning could tell he was wealthy, and considering their current location, she guessed he must be a resident nearby.


However, he did not answer her question, continuing to stare at her. After a long time, he muttered, “You finally came back.”


Zuo Ning was taken aback, unable to grasp the meaning behind his words. Before she could react, a shadow smelling heavily of alcohol lunged at her, holding her tightly in his arms.


Startled, Zuo Ning tried to push the man away with all her strength, but the more she struggled, the tighter he held on. Eventually, he was squeezing her so hard that her breathing became irregular, and she felt weak.


“Do you know? I’ve been looking for you. I’ve waited for you for many years… many years…” The man’s hands tightened continuously as if trying to absorb her into his very being.


“You… you’re drunk. You’ve mistaken me for someone else. I don’t… I don’t know you… let me go…”


Just as Zuo Ning was on the brink of suffocation, the man finally released her. But his hot lips pressed down on hers before she could take a few deep breaths.


Zuo Ning’s heart raced wildly, and she momentarily forgot to resist, staring wide-eyed at the man before her.


She could even see his long, beautiful eyelashes at such a close distance. Tears slowly trickled from his half-closed eyes.


The tears slid down his cheeks, landing on their tightly pressed lips.


The tears were warm but nowhere near as hot as his lips. The contrast of the cold liquid snapped Zuo Ning back to reality. She forcefully shoved the man away.


Perhaps because he had drunk too much, the man staggered several steps backwards from her push and then fell to the ground with a heavy thud.


Watching as the back of his head struck the fence behind him and seeing him lie still, Zuo Ning’s breath caught in her throat. She hurried over to help him up.


“Hey! Are you okay? Hey! Hey! Wake up!”


Only then did Zuo Ning realize that not only were his lips scorching, but his cheeks and forehead were unusually warm, and he clearly had a high fever.


“There’s no wound on your head, so it shouldn’t be too serious. But you… drinking so much while being sick, and… and acting like a pervert, you deserve it if you die!”


Despite her words, she didn’t dare take any chances. She quickly took out her phone and called for a taxi, anxiously waiting for the driver to find this place.


The anger from losing her first kiss had long vanished. All she could do now was pray that the man wouldn’t die; otherwise, she might have to pay with her life. After all, she couldn’t afford to offend the people living here!


How did she end up in such a situation when she hadn’t done anything wrong?


After about five minutes, the taxi driver called, saying the security guard wouldn’t let him drive in and that Zuo Ning needed to come to the gate.


Rolling her eyes in frustration, she looked at the tall man beside her, gritted her teeth, and hoisted him onto her back, struggling toward the gate.


“What bad luck to run into someone like you! You better not die. If you die and your family demands my life, who can I argue with?”


After a pause, she sighed again and continued, “But it doesn’t matter. I’m all alone anyway. If it comes to it, I’ll just give you my life.”


When she finally threw him into the taxi, her once-pristine white dress was soaked with sweat, sticking uncomfortably to her skin.


Ignoring the suspicious and wary glances from the security guard and the taxi driver, she calmly instructed, “To the nearest hospital.”

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