If Only You Were My Friend Thumbnail
If Only You Were My Friend

Chapter 2 - Chapter 1, Episode 2

The parade moves slowly toward the palace.

People from all over the Royal City gather on the main street, cheering for us on the carriages.


We were two separate people in a two-seater carriage with the exterior removed for ceremonial purposes. Alec and I were separate, in order to avoid having all the assassinations and other targets against the royal family in one place.

Naturally, we would ride with either Titis or Teresa.

Titis is one of only nine in the world, and is a「Witch,」a being who is not originally involved in worldly affairs. She works with Alec under a special contract and never leaves his side as a contractor.

In other words, it was obvious that Theresa and I would be riding together.


Although I decided not to give up on being friends with Theresa, that didn’t make the awkwardness go away.

Inwardly, I was so nervous about Theresa’s presence that I almost broke out in a funny sweat as she sat next to me, waving to the crowd with a smile on her face as a trained princess, her shoulders touching me every time I moved a little.

I wasn’t wearing perfume, but the faintly sweet smell of Theresa tickled my nostrils.


But this is a great opportunity for the two of us to talk.

If things continue as they are, there will not be many opportunities for the two of us to talk alone from now on.

The two of us are alone in the carriage, and the gentleman is on a horse being towed, so our voice is muffled by the crowd and doesn’t leak out of the carriage.


I glanced to the side and saw Theresa’s profile as she smiled benevolently at the crowd.

Ah, this is a made face, I knew.

The saint’s formal attire, dyed a beautiful blue and elaborately embroidered with gold threads, and the white veil woven with the finest silk, suited her, but did not seem to bring out her true beauty.


「Hey, Theresa.」


I call out to Theresa without stopping to wave to the crowd.


「I am not giving up.」


For a moment, I saw her eyes turn toward me.

I’m sure she would look annoyed. But I’m sure she’ll weigh the hassle of ignoring royalty’s words and answer me.

At this point, let’s use whatever is available.

I am rather desperate.


「What is this about?」

「To have you be my friend.」

「I believe I declined that.」

「Is it because you don’t like me? Is it because I am royalty?」

「…That’s right.」


I want to know why that unnatural pause was created.

But I am sure she won’t answer me just yet.


「I am not convinced, so I cannot give up.」

「I think your approval has nothing to do with this, Princess.」


The slightly stunned way she said it seemed like she was just being herself, which made me enjoy it a little.


「It may not matter, but I will not give up. If you want me to give up, you’ll have to convince me.」


I think I am saying something quite absurd.


「There is no need to convince you, Princess.」

「Oh, my. What does that mean?」

「I am only going back to the temple, so I don’t care what you think of me.」

「Then I will have to write to you every day inviting you to the palace.」

「…What did you say?」

「If the Saint continues to ignore the letter from the royal family, you may receive unnecessary scrutiny from those around you.」


This must be my least favorite way of using power as a cover.

Even for me, who was educated to believe that those born into a royal family have no freedom and must be part of the state, I feel a creaking sense of guilt.

If I really did it, I would be blamed by my father and King Alec, so I am only talking about it.

Still, I am so attached to her that my personal feelings take precedence.


「…Are you threatening me?」

「Did it sound that way? I was merely stating a fact.」


Theresa returned the silence.

Ugh, the air is heavy.

I can’t help but feel like I’m getting further and further away from my intended friend, though I can’t help but feel like I’m somehow keeping the relationship alive.




It was Theresa who broke the silence.


「Why are you so obsessed with me?」

「I cannot allow you to refuse my invitation.」


If I put it this way, Theresa might give up on the idea of being entangled with troublesome royalty.




But she cut off my lie with a single word.


「Both the earlier threat and the current reason are lies. I know that you are a person who would not do such a thing, Princess.」


That is not fair.

She doesn’t want to be my friend, but she talks about me as if she approves of me.

And I am an easy woman to be happy that she understands me.

But now I have no way to keep Theresa connected.

I wonder if she would bother me if I went to see her at the temple.


「Is there some unspoken reason why you were misled?」


I was surprised that she continued the conversation with me, but there was a definite grimness in Theresa’s tone.

Not good, she was getting a bad impression of me steadily.


「The reason is as I mentioned the other day. It is difficult for me to make equal friends in my position. I have never had one.」


Once again, I dare to use the word “equal,” which must have caught Theresa’s attention.

Theresa seemed to have noticed, but she only let out a sigh and did not waver in her emotion.


「People say I am a saint, but I am an orphan. I don’t even know my parents. I am not your equal, but the furthest thing from Your Highness.」


Teresa’s background was not disclosed, as she was not even unveiled as a saint, and this was the first time I had heard of her.

Her elegant behavior made me think that she was born in the upper class even if she was not an aristocrat, so I was surprised to hear about her background.


「Yes, I see.」

「Is that surprising?」

「Your manners are so beautiful. I imagined that you were the bastard child of an aristocrat or something like that, and that’s why you disliked royalty and aristocrats.」

「I was not born into such a storybook special birth. I grew up in a poor orphanage where food was scarce for the day.」


I noticed Theresa gave a small sigh.


「Do you understand? Even if you allow me to be near you, Princess, even if I am a Saint, I know that the people around you will not approve of my presence.」

「That is not true.」


I denied it unequivocally.


「There is no one who cannot be proud of the saints of their country, no matter what their birthplace.」


In fact, it is likely that Theresa will be inundated with marriage proposals from families with a keen interest in her.

High magical power is one of the most important qualities for a nobleman, and welcoming a saint with extremely high Mind Magic power will enhance the family’s dignity. The Orthodox Church is also a major direct beneficiary of the marriage.


「That may be true from a practical standpoint. But I am sure there are many people who would not find it amusing on the inside.」


It is true that there are a certain number of nobles who, apart from their political value, are emotionally averse to having someone of low birth approach the royal family.

They do not realize that the idea of being of low birth is not suitable for a nobleman in this country.


「I am telling you, there is no need to be concerned about such things.」

「Can’t you see that I am troublesome?」


I know she meant “the outside world,” but it was as if she had been told that her presence was bothersome, and it hurt me in a somber way.

No, I think she may have meant, correctly, including me.

It would be easy to say that she would shut such people up, and in fact she would.

But there is no point in doing so.

In Theresa’s mind, my value is below that annoyance.


I could find no words to reply, and this time Theresa did not continue the conversation.

The carriages were passing through the main street, the castle gates were approaching, and the parade was coming to an end.

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