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Bondage and Marriage

Chapter 1

Alpha, Omega, and Beta.


The world was not enough with just the male and female genders, and had to further split into three sexes. While it may seem complicated at first glance to add a third division to the two, the reality is quite simple. There are the betas, who are simply men and women. Then there are the alphas, who can impregnate anyone, and the omegas, who can be impregnated by anyone. Alphas and omegas can impregnate and become pregnant regardless of their gender.


The characteristics of alphas and omegas are also quite pronounced. Alphas are generally strong and fierce, with a drive to dominate and subdue their partners, akin to conquerors or beasts. Omegas, on the other hand, are soft and pliant, adorable yet able to tame even the most overbearing alpha. While not as numerous as betas, alphas and omegas are essentially designed to be drawn to one another.


These distinct physical traits naturally created a social structure where alphas reign over omegas. Over the centuries, omegas have often been treated as lesser than human, especially male omegas. Even in societies that espouse universal human rights and equality, the deep-seated biases against omegas persist, with people often unconsciously discriminating against them.


However, Noah Frost embraced being an omega. He saw it not just as acceptable, but as a point of pride and charm. 


Noah Frost, the youngest son of the immensely powerful Frost family at age 25, was a beloved omega known for his sweetness, obedience and refinement. His hobbies were the sophisticated violin and piano, and his sparkling blonde hair and gentle blue eyes led to him receiving endless “love calls” after graduating university. But beneath his innocent, well-mannered omega exterior, Noah harbored a secret side unknown to all but his childhood friend James.


“Kitty, didn’t you wash properly? Hm? Don’t like it, kitty? Guess we’ll have to treat you like a bitch then?”


As Alex painfully gripped Noah’s hair, the teary-eyed omega put the man’s genitalia back in his mouth, licking and sucking as if it were a delicious treat. Noah’s cat-eared head bobbed dutifully, while his naked body, increasingly sticky with lubricant and semen, attested to the multiple men taking turns with him on the sofa. 


“Kitty, don’t neglect your back entrance either. It’s gaping.”


As the man behind Noah roughly thrust into him, the omega clenched tightly, wincing at the searing pain. The man cursed and pounded him harder, Noah’s reddened, abused backside dripping with the abundant fluids of eight men, half of them virile alphas.


“Ugh, ahh… *cough, cough*”


As Noah almost completely swallowed Alex’s genitalia, the redness on his face intensified from the discomfort, and he coughed it out. But rather than feeling pity or sympathy, the men in the room only seemed to be further aroused by Noah’s suffering.


“Kitty, are you really going to do this? I’m disappointed…”


“Your hole is so loose now, I can’t even feel it anymore.”  


“What? That’s no good, that’s a big problem.”


Alex grabbed Noah’s jaw, forcing him to look up. Noah’s swollen lips were smeared with an unknown fluid, and his reddened tongue moved obscenely in his mouth. Alex pressed down on Noah’s tongue with his fingers, speaking in a deceptively sweet tone.


“Kitty, what are you going to do? You can’t even suck properly, and your a*s is already loose. I haven’t even fucked you in the back yet.”


“I’m s-sorry…”


“No need to apologize. Didn’t I say? If you can’t do it properly, we’ll just treat you like a bitch…”


As Alex’s voice lowered threateningly, Noah panted and squirmed his hips. From his thoroughly aroused backside, a clear fluid began slowly seeping out, distinct from semen. 


“You want to be mounted like a dog? Literally, you want to do it with a dog? Just say the word. There are big-dicked dogs in this club that can stuff your loose hole.” 


Noah shook his head. “No, no…” But despite his refusal, his rear grew even more wet at the mere mental image.


“If you don’t want to, oh well. Guess I’ll have to take responsibility for your loose hole then.”


At Alex’s nod, one of the men watching brought a dildo from a box in the room. Incredibly realistic in color and vein detail, Alex pushed Noah’s head down, raising his hips. In front of the gathered men, the dildo was pushed into Noah’s rear, sliding in nearly to the base with little resistance, before being pulled out and thrust back in.


Each time, Noah gasped and tugged at Alex’s pant leg, but the more he squirmed, the faster the dildo moved in and out. After playing with the dildo for a while, one man finally unzipped his pants, rubbing his hardened member against Noah’s a*s. The dildo was still lodged inside, but the man paid it no mind, eliciting shivers from Noah with every pass of the glans.


“Kitty, feel good?”


“Ugh, ah…”


“Since your a*s is loose too, why don’t we put one more in?”


Huh? Alex demanded, roughly shaking Noah’s hair. The man behind gripped Noah’s a*s cheeks, poised to thrust inside. 


“Can’t answer? Well?”


Forced, Noah opened his reddened lips. “Y-yes, please put… one more in…”


“That’s what I thought. One more what do you want in there?”


As the man forcibly pushed a finger in, Noah let out a muffled scream. Pulling the dildo open, his pink insides were exposed, prompting one of the watching men to whistle.


Just as Noah opened his mouth, likely to say something lewd again –


*ring, ring… ring…*


A phone started ringing somewhere, causing Noah, who had been rocking his hips, to look up. The taunting men also fell silent at the sound. Alex handed Noah the phone from the table, and seeing his father’s name on the screen, Noah sighed and lifted his prone upper body. Gesturing the men to be quiet, Noah answered the call.


“Yes, Father? What’s the matter?”


In a complete contrast to the lewd atmosphere just moments ago, where he was sucking men’s genitalia and trying to take in two objects at once, Noah responded in a meek and docile voice. “Yes, no… I’m just hanging out with college friends right now… Of course. Yes, I’ll head back soon. I’ll see you later.” Noah smiled brightly, but his expression quickly turned sullen as he ended the call.


“Aw, gotta go already?”


“Yeah… Looks like the thing my father mentioned got canceled. He wanted to take me out for dinner to celebrate my birthday.”  


Noah winced briefly as he pulled out the dildo from his rear. His disappointment was evident, but he wasn’t the only one – the men who had been eagerly awaiting their turn grumbled in frustration.


“What the hell. I gathered the guys here for a birthday gangbang session.”


“Still, we all got a turn at least. I’ll cover the drinks today.”


“Alright then, I guess…”


The reason they didn’t push Noah further was not just because he was a VVIP at this club, practically an idol of the neighborhood. It was also because Noah often covered the group’s expenses when they hung out. Just as his family and friends had no idea about this side of him, the men here only knew Noah as a wealthy, good-looking omega.


As Alex, who had been Noah’s long-time s*x partner, helped the slightly unsteady Noah up, the omega cast his eyes down shyly before heading to the bathroom attached to the room. “Alex and I are going to shower. Anyone want to join? I feel a little… lacking.”


This was the other side of Noah Frost – the omega queen of this exclusive club, where only the most select were allowed entry, yet there were many desperately waiting to get in.

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What an unexpected and wild start