Wait, marriage hunting comes first before pregnancy hunting! Thumbnail
Wait, marriage hunting comes first before pregnancy hunting!

Chapter 1

It’s a BL story

Just to make sure, I’ll say this again. It’s a BL story.


                           Chapter 1

In a not-so-fancy square off to the side of the road, a round ball rolled and bumped into Shion’s feet while we were hanging out. Since Shion had his hands full with bags from our shopping trip, I squatted down and picked it up for him.

“Sorry about that!”

Some kids from the square called out, with apologetic faces.

“Here you go!”

I tossed the ball back to them while saying so.

“Thanks, mister!”

One of the kids caught it and headed back to his friends with a carefree smile. Pretty soon, they were back to playing ball.

“It brings back memories,” I said to Shion, who was still staring at the kids.

We had the day off work, so Shion, my roommate and buddy, and I were out shopping in our casual clothes. After crossing the square, there was a shortcut to home.

“Did Tao like playing with the ball?”

“Hmm, not really. I usually got dragged around by my siblings, so I was mostly picking up balls or playing goalie. If you ask me if I liked it, maybe not so much. I’d rather have been reading. But Shion, you seem like you were all about playing.”

As I said that, Shion seemed to drift off into memories and went quiet for a bit.

Uh oh. Maybe this topic wasn’t a good idea.

While thinking that, I glanced over at Shion.

Looking up, I saw his rare white-ish hair shimmering in the sunlight like silver. I always think he’s so cool. 

Even as a man myself, I can say his face is worth falling for. With facial features so stunning that it makes everyone stop in their tracks.

He has a sleek nose, with such beautiful eyes that are like golden jewels. And get this, he’s not just a pretty face – dude’s got some serious combat skills, like total game-changer level, you know? He’s a total cheat.

Seriously, forget about comparing him to other similar knights; he’s on a whole different level compared to them.

The strongest of the eighth squad, such a majestic person, is Shion. The eighth squad is the only squad among the eight squads of the country that specializes in taking down magical beasts.

Even though the uniform of all the other seven squads is navy blue, the reason our squad’s uniform is all black is because they are made with consideration in mind that they can blend in with the blood of those beasts they slay and don’t scare common people.

Therefore, we are called as the “Black Knights” by the people because of it.

Normally, Shion isn’t exactly the buddy-buddy type… Maybe that’s just his personality. Even though right now he’s mellowed out a bit, he still seems a bit aggressive, or how should I put it. It sounds good to call him a lone wolf, but this type of behavior is often seen in geniuses.

Even the captain has said to me that I need to have a relaxed vibe to be able to team up with buddy. But, it seems like all of this is related to Shion’s upbringing.

“Children… are nice. …They must be cute, right?” Such words came out of Shion’s mouth as he gazed into the distance. I didn’t expect such words to come out suddenly and ended up looking at Shion with a serious expression.

“Huh, children?” I never thought this self-centered guy would like kids.

“Oh… well, how should I put it,” Shion hesitated unusually.

“Do you want to get married?” When asked, Shion furrowed his eyebrows.

“I don’t need to get married.”

“Just having children without getting married is too cruel.”

“Children can be adopted.”

“Wait, what do you mean? I’m getting confused. Hey, wake up. Shion, you’ll easily find a partner, so let’s make sure to get married first, okay?”

“I-It’s okay either way.” Seeing his face that way, I got a bit sad.


“Family, huh?

Shion has lost both of his parents. I don’t know all the details, but from what I’ve seen in old records, his hometown got wrecked by monsters and suffered quite significant damage. 

Back then, Shion was just a baby, and his parents sacrificed themselves to save him.

After that, he kinda got passed around among relatives and eventually joined the Eighth Unit.

When I first met him, I was fourteen and Shion was eighteen. I was his junior, and let me tell you, Shion was hell of an outstanding dude. 

He was already extremely strong back then and never opened his heart to anyone. It’s just that like a machine, he focused on taking down monsters.

Naturally, everyone in the unit was troubled in dealing with this knife-like guy. But thanks to the skills I picked up growing up with my big, rowdy siblings, I ended up chasing after Shion every day, and as a result, I got on good terms with him. 

And strangely enough, after earning Shion’s trust, we became buddies without even realizing it.

Shion was kinda wary of people. I think there are probably good reasons for it. But deep down, I could tell he was looking for a family. 

Because he always seemed a bit envious when he saw me and my family arguing with each other.

“Alright, I’ll figure something out for you!” I said to Shion with a grin, ready to lend a hand.


“Even if it doesn’t look like it, I’ve got plenty of friends. Just leave it to me.”

Even if he didn’t have the looks or fighting skills like now, I can proudly say that Shion’s a good guy.

I wanna help this guy in finding him a home. In my head, I started picturing girls who would be a good match for Shion.

Definitely with the exception of my sisters who would go nuts over him. But, I’ll use their connections if I have to. Even though I may not look like it, I’ve got acquaintances all over, and 

I’m sure as long as Shion likes them, I can find him the best wife in the whole country.

He’s my precious buddy.

And my important friend.

I was dead serious from the bottom of my heart about making Shion happy.


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