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Tensei Maou no Juliet

Vol. 1 Chapter 1.1 - It’s a Matter of Taking Her, or Taking the World

The large semi-circular classroom was split in two.

On the right side facing towards the blackboard is the Absolute Empire, and on the left side is the student from the Republic of Blaze sitting —— no, standing up.

There’s about 30 people each. Both sides were prepared to attack with swords or magic at any time.

In the critical situation, tension stretched.

One of Blaze’s students —— a young man with vivid red hair opens fire.


“What’s wrong, Princess-sama of the Empire. You aristocrat guys has stopped putting on airs, but you can’t do anything by yourself. Ultimately, you can’t rely on us, and I wonder if you could prevent the Northern Demons(Mazoku)*.” (TN: I’m still wondering of what name is good for it, mazoku or demons??)


He has a brazen look, and sharp and war-like eyes.

The dignified high-quality uniform, was slovenly wore by him.

Leading magician of the Republic of Blaze, Haruto Shindou raises his chin with his hands in the pockets of his pants, and glared with his eyes as if looking down on the other party.

At the end of such line of sight of his, was a girl who boasts a transcendental beauty.

—— Iris Shylveene

The first princess of the Absolute Empire, and successor to the throne. A genuine princess.

Sparkling silver hair, with blue eyes. Her figure, is so beautiful that she can be mistaken for an ice fairy. Her glossy pink lips open, and a bell-like voice plays.


“Aristocrats hold an excellent pedigree. Intelligence, magic power, everything. In order for the excellent individual to lead the inferiors, what’s the strange there?” (TN: By the way, she’s speaking befitting for a royal aristocrat. I’ll to make her sound as a royal)

“Hah, I say there’s a quite. You’re singing your own praises too much.”

“People have roles that suit their abilities. Like the Blaze Republic, if you guys only give priority to fairness, a disaster will occur in which an incompetent person becomes a leader. It’s nothing but a foolish move of driving the nation to deathbed.”

“Such words, I’ll return it as it is. Aristrocra~ats, are just resting on one’s laurels* for hereditary succession. Most of you guys are incompetent.” (TN: ‘to be satisfied with one’s achievements and not to make an effort to do anything else’, pretty insulting if you ask me)


In those words, except for Iris, the other absolute students changed their complexions.


“What was that!? Plebeian who knows nothing of etiquette!”

“If there’s no threat of the Northern Demons/Mazoku (Tempest), Blaze and the others would’ve been attacked and destroyed immediately!”

“Foul inferior people! Get out of this school!!”


At such stream of insults, Haruto sneers.


“And yet, the noble-sama hangers-on, are cowering back with only their mouths. If you don’t have the courage to kill this me, then don’t look foolishly big, you know?”

“Interesting! That dull face of yours, I’ll thrash it using my sword!!”


The Absolute students, pulled out their swords all at once.

Even so, Haruto does not stop his attitude of fueling them. With his hands still stuck in his pockets.

Even if the other party is a magician studying at this academy. Only those who have been recognized for their swords and magic talents in their own country are here. Haruto’s attitude is quite reckless.

A single student goes forward, bringing the tip of his sword closer to Haruto’s face.


“What’s wrong!? Why don’t you pull out your sword!? You scared!”


Nevertheless, Haruto has plenty of composure.

To that degree, he has great confidence in his own power that he will never lag behind. It overwhelmed the opponent.


“Tedious talk is fine. Do it quickly. However, don’t forget that it’s the Blaze’s greatest magician who you pointed your sword towards, you know? If you miss the first hit …… you’ll die? ”

“Kuh………… This commoner!”


While saying so, he reasonably backs off.

When they saw it, the Blaze students behind Hart burst into laughter.


“Oy oy, what was that! You lack of nerve!”

“That is why a shelter-raised young master is! Hyahahahahaha!”

“If you’re so inclined, we could throw down the Absolute Empire, and subdue the Northern Demon (Tempest) with that momentum! Koraa!!”


Listening to such exchanges with a troubled face, was Elric Elan-sensei. In front of the blackboard, he was standing as if he had been left behind.


“Ah you guys? Pretty much right now, we’re in class, but……”


But no one is listening.

To the kind of refreshing handsome teacher with blond hair, sweat flows drop-by-drop.


“Ah …… it’s needless to say, but the world is now on the verge of destruction. A herd of demons which appeared from the north —— the Northern Demons(Tempest) are invading the continent. We all know, that this same thing happened a long time ago.”


There was no reaction from the students, but Elric-sensei manly continued.


“——A sign of the resurrection of the Demon King”


Iris and Haruto’s faces move with a twitch.


“Even now, many people are being killed by the demons near the border. No, outbreaks of demons are occurring frequently even in the inland area. This is exactly the sign that the Demon King is about to be resurrected. Therefore, it’s not the time for human beings to fight with each other. That is the reason why this Gran Magia Magic Sorcery Academy was established. Understood?”


That was a sound argument.

Certainly for such reasons, this school was established this year. Training magicians to fight the demons, it was for such purpose.

The Absolute Empire and the Blaze Republic have been in conflict repeatedly until then, but they have agreed for a temporary ceasefire. As a result, the cooperation structure of all four countries that govern the continent has been established, and finally, this spring, the first-year students, Haruto and the others, entered the school.

But until then, Blaze and Absolute have unfolded fight as if washing blood with blood.

Under the same roof, they couldn’t study together peacefully as expected.

Much less to say, Iris, the imperial princess, is being verbally abused face-to-face too much. As an Absolute, she can’t just put her sword in silence.

Iris pushes away the Absolute students from the back and stares intently


“Hang down”


Then she coldly told, and instead she came out in front.

The Blaze students fall completely silent.

No one can get rid of the rumors about Iris.

In just one hour, she regained the fortress that was robbed by the Northern Demons (Tempest), and annihilated the Knights of Blaze with a hundred people by herself, but such heroic story is no longer a legend.

Nonetheless, only Haruto, has a fearless smile on his face.


“What the, is the princess personally going to be my opponent? I’m so honored that I can’t help but laugh wryly.”


The temperature in the classroom dropped sharply, and glittering things glistened around Iris.

The cold air released by Iris, freezes the moisture in the air.


“Don’t make light of me Haruto Shindo. Absolute’s throne is a testimony of strength. If you’re not strong, you can’t stand at the top. To me who is the leading magician of Absolute, do you think you can win?”



Haruto put his hands out of his pocket.

In his right hand, he grasps a handle of a sword. As he raises his hand as it is, a sword with red blade then appeared from his pocket.

A sword in the shape of a flame ——— the inscription is 『Phoenix』.

Haruto’s beloved sword, and partner. It is a magic sword specialized in fire magic.

Such a long thing, can never be stored in a trouser pocket, etc. However, their uniforms woven with magic skill formulas, make that absurdity possible.

Iris also, from her coat pocket, pulled out a sword which couldn’t be stowed there.

It’s a blue sword that contrasts with Haruto.

Like an ice crystal, it’s a magic sword with a splendid appearance. The inscription is 『Streptopelia*』. (TN: Streptopelia –

Golden magic characters shine on the thin transparent blade, and the cold air that Iris wears becomes stronger.

To counter the ice that hangs in the air, Haruto scattered around sparks. Probably due to the magic of Blaze’s flames effect, the flames run through the air.


“Let’s go! Princess of the empire!!”

“Come! Commoner’s sword!!”


The two people close the gap in an instant ——at that moment,


“That’s enough! 『Restrain』!!”





Elric-sensei’s Restriction magic 『Restrain』 was activated.





A string that came out of nowhere, entwines both of their arms.


“Please calm down! This is a classroom, you know. Come apart——”


They would be separated —— everyone in the classroom thought that.

But, it became the opposite of such.





The strings pulled towards each other.


“Hey, shi…… uh!?”


What’s more, due to poor position, Haruto’s face was pressed against Iris’ chest.

In other words,

In the cleavage of Iris’ wealthy boobs, he buried his face. (TN: LOL, nice!!)

And then the string with the floating magic characters, ties up Haruto and Iris’ bodies like a single piece of luggage.

Haruto’s hand, was fixedly grabbing Iris’ a*s.




Iris involuntarily raised a scream a little at the ascending sensation running up her spine.

Furthermore, Iris’ leg, has wedge itself in the gap between Haruto’s crotch. On Iris’ thighs, the feel of an unknown object that does not exist in her was transmitted. (TN: I wonder what it is?)


“Thi,this is …… kyaah!?”


They entangle themselves together, and Haruto falls to the floor while being caught underneath. Iris’ weight was put on him, and the feeling of pressure that wraps around his face got strong.

It,it’s soft!? Mo,moreover, it smells good……

Making him forget even the situation he’s in, it was a cushion that ruins a man.

But he can’t breathe.

He moved his hand to see if he could pull the string off, but he just massaged Iris’ a*s.


“Hi …… n,no ……”


Iris seemed to have lost her reason, too, as she whispers so.

No, no way …… everyone is watching …… i,it feels good …… ah, no matter what happens ……

Her consciousness that is likely to be dragged down by temptation, was stopped by the yelling of a female student.


“What are you doing, teacher Elric”


The one who shouted, was a student wearing a maid outfit for some reason.

Francette Balladur—— As a maid-cum-overseer attached to Iris, she is a girl who serves as the Deputy head of Absolute.

Growing up as a maid of Iris from an early age, she has, stronger thoughts for Iris than anyone else. She gazes at Elric-sensei as if she were looking at his parents’ enemies.


“It made me think that you were an eloquent lineage, but in fact you were a perverted teacher!! By the way, being a member of the Hero’s Guild, was it also an outright lie!?”

“Wha,what are you talking about, Francette-kun!? That’s not true! I’m a member of the Hero’s guild! The academy president guarantees my identity! I’m not a pervert!”

“Then, why don’t you undo the magic quickly!!”

“Tha,that’s right!!”


When Elric-sensei, panics and casts a release spell, the strings that bound the two of them disappeared.


“Are you okay!? Princess-sama!”


When she hugged Iris as if to pull her off Haruto, Francett crawls her gaze into Iris’ body for any injuries. Other than her slightly reddish cheeks, there was no particular change.


“There seems to be no problem with your appearance, but…… princess-sama, how are you feeling?”

“Ye,yes. I’m okay…… no problem.”


Iris regained her usual icy look.


“Really? Are there any abnormalities in your body? Are you feeling unwell?”

“As I said, I’m fine. You’re too worried, Francette”


When she stood up, she loosened her mouth slightly.


“But princess, the princess who has no immunity to men at all, had her voluptuous breast covered his face, and in addition, he ruthlessly rubbed your a*s. That you’ll surely possess a big wound in your heart, Francette was very worried.”

“A,as I said, I’m fine …… don’t remind me too much, Francette”


The redness of her cheeks that she once drew back, comes back again.


“However, the princess’ huge breasts, was distorted by the shape of that accursed Haruto Shindou’s face, and it was displayed the change of its form with Muniyu muniyu*, so I can’t help but worry.” (TN: the sound of breast being groped)

“I,it’s enough already, Francette. I beg you, please stop”


Francette’s breathing somehow gets rough, and her look changes.


“Moreover, the fingers of the man who encroached your a*s! It was like representing the tenderness of the flesh in Princess-sama’s a*s! As if devouring its feeling, he was squeezing it! Ah, it’s fluffy tenderness, he must have enjoyed it’s elasticity pushing his fingers back! The body of the princess on a pervert’s poisonous fang is ——”

“Stop it already, Francette!! You’re much more perverted!!”


Iris, whose face turned bright red, finally couldn’t stand it and yelled at her.

To these two, Elric-sensei apologized while scratching his back.


“I’m really sorry. I didn’t think this would happen ……”

“No …… sensei wouldn’t do something like that intentionally. Let’s forget about this matter anymore.”


With that said, Elric-sensei also relaxed his shoulders as if he was relieved.


“No, I’m really sorry. But it’s strange …… this restriction magic has never failed hundreds of times against the demons(mazuko)……”

“No, I don’t think it’s impossible ……”



Iris, pressed her lips with her fingertips as if to stop herself.

“Ah no…… such, there’s a proverb that wizards also crash their spells, and any sort of skilled magician, can make a mistake……”

“If you say so, then you saved me. Haruto-kun, I’m also so——”


Haruto was being surrounded by the Blaze male students.


“Geez. We’re in trouble because our head is being indiscriminate.”


A man of delicate features with soft brown hair and wearing under-rim glasses, smile intimately at him.


“Shuddup, Claude. You have seen it right. It was an accident.”

“I know. However, can you be more careful? I dared to ignore the situation before and after, you intertwined* with the princess of the empire, and…… if you pull out only that part, there is a possibility that it’ll be communicated like that.” (TN: Intertwined here can also mean, you know? (o3)~)


Unlike Haruto, he has attached a hook to the top of his collar, and cleanly wore his uniform stylishly. With intellectual and compose demeanor, he has a somewhat noble atmosphere, even though it was just a play.

He’s the Blaze’s Deputy Chief and advisor, Claude Konoe.

He’s the most trusted friend of Haruto, and right-hand man.


“Claude, what do you want to say?”

“It would be a disaster if rumors spread that Haruto and the princess of Absolute were in love —— or something like that, you know. It’s an unthinkable scandal.”



Haruto screwed his face as hard as he could.


“……Don’t say creepy things. Rather than that, it’s your job to wipe my a*s, right? Stop properly these guys from speaking.”


And, he looked around the surrounding Blaze students. Then one of them,


“No, no, it’s not like we’re going to make and spread such a rumor, you know, but Haruto…… let me ask you something instead.”



Haruto frowns his eyes in displeasure.


“…… What did it feel like? The royal boobs.” (TN: That’s what I want to know, too!!)



Like a breaking dam, the other boys rushed to Haruto.


“Indeed! Was it soft!? Was it hard!? What is it!?”

“As expected, the princess’ boobs, was it really soft and fluffy!?”

“No, I’d rather know how it feels!”

“Yo,you guys! Stop bullshitting me. How it feels, is it——”


As if Haruto remembers its feeling, he stares at his fingers——,


“That’s …… you …… this——uhh!?”


He noticed that Iris, whose cheeks were blushing, was staring at him with moist eyes.

To hide his hands, Haruto, folded his arms.


“I, I don’t know that! I felt it separately, but I didn’t touch it!!”


TN: It was only his ‘face’ that touched it

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Nahuel Nahuel

Thank you so much for taking this novel! <3