I Was the Seventh Prince When I Was Reincarnated, So I Choose to Master Magic as I Please Thumbnail
I Was the Seventh Prince When I Was Reincarnated, So I Choose to Master Magic as I Please


――The most important thing for a magician is, first of all, lineage. Next is talent. And finally, effort. By the forefather of magicians, William Bordeau

At the entrance ceremony of the Magic academy, this is the first words that was said at the greeting of the Academy’s president.

For a magician, first of all, family and lineage are important, then he continued that talent and effort were almost meaningless.

Not to mention the family, a venerable house that has been around for a long time, that has inherited rare spell books and roaring financial power, their bloodline that has accumulated from generations to generation will be denser, deeper and more sophisticated so it will be advantageous as a magician.

Talent is of course important. Sense of handling magic, reading comprehension, reproducibility, comprehension, physical ability …… Those whose talent excelled, often surpass the status of their family.

And finally, the effort, but this effort is almost useless.

Effort is just a premise.

As long as you aspire to be a magician, you’ll train both physically and mentally, and without neglecting daily practice, everyone is to read magic books.

——Therefore everyday, earnestly make an effort. The greeting concluded so.

Well however, that didn’t matter.

I was told that I was born from commoner and did not have much talent, but I simply liked magic.

The mystery in which flames, ice, and thunder are born from nothing.

A miracle that displays various countenance depending on the skill form.

The supreme bliss that it was done by your own hands.

For me who became a prisoner of magic in no time, life at this magic school was the best.

However, such a day will come to an end.

The origin of the matter, is the case where the magic book of a certain Duke’s heir was stolen.

A proud nobleman will not steal.

That being said, he turned his suspicions on me, who was the only one in the magic academy who was born from a commoner.

Certainly, my house, which is from a commoner, is poor compared to the nobles.

I barely paid the entry fee at the academy by working on my own, and I could only buy one basic magic book as a teaching material.

However, there are quite a lot of things that can be done even with just one book, and I made new discoveries every day.

Magic’s inner part is profound that even with basic magic, the combination of techniques, and the combination of catalysts alone can cause innumerable phenomena.

For that reason, I had no time to experiment, procure materials, or be distracted by other people because I had too much work to do.

Yes, when I told him so, he became furious and asked me for a duel.

I don’t like fighting.

Therefore, I tried to refuse it immediately, and casually dissuaded.

―― What kind of magic do those aristocrats use. I wonder.

The funds and talents of me as a commoner and those who are aristocrats are entirely different.

I thought that he might be able to show me magic that I had never seen before.

When I thought about it, I who want to see it by all means, just got into a duel.

I thought that it may hurt a little, but even if I lose, I won’t be killed. With such a sweet idea.

―― In conclusion, their magic was wonderful.

I wonder if that is what a high-ranking magic is, a huge flame swirls, and ice storm blows, and I was simply fascinated with such spectacle.

I got fascinated with it, received it defenselessly, and died.

――I was frequently warned that I cannot see my surroundings if I was absorbed with it, but I didn’t think I’ll be going to have such an end. I feel miserable for my stupidity.

But the last thing I was thinking about was not cursing my stupid self, resenting the aristocrats who had set up the duel, or thanking my parents for raising me and putting me in the academy.

It was the enquiry of magic which injured and killed me.

What kind of technique was it? What was the theory in that? Is it possible to produce that much output alone in the first place? If so, what is the required amount of magic power for it? Skill? Or is there some special activation condition? Or did he use a catalyst? Did he cast that magic using a large number of people? And so on……

The more I thought about it, the more I felt my heart beating, which was supposed to be stopped.

Ah, it’s truly regrettable.

There are still a lot of magic in the world that I don’t know yet, and I’ll die without knowing all of them.

I wishfully wanted to know all the magic.

I wanted to comprehend, learn, and master it.

I wanted to drown in the abyss of magic more.

While thinking about such a thing, my consciousness went far away.


My field of vision is dim.

My body won’t move the way I want it to.

What the hell is going on.

I don’t seem to be myself.


I can hear someone’s voice. It’s a woman’s voice.

Squinting, I can see her face.

It’s a beautiful woman. And, her chest is bare.

However, it feels strangely big.


The woman approaches me while talking about something.

Feeling the danger, I moved my hand eagerly, and thought about 『Fireball』.

The only attack magic which I can use that creates a small flame.

It can only drive away weak monsters, but it should be intimidating…… that’s what it should be. But something, is strange.

I who felt uncomfortable, instantly removed my aim from the woman. Right after that ――

Dogooooohhn! And, an explosion resounded.

Looking at it, there was a huge hole in the wall.

The woman was surprised, but it’s the same with me.

It’s not possible for my 『Fireball』 to have such power.

What the hell…… when I think so, I see myself in the mirror right in front.

Small body, short limbs, big eyes……

A baby. I’m a baby.

Come to think of it, I’ve heard something about this.

Perhaps this was the case when a dead person with their memories, has been reborn.

It’s the so-called reincarnation.

If I think so, I was convinced at it by the 『Fire ball』 just now.

Your status as a magician is determined by your family and talent, that was, in other words from the time you were mostly born.

In the family of excellent magicians, there are a fair number of people who can use magic from an early age.

If I have that much talent now, it’s no wonder I can use this much magic.

…… But wait? I’ve never heard of any magic like this that can be used from the time you were born.

The people around me don’t seem to realize that I did it either.

Or rather, if I look closely, I feel that the room is rather large.

The furnishings in the room are lined with luxurious items that can be seen in museums, and there are also several women who look like maids.

Such a room, it can’t exist from noblemen everywhere.

Is it from a royal aristocrat, a remote region count, or a duke ……?

When I think about such a thing, I suddenly noticed a crest with a splendid decoration.

I recognize such crest.

It’s the crest of the royal family, in the kingdom of Saloum, where I lived.

…… I, perhaps was born in a ridiculous place.

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Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus. And remember, even a phoenix borns from the ashes.

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