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The Duchy’s Madman

Chapter 1

Life was strange.


I was born into a noble family, the only son. But things took a bad turn – I lost everything and got kicked out.


For someone like me, who used to be part of the nobility, there weren’t many options after being banished. The easiest seemed to be ending it all.


But I couldn’t even do that. I ended up wandering around without a purpose.


Luckily, I stumbled upon a strange power inherited from my family. It let me absorb the abilities of others, helping me get back on my feet. However, it came with a price – it messed with my mind.


People thought I had gone crazy. I started talking to myself, and my words didn’t make much sense.


Even though I was cured of a long-lasting illness, I couldn’t go back to my family because of my mental state. So, I kept wandering.


Then, a rumor caught my attention – my family, the Bavaria Duchy, was gone.


I rushed back to confirm the news, only to find a tragic scene. My sister was missing, and my mother was dead. The culprits had taken everything.


Now, I’m left with the harsh reality, trying to make sense of it all.


In the middle of all the terrible things happening, my madness grew stronger. I sought revenge, using the inherited power from my family to make it happen. I managed to take down those who banished me out and killed my family, but the main culprits remained out of reach.


Ironically, I found myself dying at their hands.


“They’re holding onto their grudges until the end…”


I chuckled, my laughter not always under my control since I lost my sanity.


“Even if I have to die, I wanted them to pay for what they did to my mother and sister…”


Regaining my determination, I looked up at the rain-soaked sky.


Facing the cloudy sky, I asked, “If I have to die like this, should I have died with my family, God?”


Instead of an answer, blood poured from my chest.




Another wave of pain hit me.


Unable to stay conscious, I eventually blacked out, thinking I had died.




Just a week ago.


* * *


Arthur examined his own body, thinking.


Did I go back to the past?


A week ago, 30-year-old Arthur Bavaria became 15-year-old Arthur Bavaria.


He saw the young, unharmed body instead of the beaten one of his older self.


But it wasn’t just his body that changed.


“Wow… Am I back to my right mind?”


The world, which had been filled with madness, started to make sense again. Arthur was genuinely surprised.


“My mental illness… is it better?”


The mental illness that no therapy could fix?


Arthur realized he had indeed traveled back in time.


For a madman to become normal, they need a fresh start.


The big issue was how he ended up in the past.


While lost in thoughts, a familiar voice interrupted him.


“Young master.”


It was Sebastian, the butler.


“It’s time for your medicine.”


Arthur snapped out of his thoughts, struggling with his words like he always did. His present self had a stutter.


“Yes… um.”


“…Alright. How are you feeling today, young master?” Sebastian asked, placing a teacup down, managing to understand his slow pronunciation.


Still stumbling with his words, Arthur replied, “I’m feeling gooood….”


“Good to hear. Will you be taking your medicine now?”


“I’ll take it later and get a check-up toooo….”


Sebastian nodded.


“You must take it. It’s a medicine obtained with difficulty for your… illness, young master.””


Arthur agreed with a nod.



After Sebastian left the room, Arthur focused on the medicine.




It seemed normal, just like in the past.


A medicine for my stuttering caused by some unknown illness.


But now, due to his future, he knew the truth. This medicine he had been taking to cure his illness was actually a poisonous substance making his condition worse.


So, Arthur took the medicine and crushed it with his foot.




The powdered medicine spread all over the room.


Watching this, Arthur thought to himself.


“Sebastian, he’s the same whether it’s the past or now. Bringing the same poison again…”


Well, knowing his true identity, it wasn’t a shock.


He was from the family leading the massacre of the future Bavaria Duchy.


The Count of Dortmund.


And Dortmund was the loyal follower of Prince Khan Madrid, who ordered to take out Bavaria.


The past Arthur, unaware of this, became a fool who stuttered daily while eating the poison handed by the traitor.


Of course, now he didn’t take the medicine, and his speech wasn’t impaired, but the situation wasn’t over.


Sebastian still provided the poison and checked his condition every day.


Not taking the poison wouldn’t seem suspicious anytime.


“So, I need to get rid of Sebastian before that happens… But how should I do it? Should I go kill him right now?”


As Arthur thought, he hesitated.


“No, I shouldn’t act like in the past anymore.”


Realizing that he was no longer insane, he understood there was no need to behave like that anymore.


With a clear mind, killing the enemies who had led the massacre of Bavaria without hesitation might have been acceptable back then, but not now.


Now that I’ve regained my sanity, there’s no need to act like that.


It wasn’t necessary to kill Sebastian in a noticeable way.


Quietly dealing with him would be the best.


“Now that I’m no longer crazy, I should seek revenge like a normal person. There’s no need to swing a sword recklessly as before.”


At that moment, Sebastian’s voice echoed.


“Young master. A guest has arrived. The third son of Count Dortmund.”


Lost in contemplation, Arthur trembled and murmured, “Bill Dortmund has come?”


* * *


Bill Dortmund, the third son of Count Dortmund.


He was one of the enemies Arthur couldn’t kill in his past life.


I should have taken him out first.


He spread a rumor that I would seek revenge for the Bavaria family’s death, covering his tracks well.


He showed up right before my death, mocking me. I wonder how satisfied he felt back then.


Arthur remembered Bill’s face, sneering behind his first and second brothers.


Now, this guy was in front of him.


“Hey, mute.”


With the same face and expression Arthur remembered.


Because of that, Arthur’s expression became unclear.


Is it an opportunity? Or a trap?


The enemy he desperately sought had come on his own, but killing him felt strangely uncertain.


Didn’t he promise himself not to act without thinking just a while ago?


But letting Bill go didn’t feel right either.


Caught in hesitation, Arthur thought it over.


Bill grinned and spoke.


“Where’s your younger sister? I came to see the bitch, but she’s nowhere to be found. Did you hide her, mute?”


Arthur, now fully alert, sighed in response.


The term ‘mute,’ I haven’t heard that in a long time.


Stuttering wasn’t the same as being mute, but it was a deliberately given nickname to belittle himself.


Arthur didn’t pay much attention. Bill and others in the past had called him mute to mock him.


The young master, who stuttered, was called “mute young lord” because his speech lacked elegance.


So, he could easily overlook such mockery, but when Bill brought up Irene, his younger sister, it was different.


Why mention Irene?


The reason Arthur wanted to kill Bill Dortmund was because of his younger sister.


Bill Dortmund had always desired Irene, his younger sister, even before the family was killed. On the day the Bavaria family was annihilated, he forcibly arranged a marriage with her.


After five years, Irene committed suicide.


Whether it was suicide or because of that guy’s hands, I don’t know… But according to the rumors, she was beaten and expelled from the streets…


That’s why Arthur wanted to kill Bill.


Even though I’m a madman, I don’t mess with the families of my enemies, but this guy crossed that line.


Now that Bill Dortmund had returned to the past, he mentioned Irene again.


Should I kill him after all?


As Arthur contemplated, a good idea crossed his mind.


“Oh… right.”




“If killing isn’t an option, then causing injuries severe enough to prevent death should work, right? Then the aftermath will be easier to handle.”


Arthur’s words surprised Bill.


“You? How come you’re not stuttering…!?”


Without warning, Arthur forcefully kicked Bill’s foot.


Caught off guard, Bill tumbled forward.




Bewildered, Bill tried to get up, but Arthur had somehow mounted him, blocking any movement.




As the surprised Bill exclaimed, Arthur lowered his head.


In that moment, a voice with no discernible pitch reached Bill’s ears.


“From now on, I’m going to gouge out your right eyeball, Bill. Please bear with it.”


Author's Thoughts

𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐦𝐲 𝐊𝐨𝐟𝐢 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞!!!

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