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Demons from Another World

Chapter 1 - Prologue


The otherworld where the demons dwell, known as Cladwatt.


“Are you truly leaving, both of you?” murmured the elderly demon, Shiba.


His granddaughter and a beast enveloped in fluffy white fur exchanged glances.


“Grandfather, are you crying?” inquired the five-year-old granddaughter, Ryuia.


“Not exactly,” replied Shiba, his expression tinged with melancholy. “It’s just… overwhelmingly lonely.”


The young girl tilted her head. “But once I become a full-fledged demon, we can return to this world, right?”


Ryuia beamed like a blossoming flower. “Exactly! Don’t worry, Grandfather. I’ll become a full-fledged demon in no time!”


“Ah… if that’s the case, then I needn’t worry,” said the elderly demon, affectionately ruffling Ryuia’s head, clearly cherishing the horns sprouting from her temples just like his own.


“Ryuia, enjoy your time in the other world to the fullest,” he said with a smile.


“Yes!” Ryuia nodded energetically.


Shiba then turned his gaze toward the white beast. “Van,” he said, “I entrust her to you.”


“You can count on me, Shiba,” affirmed the majestic white beast.


“Very well.” With that, Shiba knelt once more before his beloved granddaughter. “Ryuia, do you remember what you must do upon arriving in that world?”


“I will seek out those who are willing to form contracts with us,” Ryuia replied spiritedly.


“Indeed. And then?”


“I will gradually share our magical powers with them!”


“Excellent. Remember, the magical contract that can be forged between you, Van, and another individual is a one-time opportunity. It might not be easy to find someone willing, but never give up.”




With a tender smile, the elderly demon caressed his granddaughter once more before slowly rising to his feet. “I apologize for trying to hold you back. Now, go.”


He pointed to a magical circle radiating light for their interdimensional transfer.


As they approached the portal, Ryuia and Van looked back, shouting, “Goodbye, Grandfather!”


“Stay well, Shiba!”


“Return safely, both of you!”


The magical circle then enveloped the girl and the white beast in a soft glow as they transitioned to another realm.



“I can’t believe I actually quit my job,” I muttered to myself as I walked along the road.


27 years old, single, unemployed.


Reflecting on my current status, I couldn’t help but sigh deeply.


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