Only I Have Daily Dungeon Missions Life Thumbnail
Only I Have Daily Dungeon Missions Life

Vol. 1 Chapter 2 - Daily Mission

The dungeon conquest in Gunma ended in three days.


During that time, I continued to challenge the dungeon with the explorers. Well, “with” might not be accurate; it was more like parasitizing.


“Mr. Akagi, get out of the way!”


“No, I got this. Judgment Finger!”


“You can’t do anything with ‘Finger Snap’!”




No matter how much determination I put into it, it was useless.


“Darkness darker than night, brighter than morning, obliterate my enemies — the Finger Snap of inevitable doom!”


“Akagi, get out of the way! You’re annoying!”


Even trying to shout a finishing move was futile. All I could do was deplete my health to surprise the opponent with sparks. That fact remained unchanged.


Damn it. Seriously, this is crap of crap.


What is this? What is this skill?


On the third day, although I participated in the boss conquest, I just watched from the back.


Everyone was fighting coolly.


Upon observation, I learned that skills fall into several categories: melee attack, ranged attack, enhancement, debilitation, recovery, and various others. The main stars of dungeon conquest are undoubtedly the explorers with enhancement skills. They wield magic swords developed by the Dungeon Foundation to defeat dungeon monsters, fighting like protagonists. By the way, conventional weapons don’t work on monsters. Only explorers can enter the dungeon, and the special aura they emit is the only thing that can damage monsters.


“Well, Akagi, being an explorer alone is impressive. It’s a talent that occurs in 1 out of 1,000 people. So, just buy weapons from the Dungeon Foundation and fight steadily without overdoing it.”


“I heard that. The future potential is largely determined by the number and quality of the initial skills of the explorer.”


“… Yeah. Let’s be clear about this. I had “six” skills from the beginning. Probably, everyone who has been diving into this dungeon continuously should have had multiple skills from the start, and their level should have been around 10. The dungeon is a harsh world. Only those kind of people can survive. If you don’t have the talent, your level will soon be difficult to raise. Motivation will eventually wither away. Explorers challenge mysteries, carrying the fate of fighting in the labyrinth of another dimension… but starting with level 0 and the skill ‘Finger Snap’… well, that, how should I put it… won’t last.”


It seems even a veteran explorer like Mr. was a dropout to an extent never seen before.


“Thank you for these three days. I really appreciate your help.”


“Akagi… Oh, right. People have their strengths and weaknesses. You alone can choose your own path.”


So, I parted ways with Mr.


Another one of my dreams came to an end.


On the way back to the hotel.


I encountered a scene where an old woman was about to cross the pedestrian crossing without noticing the red signal.




“Whoa, scared me… Oh? Well, I shouldn’t have crossed even though it’s a red signal.”


I surprised and stopped the old woman.


My ‘Finger Snap’ has an unusually high accuracy rate for such small acts of kindness. Well, it’s not completely useless.




But it uses HP instead, so I’ll spit blood.


No, seriously, this skill is crap.


Returning to the hotel, I threw myself onto the bed.


Closed my eyes and decided to sleep.


Thinking about the time I went back to my parents’ home in Saitama.


Job hunting again, huh… I liked defeating monsters in the dungeon.




“Huh? Something’s making a weird noise…”


Opened my eyes.




★ Daily Mission ★


Let’s work diligently every day!


‘Kung Fu Master’s Teachings’


Wear a jacket 0/100


Take off a jacket 0/100


Throw a jacket 0/100


Pick up a jacket 0/100


Continuation days: 0 days


Diligence rank: Bronze, multiplier 1.0x






Daily mission?


What’s this… let’s work diligently every day?


‘Kung Fu Master’s Teachings’…


An electric shock ran through my mind.


“… I see… I thought everyone was strangely strong, but is that why? Yeah, yeah, in gacha games, daily missions are a must. It wouldn’t be strange for dungeon explorers to have dailies too.”


If that’s the case, does it mean that I haven’t been doing dailies since I debuted as an explorer these past few days? This is the worst. I feel like I forgot to receive apology stones.


Believing in the word “Daily,” I decided to take off my jacket.




★ Daily Mission ★


Let’s work diligently every day!


‘Kung Fu Master’s Teachings’


Wear a jacket 0/100


Take off a jacket 1/100


Throw a jacket 0/100


Pick up a jacket 0/100


Continuation days: 0 days


Diligence rank: Bronze, multiplier 1.0x






The count increased.


I casually threw the jacket onto the floor.




★ Daily Mission ★


Let’s work diligently every day!


‘Kung Fu Master’s Teachings’


Wear a jacket 0/100


Take off a jacket 1/100


Throw a jacket 1/100


Pick up a jacket 0/100


Continuation days: 0 days


Diligence rank: Bronze, multiplier 1.0x




No mistake.


The Daily Mission is progressing in sync with my actions.


I wonder what happens when I achieve this.


Excited, I continued to take off, wear, throw, pick up, wear, take off, throw, and pick up the jacket—this really makes my arms ache.


“Hyaa, a hundred times…”


Finally, it was over.




★ Daily Mission ★


Let’s work diligently every day!


‘Kung Fu Master’s Teachings’


Wear a jacket 100/100


Take off a jacket 100/100


Throw a jacket 100/100


Pick up a jacket 100/100


★ Today’s Daily Mission Complete! ★


Reward: 1,000 Experience Points


Continuation days: 1 day


Diligence rank: Bronze, multiplier 1.0x






I heard a mysterious sound.


Intuitively, I understood. This is the level-up sound.




Hideo Akagi


Level 7


HP 56/56


MP 20/20




‘Finger Snap’




Amazing, I’ve leveled up.


Moreover, it jumped straight to level 7.


HP is five times what it was, and MP is doubled.


Now I understand the mechanism.


The reason everyone is so strong.


No doubt. They diligently complete daily missions, receive experience points, and level up.


“Does this mean I can do daily missions tomorrow too? I want to do it quickly…”


With such thoughts, I jumped into bed.


I still don’t know. My dream. Getting rich in one stroke. The dream of an explorer is not over yet.


The next day, I found information on social media that a dungeon had reappeared in Gunma.


Gunma seems to be one of Japan’s leading dungeon-rich areas.


Truly a mysterious region. Perhaps labyrinths lurk in unexplored lands.


“Hey, where’s the Daily Mission? Will it appear if I ask?”




★ Daily Mission ★


Let’s work diligently every day!


‘Don’t Breathe’


Hold your breath 0 hours 0 minutes/5 hours 00 minutes


Continuation days: 1 day


Diligence rank: Bronze, multiplier 1.0x




It appeared.


Uh, isn’t this tough? What’s this?


Somehow, a type of daily that can’t be done quickly mixed in.


Perplexed, I tried holding my breath for now. Maybe, in 5 hours, it might be possible… no, it’s impossible.

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