I’m Just a Human but I Was Raised by the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon King’s Army. The Demon King’s Daughter Loved Me and Bestow Me the Authority to Rule Over All Attributes Thumbnail
I’m Just a Human but I Was Raised by the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon King’s Army. The Demon King’s Daughter Loved Me and Bestow Me the Authority to Rule Over All Attributes

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 : Prologue

Translated by Travistann

The Demon world is a world that is far too brutal and harsh for human beings.

In addition to the highly concentrated mana available, the demons were far more powerful than the one in the outside world.

Even towns that are known to be peaceful, it is not unusual for demons to attack.

The Demon King is the one who rules over such a world along with his four trusted subordinates which were called as the “Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon King’s Army”.

Istor the Fire.

Leila the Water.

Aled the Earth.

Nemoy the wind.

These Four Heavenly Kings are definitely the strongest among all of the Demon King’s Army and they have once buried countless gods and dragons that threatened to destroy the demon world. Moreover, every single race of the evil gods that dreamed to conquer the world was defeated and destroyed by them along with the heroes. This not only brought peace and balance to the demon world but also to the rest of the world.

Even after the war, they were known to be the heroes of the world for their contribution to world peace. They were also renowned for their preposterous strength. One out of four of them was all it needed for them to destroy a country. Apparently, there was no one worthy enough to be their opponent.

“Well, I wonder what should I do now….”

Dressed in a deep crimson robe, Istor of the Fire frowned his eyebrows as he walked into Demon King’s Castle. His signature magic, Flame Magic, is a magic where one engulfs his fist with flame and strikes it at the enemy. His fist could divide the ground, incinerate the dark, and pierce the sky. There is a famous story about him who chose to fight with his fist and directly beat an evil dragon to his death in the Evil Gods War. It was then passed down as a heroic tale in the human world.

He was a man who even could crush steel, yet he was literally puzzled by a dilemma he had never experienced before.

As Istor entered the “Four Heavenly Hall” and presented himself to the rest of the Four Heavenly Kings. They were shocked to see Istor carrying that on his arm. One of them raised a question.

“Goodness Istor. That’s unusual for a muscle head like you to make such an expression but what’s that?”

The one who raised the question was Leila the water.

Underneath the robe, there lies a bewitching woman with long blue hair. That beauty of hers has captivated many men to the extent that powerful men from all over the world would kill to have her. Furthermore, she has the ability to manipulate water. When a tsunami was about to swallow a city she was able to subdue it merely with the touch of her fingertip, and until now the city worships her as a goddess.

The one she was referring to was a baby boy who is sleeping soundly in Istor’s arms. And that is not a demon but a human being.

“I picked it up.”

After receiving a direct response from Istor, the green-haired lady laughed.

“Ahahahahaha! Istor really does interesting things at times. It never crossed my mind that you’d picked up a human child”

The lady in the green robe who’s laughing at Istor is Nemoy the Wind.

She can freely manipulate the wind and sometimes she is even capable of manipulating the weather to call upon a storm. Among the Four Heavenly Kings, she is the most childish one who likes fun and interesting things. However, Nemoy is also one of the Four Heavenly Kings. When it comes to the battlefield, she would be the one who dashed in the front and slices the enemy faster than anyone else.

“It’s not something you should laugh, Nemoy. Mr Istor, where did you find this little child?

The one who calmly asked a question while readjusting his glasses is a young man in a yellow robe. He is Aled the Earth, a maniac who works day and night researching and developing various technologies related to magic and magic tools. His magical technology is said not only to have saved dozens of countries in the world of demons but to have brought him a total of 1,356 medals from the achievement he achieved.

“The East side of the Demon Forest. I found him when he was about to be attacked by a demon and I brought him back without thinking much.”

“I wonder why would a human child be abandoned in a magical forest?”

”Hmm……..From judging what I’ve known by the human standards, this child seems to have a small amount of innate magic power. I afraid that’s why he was abandoned.”

Leila frowned blatantly at Aled’s point of view.

“Could it be… He is part of a noble family?”

“Maybe. After all,the quantity and quality of one’s magic power is the most important thing among the noble class. It is not unheard of that some children who are born with little magical power are sometimes discarded after they were born. In addition, the demon world is ideal for humans to dispose of their unwanted children unnoticed.

After all, the environment is harsher than the human world. Just leave it somewhere in the demon world and things such as monsters and climate will naturally dispose of them.

“Humans~ I don’t hate them in particular, but this is unforgiving”

“It’s rare for us to share the same view, Nemoy. I hate that, too.

“I agree with you, Leila. But that said, “What should we do with this child?”

Everyone’s eyes landed unanimously on Istor.

It was obvious that this question would be asked, and Istor had already prepared an answer.

“I will raise him”


All three of them widened their eyes and screamed.

“Hang on, are you serious about it?”

“Yes.I’m going to take the responsibility since I picked him up”

“Hahahahahhahah! Ahahahahahah! Aha aha aha I can’t, this is too funny! My stomach gonna hurt”

“Mr Istor, this is the demon world, you know!? It’s totally not suitable to raise a human child here! Besides, you don’t even have any experience of raising a child! Or maybe none of us here do that!

After all, all of them had served the Demon King and spent all their time serving as the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon King’s Army.

Although the world is at peace now, but there was no time for the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon King Army to gain experience in raising children.

“I guess…… It’s impossible, huh…..”

“I didn’t say it’s impossible but…. Do you know ”Raising a child” is not a simple feat, right? Besides, we are demons and I don’t even know if we were even capable of raising a human child in the first place….”

“But take a look at him… This boy… is cute? I mean isn’t it cute? “

The three of them looked into the face of the baby in Istor’s arms.

The faces of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon King’s Army broke out into smiles at the sight of the cute, sleepy face of the child.

“Yeah… He’d become a good man when he grows up. I can’t wait to see it.”

“I think he’d become an excellent boy.”

“For me, I’d make him study hard and gain all the knowledge he needs.”

“And I will personally train him and make him a great fighter.”

“First of all, you’d have to ask for the Demon King permission, you know”

“Well, I have taken the initiative to do that earlier on.”

“Whoa! Istor, you’re surprisingly well prepared today! I mean, you even got permission from our highness!”

“The princess has just been born, you know. I think he thought she would need a friend or a plaything I guess. Well, I will excuse myself and go find out how to raise a human.”

“Ah, you must let me decide what this child shall wear! I meant it!”

“Wait, what about his name? It is a pity for him if you’re going to keep calling him “this child” forever.”

“Let me do the honour”

“That’s not good, Mr Istor. We should discuss it properly together.”

After that, all four of them who served the Demon King and spent all their time as the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon King’s Army finally came to decide that the child would be named Leon. Since then, you’ve heard the sounds of the child crying along with the Four Heavenly Kings’ hurried footsteps as they struggled to raise their child from the Demon King’s Castle.

A human child named Leon was abandoned, and he did not receive love from his parents, but instead, the four strongest class of the demon race poured out all the love they had into raising him.

Read only at Travis Translations


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Onii-chan, jail is over there!

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Tony Deus patrono dos Isekai Tony Deus patrono dos Isekai

it's funny to think of several powerful beings killing each other to raise a child