The Princess Seduces the Tyrant Thumbnail
The Princess Seduces the Tyrant

Chapter 1.1

Chapter 1 Part 1 : She is fiercely soft (1)

Translated by Gigi

Edited by Schwarzel






 A woman stood among the fine petals scattering in the air. She stretched out her hands as if trying to touch the petals that passed by her countless times. By her fingertips, over her forehead and under her feet, numerous fine petals poured down. However, the woman who was standing in it was brighter than any other flowers. A proportionately swollen forehead, clear eyebrows well-positioned beneath it, and flickering eyes that seem to have starlight embellished her features more clearly. Besides, the tall nose bridge and rounded nose, she was quite beautiful. The pure white skin looked more transparent and neat in contrast to her black and bright hair. 

“Are you going to keep me waiting today?”

When she gently applied strength to the thick lips, a dimple was a dent in her left cheek. It wasn’t a remarkably colorful appearance, but she was a woman with an off-white color like a softly shining snowflake. For some reason, it seemed that a noble light was shining on a smiling face. It was a calm but vivid beauty. The woman gently rolled her lips and looked around the entrance of “Philaewon.”

She was staring at the entrance, sighed, and grabbed the hem of her skirt. Then she began to walk alone through Phil Ae-won. Philaewon, In spring, a flower garden is filled with a variety of flowers, even if you don’t take care of it. The flower bloom in the garden was so beautiful and fragrant that the young men and women who walked through this place must fall in love. The woman smiled as she walked across the Philaewon.  

“I think spring is about to come to an end. I wonder if this flower garden will soon turn into a green meadow”.

Even the few leaves left were fluttering in the late spring breeze. The woman grabbed a peach tree branch that fell under her feet.  

“How did you get broken like this” 

With a bright smile, the woman snapped the little withered leaves from the peach tree branches one by one. 

 “Coming… Not coming”

Tension subsided from the woman’s face as she looks at the leaves. Every time she removed a leaf, she would say “coming” “not coming” again and again as she walked and walked, dropping the leaf under her feet.

When it was the turn that said “Not coming,” unfortunately, only one leaf remained. The woman inflated her cheeks and pouted her lips.

“Will you really not come?”

The woman hesitated to take off the remaining leaf. Although he was late each time, there has never been a time when he has not come. The woman’s stomach was bitter. The disappointment that could not be hidden held her heart and stretched. She sighed and touched the remaining leaf and let out a sigh  “You won’t come.”

“I am here.”

A cool voice ran across the woman’s neck. She turned around in amazement.  

“Are you still plucking off the leaves, Eun-Seol.”

Silver to be mild. Snowy snow. The name resembled a soft snow flower in midwinter- Silver Snow. Eun-Seol turned around and looked up at the man who was staring down at her with round, opened eyes. He was a man with white and clear skin as much as Eun-Seol. His stunning face was many times finer and full of color than the usual women with red lips. His long, straight eyes were dark and clear, but it looked cold and deep without knowing. However, those cold eyes were really beautiful. It was so beautiful that she could not stop glaring at them.

“Your Majesty” 

The man was Do-Yoon, the monarch of Joseon, who lived with rumors. Do-Yoon stared down at Eun-Seol. His eyes were sweeter than ever. Eun-Seol’s surprised face, who looked at him as the sweet warmth rising coolness, quickly laughed . Do-yoon took the branch from Eun-Seol’s hand and took off the remaining leaf.

“Isn’t this foolish, it’s wrong everytime.”

Then he put the leaf on Eun-Seol’s small palm and smiled. Do-Yoon’s cool eyes bent helplessly. Eun-Seol took a step closer to Do-Yoon with sparkles in her eyes. 

“Your Majesty, are you late because of a lot of love affairs? Or, did the merchant’s elder prevent you from going in secret.” 

“Who was in the palace dare to stop me.” 

Do-Yoon tried to hide the bursting smile and responded bluntly to Eun-Seol. Then Eun-Seol’s shoulders drooped as she smiled brightly at him.

“How late are you? Didn’t we decided to walk in that street together. I was very worried about you not coming, and maybe something had happened.”

Eun-Seol pouted her lips as if she was sulking and looked up at Do-Yoon resentfully, who was much taller than her. Eun-Seol blinked slowly, not knowing that her neck had been lifted. Then Do-Yoon carefully sweptEunseol’s white cheek.  

“I keep you waiting like this every time.”

Eun-Seol’s face, which had been sprinkled with the warm-voice, was brightened. She gently curled her lips and grabbedDo-yoon’s big hand, patting her blush cheek.

“It’s okay, though. See you like this”

 Eun-Seol revealed her feelings without any hesitation. Her bold confession made Do-Yoon embarrassed. Then he coughed and approached Eun-Seol’s side. The two walked side by side along a flower path where leaves were falling in the warm sunlight. It was good just to walk still. Do-Yoon glance at Eun-Seol, who was standing next to him. The closed mouth, the straight nose, and the reddish cheeks like a ripe peach all made Doyoon’s chest swell. He looked down at such Eun-Seol and quickly hardened his expression.  

“Now this road to see you is so long and difficult.”


“So, You will go to me next time.” 

Eun-Seol walked quietly at Do-Yoon’s words and looked up at him in amazement look. Do-Yoon gazed straight at her with a firm face. Then he looked down at Eun-Seol. 

“Why? Do you not like it?”

Do-Yoon’s face, asking as if she hated it, was kind of stiff. Eun-Seol was a little surprised, and she hesitated, unable to give an answer. She had no choice but to hesitate at his words. Who said that there was a long way to see her and that he had a hard time. Do-Yoon is the monarch of this country, so it would be difficult for him to get in and out of the palace. However, it was not difficult to interpret the simple words, and Eun-Seol was still unable to answer because she felt sad that the road to see her was long. Eun- Seol could not hide her disappointment.

“The truth is , this is just an excuse that it is a long way to get to you.”

“Your Majesty”

Only then did Do-Yoon burst into a smile that he had endured and patted Eun-Seol’s head warmly. The smile he had hidden in him and the warm eyes that he had tried to hide grew redder and redder.  

“For you show to such signs of disappointment. Are you afraid of me for being a joke.”

“I was surprised, you know. I thought you meant it. Do you not think that you’re serious about your jokes everytime.”

Eun-Seol turned around with tears forming in her eyes. Then she walked ahead of Do-Yoon as if she was sorrowful.  

“One, it is true.” 


Eun-Seol, who was walking before Do-Yoon’s words, stopped and looked back at him. There were still thick tears around those eyes. 

“The word is to enter the palace.”


Do-Yoon reached out and wiped Eun-Seol’s tears away. Surprised, Eun-Seol hurriedly groped her eyes.

“The road to meet you is neither difficult nor far. Rather, I am so happy and only laugh thinking of meeting you.” 

Do-Yoon’s voice, filled with sincerity, thumped and rung inside Eun-Seol’s small heart.  

“The closer the meeting day approaches, the more my heart beats, I can’t even fall asleep at night.”  

“Your Majesty”

“Spring is really over, and the flowers that bloomed in full are dying.” 


“Why does the scent of flowers not go away on this road to see you? The scent is so sweet that even my mind is dizzy.”  


“But how does this road to meet you feel so long and difficult.” 

“If so, why should I enter the palace…..”

 Then Do-Yoon stepped up in front of Eun-Seol and looked down at her, who was staring at him as if he was adorable. Do-Yoon’s black and cold eyes were fed with sparkling silver snow. 

“I want to see you in the palace.”

“Your Majesty!” 

“So, I made excuses, not like a man.”

“Your Majesty, but…”

“I do not want to hide it.” 

Eun-Seol was surprised by Doyoon’s resolute voice.  

“No more””

“Your Majesty!”  

“No more. I do not want to make you wait alone, like this”

“It does not mean that the girl does not know her heart.……”

“I will wait from now on.” 

Eun-Seol was amazed at Do-Yoon’s words and trembled slightly with her small body, but Do-Yoon tightly wrapped her soft shoulders. In the small distance, the breathing of the two mixed hotly.  

“So enter the palace.”

“Your Majesty”

“Is it scary? Are you afraid?”  


“There is another way for you and me. I will go to you when I give up my place.”

“That’s not it …”

Eun-Seol shook her head when Do- Yoon said he would come down from the throne and grabbed Do-Yoon’s big hands were still holding her shoulders. The warmth of Eun-Seol passed down to Do-Yoon’s cold heart.

“‘I’ mm so surprised. It’s so sudden.”

Do-Yoon smiled while holding Eun-Seol’s hands warmly. Do-yoon, who did not know how to laugh, was now smiling at Eun-Seol as if he was quite familiar.

“Can I dare dream of happiness or can I laugh when l am happy””


“Actually, I hesitated and worried, but I could not stop it. This heart just wants to run toward you.”

WhenDo-yoon’ s sorrowful words touched Eun-Seol’s heart, Eun-Seol’s nose was cold. It was a secret story that could not turn her heart away from his desperate sincerity.

“Your Majesty”

“I want to be happy with you. I can’t push this greed out with my own strength.” “

Do-yoon pulled out a pretty jade hairpin from his sleeve with the happiest smile in the world and presented it in front of Eun-Seol.

“Ah.” “

Eun-Seol spits out a little sigh and looked down at the jade hairpin held into-yoon’ s hand. At the moment, Eun-Seol’s eyes turned red.

“With you. Gwoldo, which I hated and despised, and Daejeon, where I had never been able to rest comfortably for a single moment, are all fragrant.” 

“Your Majesty”

“For the first time I was convinced that I would be willing to live in that dreadful place.”

“Your Majesty”

 The hot tears seemed to approach on his silver tongue gradually.


“Eun-Seol, you are my……Will, you be my breath.”

“Your Majesty”

“Will you be my only woman in my life?” 

Tension appeared on Do-yoon’s face with a little smile. Eun-Seol looked down at the hairpin that Do-yoon would have chosen by hand, became hot again. The painful but happy, complex, and subtle emotions flowed intact. Do-yoon warmly embraced Eun-Seol.  

“Your Majesty”

“Eun Seol, I want to see you raise your head.”  

“Your Majesty” 

“”If it’s spring and summer or if it’s autumn and winter. I want to present a hairpin that resembles you and suits you every season.” “

Their eyes were smoothly entangled.

“I’m glad, your Majesty.”

Eun-Seol’s voice resembling the wind that settled deep inDo-Yoon’s heart.

“I also dare to hold you in my arms and try to be happy.”

“Your Majesty”


“I love you, Eun-Seol.”





Read only at Travis Translations


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