I was Transported to the Dungeon Basement Thumbnail
I was Transported to the Dungeon Basement

Chapter 1 - I was transported over to a dungeon basement!?

Chapter 1 I was transported over to a dungeon basement!?

Translated by Siv

Edited by Baddie

“What is this place …? Why am I in such a place?”


I’m sure I was run over by a car or a truck … Oh, that’s right. Was I dead?

So why was I in a pure white world like this one?

Did this mean that God was going to tell me whether I was going to heaven or hell?


While I was thinking this, I couldn’t find a god anywhere, so I looked around and found a woman….. no, a girl, standing behind me .

But she wasn’t just any girl. How could I put this … Was it alright to say that there was a godliness about her?


While I was observing the girl in front of me, the girl bowed and apologized to me very passionately.


“I’m really sorry about this! I’m really sorry for the inconvenience I’ve caused to Mr. Sosuke for my own convenience.”


“!!!!!! ??? No, wait a minute! I don’t want to be apologized to for no reason.”


“Huh !! That’s right. I’m really sorry that I keep repeating it!!!”


Yeah, this kid apologized no matter what I sad.

Well, for now, should I leave it alone and ask what I actually wanted to hear?

“Ah, please tell me where this place is, who you are, and why you’re apologizing so much to me.”


“Okay, I understand! Well, first of all …”


Hmmm, I see ~~~. I understand.

First of all, this was the place where the destination after death was determined. This wasn’t too different from my initial idea.


And the true identity of this girl was that she was a reincarnated god. Simply put, she seemed to be a god who sent people who had done good deeds in their previous life to a world different from the one they’d lived in in their previous life.


And the reason why I was being apologized to so much, I was very sure what it was.


Originally, I was supposed to be reincarnated as a child in an ordinary household in a different world from the one I’d lived in, but for the God’s convenience, I seemed to have been transferred to the lower layer of a dungeon in a different world. ..


For that reason, I understand being apologized to, like I’d mentioned earlier. Or rather, if I were the girl, I would have apologized in the same way.


I’d heard the word dungeon many times, so I could almost imagine how it would be.

Moreover, the place I’d been transferred to was the lower layer. The game was pretty much over already.


There was some good news from the reincarnated god that helped with my anxiety about the reality of the future.


“Oh, don’t worry, I can help Sosuke with my authority a little! Um …”


It was that I would get power with the authority of the reincarnated god, but in simple terms, these are the two things.


First of all, it seemed that I could choose as many skills as my age.

A skill seems to be a special power that exists in the world to which I’ve been transferred. I could gather this much from the words.

By the way, my age was 15 years, so I could choose 15 skills.

And it seemed that they would give me simple food for ten days.


Then it took me about 20 minutes to select 15 skills.

There were only fifteen, so I thought I could decide on them quickly, but it took an unexpected amount of time.


And it was already time for me to go to the bottom of the dungeon.


“Then, Mr. Sosuke, I will transport you to the lower layer of the dungeon. The place where Sosuke will go is to a room called a safety point. Please rest assured that there are no monsters in that room.”


Well, that was good. It would be awful if I was killed by encountering a high-level monster right at the moment of transfer.


“Then, Mr. Sosuke. I wish you happiness in the future.”


As the reincarnated god said this, my view once again blacked out.




“Hmm … Is this the dungeon? Well, it’s quite a place.”


I had moved from that pure white world, and now I was in a room made of stone, about 15 square meters in size.

There was nothing around. Of course, as the reincarnated god had said at the end, there were no monsters.


“Shall I check my status first?”


When I chanted to open the status in my mind, a window screen was displayed in front of me.


Sakazaki Sosuke


Human 15 years old Level 1


Possession skills


Appraisal – level 5

Sign blocking – level 5

Magic operation – level 5

Physical ability enhancement – level 5

Fire magic – level 5

Water magic – level 5

Wind magic – level 5

Earth magic – level 5

Lightning magic – level 5

Detection – level 5

Concealment – level 5

Storage – level 5

Alchemy – level 5

Blacksmith – level 5

Woodworking – level 5

Demolition – level 5


Yeah, they were exactly the ones I’d chosen.

For the time being, I didn’t know what kind of skills were good to live on and which weapon skills to use at first, so I’d chosen magic skills instead.

The rest of the skills were hobby skills that would be useful on adventures.

Or rather, I had a lot of skills.

Was this a special service?


And when it came to food, there was a bag next to me.


Portable food – x1025 liters of water


I was a little disappointed that it didn’t have my cell phone, but this would do.

Then I was a little skeptical.


Possession equipment – Bellowing sword


Eeeeekk! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! Why was it such a terribly low-grade weapon? It was a terrible and unwieldy weapon. Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!


Hahhhhhhh, let’s calm down. It’s certainly a difficult weapon to handle, but it’s still better than nothing.


For the time being, could I get by with just my magic for a week?


Read only at Travis Translations


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