I Just Want to Help My Sister the Villainess, That’s All Thumbnail
I Just Want to Help My Sister the Villainess, That’s All

Chapter 2

Ch 2 : Fundraising 

Translated by CleiZz



 I decided to create my own organization independent of my family.



 The Dukes of Lazer are very wealthy, but they can’t afford all the children of their vassals.




 Because of their long history, the Dukes of Razel cannot afford to take on new vassals.




 The second sons and younger become adventurers or mercenaries at best, and many become priests or weaponsmiths.




 Those who can’t make it are lucky if they can get a son-in-law from a wealthy farmer who has no sons.




 So I decided to secure the funds to make them my direct vassals, and I called a man to stand in front of the table.


“Oscar, I’m sorry to call you here today.”


“I would have rushed to the end of the continent if you had summoned me, Mr. Cameron.”


 Oscar from the Marques Trading Company, the best jeweler in the kingdom, said something good.




 It’s not that I have to go to Oscar, but when it comes to selling large quantities of precious and expensive jewels, Oscar is the one who can get the highest price.




 If I want to create my own organization, I need to have my own source of funding that doesn’t depend on the dukes.




 I could hunt hexenbiests, but that would mean spreading the word of my strength to the world.




 If I have to, I’ll do it, but if I can make money while hiding, that’s the best way.


“I’d like to sell this. How much will you pay me for it?”



 I laid out the quartz I had created using my magic on a table with seating for thirty people.


 Colorless and transparent quartz.


 Colored purple crystal, yellow crystal, red crystal, smoke crystal, black crystal, lemon crystal, green crystal, blue crystal, red crystal, milky white crystal.


 Gold dust stone that is bright green and glitters like gold dust.



 Colorless, milky white, brown, yellow, green, and blue opals with a playful color effect.


 Obsidian, an amorphous natural glass.


 Jadeite, red jadeite, green jadeite, agate, jasper, and other gems created in large quantities at once.


“First of all, let me remind you that all of these items were once bid on by merchants in our territory.


 I don’t think that Oscar of the Marques Trading Company, who is considered the best jeweler in the country, would put a lower value than the local merchant’s price, but if there is even one jewel that you puts a lower price on, I will sell them all to Oscar’s competitors.


 If this many jewels were available on a regular basis, he would be the best jeweler in the kingdom, wouldn’t he, Oscar?”


 He must have realized that my words were not a lie or a bluff.


 Oscar, who just a few moments ago had been licking his lips at me, suddenly turned serious and stared at each jewel intently.




 But to be honest, I think the amount of jewels is too much for one person to appraise.


“No, I think it’s better to auction them off. 


 It was impossible for Marquez to handle such a large amount by himself.


 Let’s gather all the jewelers and well-wishers in the country and auction it off.”

Read only at Travis Translations


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Onii-chan, jail is over there!

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Panacea Seer Panacea Seer

Sign being able to make jewels with ones magic sounds awesome. so much shiny