Even Posing as a Hero is Easy–Why? Cause I’m a God– Thumbnail
Even Posing as a Hero is Easy–Why? Cause I’m a God–

Chapter 2.1

Chapter 2 ♥️ Gradually staying away from my sister

Translated by Devxtt

Edited by Raze Veredus


Next night after the shock.


I decided to slowly plan the strategy to ‘stop Akari’s plan’ in the bathroom, apparently the only place I can calm down at home.

Anyway, Akari’s affection for me has progressed to a level where it’s already too late. If I tried to convince Akari to hate me, there is no reason for her to respond with a straightforward “Yes, I understand.”

At first, I thought that I have to be deliberately disliked by Akari. So, she will fall out of love, and turn back to being my “sister”.

Then I thought of a better method. Take advantage of her plan.

It’s a good idea to be able to have a good time with your friends and family.

It might be the best way possible.

On the other hand, if the relationship between me and Akari changes significantly in the year and a half before graduation, then there will be a change in Akari’s plans. Thus, she will probably change her mind.

If we returned to being close siblings like we were in the past, she’ll have no choice but to abandon her plan.

“Although this plan might work……, it’ll be suspicious if I change too suddenly.”

According to the notes, it seems that Akari hasn’t noticed me snooping around and reading her “Oni-chan” book. Well, I am being extremely careful not to leave any traces. And I suppose it’s safe to assume that it’s okay for now.

However, it’s also true that if you act too much on your own, you may end up strangling yourself.

The first thing we need is a way to start a conversation. It would be unnatural if I start first. I need to look for something.

“It’s difficult …… very difficult.”

I have to worry about future problems as well. Anyway, failure is not an option. Take each step carefully.

”…… Okay, let’s leave Akari out of it and do this one first.”

To be honest, I had another strategy in mind last night.

No, this one is more like an insurance policy than a strategy……

First of all, I have to discuss my strategy with Yoshiki and Nanami. This plan will have a better chance of success that way.




“What is the best way to get along with someone who hates you?”

“Hm… By someone, do you mean Akari-chan?”

I answered immediately.

“Well… Yeah, you’re right”

It’s obvious, he knows I’m talking about Akari. Just as I thought.

It could’ve turned into a problem if he didn’t know I was talking about Akari and gave wrong advice.

It’s too soon, and all those ideas I had about how to ‘stop her plan’ are wasted.

“Heh! Tell me, why this change of heart?”

Yoshiki asked with interest.

Naturally, anyone who knows of our hateful relationship, would’ve asked the same question.


“Eh, nothing in particular. I was simply wondering how long this hateful relationship will go on”


His tone of voice was saying he isn’t completely convinced. The subtle pause proved it.

However, I can’t tell him the real reason. It’s quite painful, but I have to convince Yoshiki for help.

”So, you want to patch up with Akari-chan?”

He asked and I tilted my head to my side.

“Well, there’s one thing I can say. Okay, Yusuke, do you think I know the things that you don’t?”

”Huh? No?”

There’s no doubt about it. There was no way for a stranger to know the answer that even this brother (I) couldn’t find.

“Well, you can start with a greeting. Like, if you like someone, you try to find a way to start a conversation with them. You can just start with trying to greet her.”

“Okay, so I have to begin with a greeting.”

“Yeah, yeah. You are siblings, so why can’t you just say good morning to your sister in the morning?”

It’s not a bad idea. …… huh, yeah, it might actually not be such a bad idea.

“But what about being greeted out of the blue by someone you don’t like?”

“Hmmm, you’ll have to experience it first-hand. …… though, I don’t feel good about it.”

However, the case of Akari would be different.

Even if I just say hello, Akari will definitely be way too happy. That’s a given.


Well, how about you walk to home together? You both live together, so maybe you can walk with her …… and pretend it was just a coincidence that you met her.”

“To go home together…”

I think I understand. It might be tough to talk with her, but I guess it’s not completely “out of the world” …… but only if I pretend it is a coincidence?

“I mean, it’ll be good to create a situation where she can’t help but acknowledge you, right?”

“A situation where Akari has to acknowledge me?”

“For example, let’s say Akari-chan is leaving school alone, and she finds herself in a situation where she can’t help but respond too. You can get a good idea of what to expect next. She will see the man who has fallen in front of her, is actually her Onii-chan! When she faces a situation like that, she can’t just ignore it, no matter how much she hates you, right?”

“I suppose so.”

“But that’s a bit overboard, isn’t it?

“Well, it is just an example. In short, if Akari-chan thoroughly ignores you, you should basically make it impossible for her to ignore you. I don’t know her much, so I can’t give you any specific advice on how to do that…”

I’m her brother, I understand. I have to do it.

He didn’t say it clearly though but I knew what Yoshiki wanted to tell me as much as I hated it.

“I’m sure you’re not alone. It’s a good thing that you have a me. I’ll tell you if I think of anything else.”


There is no lie or deceit in Yoshiki’s words.

“I’m sure you’ll be able to find a way that’ll work for me.”

That’s why I can’t help but have mixed feelings as if I’m somehow taking advantage of Yoshiki’s good intentions.

In front of Yoshiki, who takes me as seriously as if we were brothers, I couldn’t say, even if my mouth was to be open, I wouldn’t be able to say, ”It’s okay if you don’t force yourself to find a way for me to be able to talk with Akari.”


”How do you think you can get along with someone who despises you?”

”Are you talking about Akari-chan?”

It was an immediate answer.

A familiar face.

She’s a childhood friend of mine, and she knows almost everything…

I was certainly impressed but waved my hand saying “No, no, no,”

“Do you know how easy this question is? The only answer to that question is Akari-chan.”


I was dumbfounded.

It’s not that I have any intention of hiding it, just like Yoshiki, but it’s a little complicated. Because I’m someone who doesn’t have that many friends.

“So, you want to get along with Akari-chan?”

I’m not sure that “get along” is the right phrase, but since I can’t think of any other appropriate phrases to use, I just nod my head.

It’s a good idea to be able to hang around with my friends.

”Though, why this sudden change of heart?”


She stares at me suspiciously.

My childhood friend, Nanami Haruse, knows that Akari and I were on good terms in elementary school.

She has seen everything from the days of junior high. The time when we began to distance ourselves from each other. The fact that I have accepted, and she has seen it all from the side.

It’s natural for her to question the sudden change because she knows…



However, no matter how close we are with each other since childhood, I can’t tell her the truth.

So here…

“I was approached by an acquaintance who said he had a crush on Akari. He asked if I could help him to get along with her. …….Normally I would have refused, but I owe that person a debt of gratitude for his help and I couldn’t say no to him.”

I have no choice but to survive with this lie.


I wonder if it worked.

”But Yusuke, do you know how hard it is for me to say that?”

The conversation continued.

It seems that she still had some doubts, but she seems to be convinced for the time being.


“Of course. In the first place, even I don’t even know why Akari started to distance herself from me.”

“Yeah, that’s it!” Nanami said.

“If you don’t understand that, there’s nothing I can do about it. If I recall right, we were in junior high when Akari and you became estranged.”

“Uh huh, I was in the second grade and Akari was in the first grade. I think it was right around the time I started junior high school, and out of the blue, I got a declaration of ‘stay away from me’ from Akari.”


At that time, it was so sudden that I had to consult with Nanami.

“That’s why you have to… Hmmm, do you have any idea what happened?”

“If I had, I wouldn’t be asking for your help. … honestly, I have absolutely no idea.”

That part’s a complete lie. I have so many ideas, that I’m in trouble.

Nanami, on the other hand, listened to my answer, and said, “Yes,” while puzzling over her head.

“Anyway, Yusuke, you want to help that person you know, right?”

“Well, yeah, I guess so. Even if I give advice to that person, I don’t know any of her hobbies and her likes and dislikes. Even if I want to help, I’ll have to improve my relationship with Akari first. And I definitely can’t do it alone.”

When I speak it in that way, Nanami looks worried and tries to gather her wits.

Eventually, after thinking for a moment.

”All right, I’ll keep this matter for now.”

I exclaimed.

“Keep it?”

“Yeah, I’ll take it. I’ll take it home with me and see what I can do.”

I was confused …but I held back as long as I could.

If I interfere poorly, she might suspect me. So, it would be better to leave it to Nanami here.

“Then, I’m sorry, please. If you think of anything, I’d appreciate it if you could let me know.”

“Yeah, I will.”

Although this was slightly off from my original purpose, I’ll take advantage of Nanami’s kindness here.

”…… And, it would be better for you if you do it for me like you’re doing for Akari-chan…….”

“What? Did you say something?”

“Oh,no, nothing. I’m just talking to myself.”


I couldn’t hear it well, but it seems that Akari’s name was mentioned. I wonder if she’s thinking of a plan as soon as possible.



Read only at Travis Translations


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