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Another World Loner Doesn’t Need The Friend Feature

Chapter 1

1.Call of the Other World

Translated by: X-treme97

Edited by: X-treme97

After the school classroom was enveloped in a blinding light and a voice calling itself God echoed in my brain.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a space covered by a stone wall.

Dimly lit by several bonfires, the place was filled with a dozen or so people dressed in white robes, an old man with white hair and a blonde girl behind them.

The rest were my classmates, including me, who hadn’t quite grasped the situation.

“What, ……?”

Someone’s voice made all my classmates clamor at once.

“I saw some amazing light—“

“Yes! I heard some guy say God or something!”

I didn’t understand what he was talking about: ……

“Where am I?”

Gradually, his voice gets louder and louder. And.

“Calm down, brave men and women.”

A woman’s voice rang out.

It was a  powerful and clear voice.

The one who came out in front of us was the blonde girl in the back. She was a beautiful girl in a light blue dress, looking like she was still in her teens. She has a beautiful face that looks as if it came out of a story.

The girl put her long white-gloved hands together and bowed her head towards us.

“Please forgive me for my sudden summons. And could you calm down and listen to me, please?”

At the sight, the voices of my classmates instantly stopped.


“I am Elle Harnigalbat, the third princess of the Kingdom of Harnigalbat.”

The girl who introduced herself as Elle bowed her head again.

To the bafflement of almost all of my classmates, one of the boys stepped forward.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Kouki Mitsumoto.”

“Mr. Mitsumoto: ……?”

“You can call me Kouki.”

Kouki Mitsumoto is the so-called leader of the class. Let’s leave it to him for now.

“Would it be correct to say that Mr. Kouki represents all of you?”

“’We don’t even have a homeroom teacher …… our supervisor, so I’ll ask you to consider that for now. Quickly, what has happened to us?”

In response to Mitsumoto’s question, the princess began to explain.

“Allow me to explain everyone. This is the crypt of Harnigalbutt’s royal castle. It is here that the kingdom’s traditional summoning of the hero takes place.”

“…… You mean, we were summoned as heroes, is that correct?”

“”Yes. That black hair and black eyes…… some different people have been caught up in it, but this appearance is definitely of the hero that has been passed down to us.”

While saying that, the princess strokes Mitsumoto’s hair.

The ones that are different, would be the guys and girls who dye their hair and wear contacts.

In short, it’s called a cross-world summoning.

Read only at Travis Translations


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Onii-chan, jail is over there!

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