I’m A Supporting Character but I’m the Protagonist’s First Love Thumbnail
I’m A Supporting Character but I’m the Protagonist’s First Love

Chapter 3

It was less than an hour later that Kang Tae-Seo came back home. Even so, it was a waste of time to follow the trails frequented by his lover Seon Yi-Gyeol. Since he didn’t meet him until the end of the walk, he assumed he had gone home and he rushed back.

The Omega introduced himself as Yoo Eun-Jae, but they did not talk for even 10 minutes. Yoo Eun-Jae did not hide his displeasure toward Kang Tae-Seo. However, unlike his feisty appearance, the pheromone that the Omega implicitly released in front of the Alpha smelled too good. He wanted to avoid the place even more because of the instinctive attraction to his pheromones.

The other person also reacted to Kang Tae-Seo’s pheromone to the point his cheeks heated up, but he tried to turn away and backed his body back. The two acted against their instincts. It was clearly revealed that he was caring about someone who was not here.

The conversation was short because he was thinking of Seon Yi-Gyeol.

Referring to last night, Yoo Eun-Jae showed his business card that he used for family events or business. He could get a business card through someone else, but Kang Tae-Seo couldn’t deny the scent that spread gently from the unfamiliar omega.

However, yesterday’s events were not intact in Kang Tae-Seo’s memory, so he couldn’t be sure of anything. It was easy to check the CCTV because his last memory was the hotel lounge and the name of the hotel where the two people spent the night.

“I need to secure evidence and let Yi-Gyeol know that I am innocent.”

Kang Tae-Seo, who uttered what to do, headed home.

“It’s a problem that can be solved.”

Kang Tae-Seo believed in himself. No matter how much omega pheromones envelop him, he would never betray Seon Yi-Gyeol. He was even more confident because he did not get tempted even when he was a vigorous student. At the same time, there was anxiety in the back of his mind that Yoo Eun-Jae’s pheromone was familiar.

However, even if he made a mistake, Kang Tae-Seo intended to sincerely apologize to Seo Yi-Gyeol no matter what he did and stick to him regardless of whether he was forgiven or asked to pay for his sins.

“Yi-Gyeol, I’m here.”

As he entered the empty house, he spoke as brightly as possible.

“I’m done talking to him. I’ll never meet him again.”

Although it was a one-sided notice, the other party also accepted with a frown. Even if there was something to talk about, he even drew a line, asking him to go through his agent.

“Yi-Gyeol, are you in your room?”

Kang Tae-Seo could not stop talking, even though he knew that his voice was shaking more.

“If you don’t want to talk to me, I’ll wait. Just say tell me.”

After opening all the doors in the house, Kang Tae-Seo stood in the middle of the living room and looked everywhere without blinking.

It was an ordinary house and it was hard to find anything different from usual. Thanks to the lady who visits for cleaning, it always keeps it neat, but some places that get disorganized like a habit were similar.

The existence of a hooded zip-up that hung on the sofa was not unusual because he asked his lover to change into a coat soaked with his pheromones since he wanted to go out for a walk.

The various cat-shaped decorations that Seon Yi-Gyeol sometimes impulsively buys and the overflowing clothes that Kang Tae-Seo gave as gifts and coordinated every day were also the same. Seon Yi-Gyeon’s things were here. Nothing disappeared, but Kang Tae-Seo’s anxiety did not disappear.

“Seon Yi-Gyeol…….”

The hand holding the cell phone, which only had a signal from a while ago, became increasingly strong. Even though he had a lot of bad thoughts, Tae-Seo was desperate to calm down his emotions.

Their paths may have diverged.

Whether true or false, a lover who encounters such a shocking incident may be cooling down somewhere for a while to collect his emotions.

While trying to think positively, Kang Tae-Seo’s finger found and pressed the number of the person he had never contact before. When Seon Yi-Gyeol did not answer, he called the other party.

— Yes, please speak.

“Where are you now?”

He did not usually contact the guard he attached to his lover, because he was worried something would happen to him.

If Yi-Gyeol was late after meeting someone, he became anxious. He could bear it if he contacted him directly and received an answer. Although Seon Yi-Gyeol was calm, he responded quickly to Kang Tae-Seo’s contact and calmed his anxiety.

— I am at the intersection.

“I passed by there earlier. What happened to Yi-Gyeol?”

— That’s…… I was going to call you anyway.

Kang Tae-Seo’s anxiety peaked at the guard’s hesitation, who always answered clearly.

— When I saw him enter the right side of the intersection, I chased after him, and at one point I was chasing someone else.

“Can you please explain what kind of bullshit that is?”

— It was a different person wearing the same clothes.

“Why were there two people in the same place at that time wearing coats that didn’t even fit?”

— He took off his coat before he entered that intersection.

“……He must have left his phone there, too.”

No. Probably not.

No matter how much Tae-Seo tried to deny it, he could no longer look away from the truth that kept coming at him.

“Release the person right now.”

The coolly subdued voice was more threatening than when he was angry.

He hung up the phone and looked inside the house again. When his eyes fell on the ivory hood zip-up on the sofa, he took it in his hand and buried his face without hesitation. The subtle scent was the sweetness of the mixture of detergent and shampoo. However, to Kang Tae-Seo, it felt like a passionate omega’s little scent. So much so that Seon Yi-Gyeol’s scent gave him more stability than any other omega pheromone.

But his lover ran away without even listening to his excuses.

“Run away properly, Yi-Gyeol.”

He whispered sweetly, cherishing the clothes he held in his hand.

“Because I’m not going to let you off anymore.”

at the same time.

Seon Yi-Gyeol got on the fishing boat in a completely different outfit from the morning. The collaborator who took Seon Yi-Gyeol here laughed at his appearance without hesitation.

“I thought it would be okay to mix with the fishermen.”

They wore rustic sunglasses, faded hats, and fishing vests that showed the passage of time. The tightly wrapped Seon Yi-Gyeol was wrapped tightly and looked like an easy-going fisherman who did not care at all about what others thought. Knowing that the purpose of this preparation was not fishing, he knew this outfit wouldn’t be worn again.

The partner, who became impatient as he thought it was the last time, stayed close to the boat that was about to leave and gave him one last piece of advice.

“Be careful. No matter how thoroughly you prepare, the weather doesn’t seem to be helping.”

“It’s okay as long as it’s not a typhoon.”

Unlike the cloudy sky, Seon Yi-Gyeol, who smiled brightly, was a person who threw away his heavy burden and started anew. So he waved his hand and saw off Seon Yi-Gyeol without asking if he was really abandoning Kang Tae-Seo.

Unlike those who checked the fishing equipment as the fishing boat moved, Lee Gyeol found another collaborator to find the hidden bag and placed it at his feet. He planned to transfer to another ship from the island on the pretext of fishing.

Yi-Gyeol didn’t know it would be today, but he expected it to be this time of year, so he devised a number of escape methods so that he could do it any time. Moreover, thanks to the fact that he did not ignore the premonition he felt while waking up in the morning, he was able to move as planned.

He was confident this time because it was his last chance to prepare after several failures.

“Go on love each other, and I will live a long and healthy life.”

Yi-Gyeol traced the long scar that was hidden by his hair with his fingertips and expressed his regret toward Kang Tae-Seo.

The wrong pieces that were placed in the first place are finally finding their place.


“I have to make the first step right.”

He made a resolution while looking at his younger face in the mirror. It still felt unfamiliar.

“Now I’m not Seon Yi-Gyeol, an office worker, but a high school student.”

He also had the same name as the ‘Seon Yi-Gyeol’ in the book,

“Ha, I shouldn’t have lent my name.”

He fell for his female friend’s words when she told him, she would use his name as a supporting character in her book. While reading the novel, that he received, he was speechless about the “Seon Yi-Gyeol’s” action which was completely different from himself.

Unlike himself, who lives while taking into account the other people, the novel’s “Yi-Gyeol” is unruly. He went through all kinds of inconvenience to possess an Alpha that a beta could not have.

He enrolled in a private school despite not being well-off. He also committed all kinds of evil and lies to get a seat next to the Alpha.

Later, when it was confirmed that he was an unlucky person who was eventually killed for committing unforgivable acts, he compromised. He only lent him his name anyway, and he was a little uncomfortable, but there was no real problem.

“If I knew I would be ‘Yi-Gyeol’ I would have meddled from start to finish.”

He couldn’t stop sighing feeling it was unfair. As he rubbed his face with his hands, he realized once again that his clean palms, without any calluses were because he was ‘Yi-Gyeol’. A selfish person who had never done housework before.

However, he had no intention of following ‘Seon Yi-Gyeol’s’ original path. Anyway, the end of his path was death and more than anything, he couldn’t understand his selfish way of thinking. He didn’t hesitate to sacrifice his family and even do bad things and lie for his own happiness.

Although he was dissatisfied with the fact that he had transmigrated as a trashy supporting character, his appearance had been upgraded to the point of admiration.

“When I go back to reality, I want to have surgery to look like this.”

Whenever his boss scolded me, he was teased for crying because of the drooping corners of his eyes and it was very natural for him to look like he was smiling just because the corner of his eyes were slightly raised. His nose became straight and pointed and the round tip of his nose created a cute image. In addition, because he is in his teens, the texture of his skin is incredibly fair and radiant.

When he consciously smiled, he sparkled with a brightness that looked like an idol. It must have been a beauty that he honed to catch an alpha.

“Whoa…… This expression is good.”

In order not to get involved with Alpha, the main character, he tried his best to stay as if he didn’t exist and pressed down on his fluttering brown hair.

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Thanks for the translation
I think we're gonna read about the past up until they explain that scar and then we're gonna continue from where we left off