I, Who Was Reincarnated As The Villainous Noble, Aim To Become The Strongest To Pick Up a Disengaged Young Lady And Create a Harem! Thumbnail
I, Who Was Reincarnated As The Villainous Noble, Aim To Become The Strongest To Pick Up a Disengaged Young Lady And Create a Harem!

Vol. 1 Chapter 1

Under the blue sun and the red sun shining in the azure sky.


Fanned by a massive leaf fan and receiving a pleasant foot and shoulder massage, I squinted my eyes while enveloped in a sweet fragrance of the opposite s*x.


“Lord Alus, your drink is here.”




After moistening my throat with a sip from the drink placed in front of me, I directed my gaze towards the young girl in front of me.


“So, what is it you want?”


“Want? It’s not about what you want! First, stop that! Stop it!”


“Hmm? I haven’t done anything, have I?”


“That’s the problem! What are you making them do? It’s, it’s unseemly! Unseemly!”


The young girl in front of me pointed her finger at me while raising her voice.


At the moment, I was surrounded by women wearing outfits that exposed so much skin that it could be considered almost nude, receiving the highest level of hospitality. They fanned me with massive leaf fans, provided a two-person foot massage, and even gave me a shoulder massage. There was even a woman solely for handing me drinks.


“Why? It’s just my usual.”


Surrounded by stunningly attractive ladies and enveloped in a pleasant scent, this was not a special day but rather a typical day for me.


“What’s wrong with that?”


“Nobles have a duty to indulge as nobles, you know?”


“It’s about how you’re using them! And it’s not right to force them to expose their skin like that!”


“Loloa, do you mind?”


I reached for a gold coin neatly stacked on the side table next to me and placed it on the tray where the woman standing beside me had placed the drink.


“No, not at all. I feel the utmost joy in serving Lord Alus.”


“That’s what I thought.”


“Isn’t that a bribe!?”


“What’s wrong with it? Money makes the world go ’round. While there may be issues with the recipient (me), it’s not much of a problem if the commoners receive money from me.”


I replied confidently to the girl’s words.


“No, it’s not okay! Can’t you at least acknowledge that you’re my fiance? Stop surrounding yourself with women all the time!”


“Why do I need to be told that by you?”


“Ugh!!! Seriously!!! That’s why you’re always called a wastrel!”


The girl visibly expressed her anger towards me… I’m sorry?


Inwardly, I apologized to the girl. It’s true that I’m in the wrong… However, I can’t stop now. This act is not entirely meaningless.


The women I’m surrounded by, the maids who serve in my house, are people who need a substantial amount of money for various reasons. I intentionally make them serve me and give them money through various chores.


It was an action I took intentionally before I had the memories of my past life, or perhaps it was just a whim, but I can’t stop it now. Stopping it would cause serious problems for their financial situations.


I apologize to the girl, my fiance, but please understand. Well, there’s no reason for the girl to like me, and she might dislike the surface-level relationship we have as fiancees, but please bear with it. I won’t dig into what you do behind my back.


“I don’t intend to engage in any more pointless arguments. Leave.”


“Alus, you idiot!”


Upon hearing my words, the girl ran out of the room in a fit of anger.




I sighed deeply as I watched my fiance, Hera Loeingrint, leave the room.


“Please don’t be too disheartened, Lord Alus.”


“I’m not feeling down. After all, the one at fault is me.”


“We apologize for causing you trouble.”


“I don’t consider it a nuisance. Your dedication, beauty, and even your scent are all splendid.”


It’s a perk.


I always think of it as a treat. If I had reproductive ability, I would have definitely… you know, attacked them. Sexually.


Hehe, while I entertained such vulgar thoughts inwardly, I maintained a poker face and continued with a serious attitude.


“However… we can’t just keep ignoring Hera.”


Hera Loengrint.


She is the eldest daughter of the Loengrint family, a marquisate house of equal standing to my family, the Reinhardt family, and my fiancée, making her the most likely candidate to become the future head of the Reinhardt marquisate.




In my past life, I played a social game called “Enclosed Garden of Investigation,” released in Japan. Although it wasn’t a popular game at the time of its release, it gained sudden popularity when a certain popular Vtuber featured it.


I played this game at the recommendation of my real sister, who is much more talented and successful than I am, working as a top-notch researcher overseas.


This game featured a rather unconventional protagonist who wreaked havoc in the world. The general storyline revolved around a man born as royalty, who, while conquering heroines, suddenly declared war on humanity and started a war against the demon race, with the Demon Lord as the target.


The charm of this work lies in the intricate details of the setting, the quality of the graphics, and the diverse personalities of the heroines. …Huh? What about the protagonist? Well, he started acting in ways that made him seem incredibly stupid, so he became a sort of joke.


In short, this work can be summed up as a game with an unconventional protagonist and overwhelmingly cute heroines, and Hera Loengrint is one of those heroines.


Hera is a heroine with a theme of forbidden love, offering players the fun and sense of taboo of seducing a fiancée, Hera, using the protagonist. There was something quite exciting about watching her gradually fall for the protagonist while feeling shy.


By the way, I was born as the eldest son of the Reinhardt marquisate, and this character, who unfortunately died easily in my past life and was subsequently reincarnated, appears as a villainous character in the game’s world.


I never expected to be reborn for a second time, let alone as a villainous noble in a game world. I wished I could have been born as a character in a better position. Not as a character destined to die as a villain.


“Lord Alus, why have you been staring into space for a while now?”


The woman standing beside me asked, noticing my absent-mindedness likely caused by thoughts of my past life.


“Oh… it’s nothing. You don’t need to worry.”


I reassured her and then decided to move.


While I may eventually meet my fate as a villainous character, I don’t intend to passively accept it. I plan to resist the flow of this world in my own way.


“I’ll be moving for a bit. Make sure to prepare dinner before my return.”




After giving a simple order, I stood up.

Author's Thoughts

This novel has quite number of characters, so if there is mistake in the character's name please kindly comment or DM me on discord.
Thank you for your understanding.

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