When I Was Eating a Solo Meal In The Dungeon, I Had Become The Strongest SSS Ranked Adventurer Thumbnail
When I Was Eating a Solo Meal In The Dungeon, I Had Become The Strongest SSS Ranked Adventurer

Vol. 1 Chapter 1 - A Surprising End After Eating Bread

“Ah, I messed up.”


I never thought I’d die from eating bread I found in the park.


There wasn’t even any mold on it, and it looked clean and not at all rotten.


“Where am I, anyway? Heaven?”


It was pure white, with nothing around.


It felt like when I had malnutrition and anemia in the past.


Back then, I passed out with my eyes open. The hospital food was delicious. I wished I could have stayed in there forever.


“Welcome to Itsuko’s room!”


“Wow! You scared me!”


Someone suddenly spoke from behind.


When I turned around, there was a girl who looked like a kindergarten senior.


“How old are you, young lady? Is your mom or dad nearby?”


“I’m not a young girl! I’ll be 5012 years old next year! I’m a mature woman!”


“More like a witch than a mature woman…”


It seemed she was not a young girl but a supernatural being.


“I am the reincarnation god, Itsu!”


She was not a supernatural being but a god.


Wait, where did Itsuko’s room come from?


“You are Kurohone Shuta, 10 years old, unemployed.”


“Yeah, I’m unemployed, or you could say I’m still in elementary school.”


“You died in a pitiful way, so I’ll reincarnate you in another world while retaining your previous life’s knowledge.”


“A pitiful way to die…”


“You picked up and ate bread that had fallen in the park. It was laced with a lethal dose of poison.”


According to Itsu’s story, a man living near the park had made poison-laced bread to get rid of crows and stray cats and left it in the park.


As a result, I, a human, ate it, died from the poison in the bread, and the man got arrested. The poisoned bread scattered in the park was collected.


“Was anyone else harmed besides me?”


“No, just you.”


“What about the crows and cats?”


“They were collected before they could eat it, so they’re fine. Not a single mouse died, except for you.”


“That’s a relief…”


The crows and stray cats in that park were my companions in sharing meals. We searched for food in the leftovers from the nearby convenience store and restaurant dumpsters and supported each other to survive hunger.


“Why did you pick it up and eat it?”


“I was living with my mom, but she disappeared not too long ago.”


“I see…”


“We didn’t have much money, so sometimes I brought back leftover bread and dessert from school lunches, but it wasn’t enough.”


“That must have been tough…”


“My mom used to come back home once a week or so, leave a thousand-yen bill, and then go somewhere. She was that kind of person.”


Living on a thousand yen a week was tough, but maybe it was better than nothing.


“Shuta, you’ve done your best to survive! I want you to live happily in a better environment in your next life!”


“I’ll be happy as long as I can eat delicious food until I’m full.”


“Do you want any special abilities? I can make you the strongest!”


“Well, not really… Oh, I have one request.”


“I’m all ears!”


“Please make sure I won’t die even if I eat something poisoned.”


After eating the poisoned bread, my body felt like it was burning, and I vomited blood multiple times. I must have suffered for about an hour before dying. I don’t want to go through that again.


“I understand. I’ll make sure you can enjoy any dish reasonably and won’t die from eating anything.”


“That’s great!”


I wonder if rocks would taste like candy if I licked them. Probably not.




“Huh? Why is there a door here?”


I noticed that there was a door-like gate nearby.


“It’s time soon. On the other side of that door, a new world is waiting for you.”


“I see. Well then, I’m going!”




I opened the door and took a step inside. It was blindingly bright.


In this new world, I want to eat a full meal every day.


“I’ll do my best to live in my new life!”


“Yeah! Thanks, Itsu!”


“Respect your elders! And no more picking up and eating things!”


“Huh? Why not?”


“That’s not where the protagonist’s luck comes into play!”


And so, I was reincarnated into another world.

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