Me, The Dungeon Camper, Went Viral After Helping a Gal Live Streamer, and Now Gals Come Over to Eat Every Day Thumbnail
Me, The Dungeon Camper, Went Viral After Helping a Gal Live Streamer, and Now Gals Come Over to Eat Every Day

Vol. 1 Chapter 1 - Me, Making Friends with a Gal

“Eh, was that an SSS-class monster?!” Inamy Melody exclaimed while sitting on my camping chair, eating Cockatrice skewers cooked over charcoal.


She was a dungeon-themed content creator I had just saved a while ago.


Dungeon-themed content creators are people who livestream their dungeon conquests online. They are mainly popular among the younger generation, and since I had no interest in them, I didn’t know much about them. However, she seemed to be quite a popular streamer.


“Yeah, during the breeding season, Centaurs’ ranks shoot up. The females also taste much better,” I replied.


“Wow, big brother, you sure know your stuff,” she said, tilting her head while enjoying the skewer.


It was just something I picked up from my adventurer father, but if you’re going to livestream dungeon conquests, you should know at least that much. I almost got myself killed.


“Haha, want some dice steak?” I asked.


“I want some! Big brother, who are you? You’re super strong!”


She received the dice steak from me and piled it generously on top of her rice. This gal sure has a good appetite.


“Haha, I’m just an ordinary camper.”


“Camper?” Inamy Melody asked, cocking her head while munching on the dice steak. She had that “typical streamer” charm about her. Cute.


“Yeah, as you can see, I camp inside the dungeon, so I’m a camper. And that Shiba there, my trusty companion, looks like a Shiba Inu on the outside, but he’s an Inugami on the inside. I’ve tamed him.”


Shiba glanced at her for a moment and blinked.


This usually makes most girls go gaga. Shiba knows that.


“So cute! I wish I could tame one too.”


Why do girls always seem incapable of having normal conversations like this? Sigh… But looking at her endlessly cheerful demeanor, maybe I can forget those unpleasant memories from work.


“Haha, when you’re in a dungeon like this, you must be strong too, right? Ever tried taming a monster?”


She swallowed and then said, “You can call me Melody. I like that name; it’s cute.”


Her parents must be quite the gals, I thought. Nevertheless, she was a beauty who had a name as sparkling as her personality. Plus, she’s a gal. Somehow, the saying “you can’t have it all” doesn’t apply to her.


The girl in front of me possesses three things: a cute face, a cute name, and a generous bust…


“Haha, once we’re done eating, I’ll escort you to the exit.”


“Ehh, I want to stay over!”


“Sorry, but I prefer solo camping. Besides, you’re underage, right? I don’t want to get into trouble with the company.”


I added some cheese, which had turned gooey, to the yakisoba I had brought. This supermarket yakisoba, which I bought for 150 yen, serves as a respectable finale here.


Naturally, I shared half with Melody, and I gave Shiba some of the cheese topping.


“Wow, even though you’re strong enough to be an adventurer or a streamer, do you really enjoy working at that company?” she asked.


“No, it’s more like dealing with obnoxious bosses, getting mocked, and being gossiped about by women who find me creepy every day,” I replied.


Inamy Melody chewed on her cheese yakisoba, looking puzzled.


Yeah, it’s weird, right? It’s definitely strange.


But you know, that’s what being an adult is all about. You do unpleasant things, get paid for them, and then release your stress with a small amount of disposable income. As long as the company doesn’t go bankrupt, being a regular employee is stable.


Certainly, being an adventurer like my father or a streamer like Melody might make a lot of money… but the risks are too high.


“I see, are you from around here?” she asked.


“Oh, well, it’s in Tokyo, Adachi Ward.”


“Eh, seriously? I live in Adachi too. We’re practically neighbors.”


It feels a bit awkward. I don’t want to run into her at the supermarket or something. Well, people with strong social skills are amazing; they can make friends like this.


“Haha, what a coincidence.”


“Right? So, we’re friends now, okay?”


“Uh, well, you see, you’re still underage…”


“By the way, I’m not underage. I’m 20. So, can I stay over? Is that okay?”


You shouldn’t believe the self-proclaimed ages of girls like her. This is common knowledge among guys nationwide.


“Sorry, it’s not possible. I like solo camping, and besides, you’re underage, and I don’t want to lose my job.”


She seemed fine with that, and we continued our meal.


“By the way, big brother, do you use Twitter?” She suddenly asked.

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Very true never trust self-proclaimed ages. One mistake and you are in jail getting railed after dropping the soap.
thank you for reading, have a nice day :)