Reborn in Another World without Cheat Abilities To Raise Levels, Just Keep Exploring Dungeons Thumbnail
Reborn in Another World without Cheat Abilities To Raise Levels, Just Keep Exploring Dungeons

Vol. 1 Chapter 0 - Reincarnation

This is the third floor of the beginner’s dungeon, known as the “Forest of Bewilderment.” Before a grand door, a boy on the brink of turning ten years old stood alone, embarking on his first dungeon conquest.


“I’ve managed to get this far without taking much damage. Should I keep going like this?”


The young boy slowly pushed open the towering door, which was likely about three meters in height. The room beyond was quite spacious, with walls of simple stone construction adorned with lush vegetation at the edges. However, as he approached the center, it seemed strangely empty.


And there, at the center of the room, stood the boss. Standing at a height of around two meters, it had horns on its head and a weapon in its right hand.


“First, let’s use ‘Appraisal.'”




Name: Goblin King


Type: Goblin species


Status: Normal




Level: 10


HP: 210/210


MP: 50/50


Attack: 65


Endurance: 60


Agility: 28


Spirit: 10


Resistance: 10




Great Sword Art, Leadership






Extra Skills






Weapon: Goblin King’s Great Sword (+30 Attack)


Armor: Goblin King’s Leather Armor (+30 Endurance)


Weapon Name: Goblin King’s Great Sword


Condition: Normal quality


Value: D-rank


Special Effect: None


Details: A great sword infused with the Goblin King’s magic. +30 Attack


Armor Name: Goblin King’s Leather Armor


Condition: Normal quality


Value: D-rank


Special Effect: None


Details: Leather armor imbued with the Goblin King’s magic. +30 Endurance




“It’s surprisingly strong for a beginner’s dungeon. It seems like solo conquest might not be the right difficulty for this. It has the Leadership skill, but since there are no allies here, it must appear in dungeons other than this one too.”


“I won’t lose, but I shouldn’t let my guard down.”


Holding up his iron sword, he dashed toward the Goblin King.




The Goblin King let out a roar as it swung its sword downward. The boy deflected the attack with his iron sword and simultaneously launched a kick while shouting,






He used the Impact skill, learned at Body Technique Level 9. The Goblin King, who took the blow directly, staggered back slightly with an expression of anguish.


Without delay, the boy used “Appraisal” to check the damage inflicted on the Goblin King.


HP: 172/210


“38 damage, and considering the fixed damage of 10, it’s effectively 28. Having fixed damage in a beginner’s dungeon feels like cheating.”


As he pondered the damage dealt to the Goblin King, memories of the past suddenly resurfaced.


It was a recollection from about ten years ago.


Yes, it harkened back to when he was reborn into this world, delighted by the fantasy setting but disheartened by the absence of cheat abilities!


About Ten Years Ago


My name is Shoutaki Tsukasa, 35 years old, a System Engineer (SE), and a corporate slave in a black company.


From my childhood, I’ve always loved games. On weekends, I’d often spend my time playing games. Even now, as an adult, that hasn’t changed.


I have a particular fondness for RPGs and tend to be a bit of a collector.


I would collect equipment and items unnecessarily. While most people sell off unused weapons and armor to gain funds when upgrading, I’m different. I keep things even if I don’t use them. And if there’s something I don’t have and it’s for sale, I buy it.


Of course, being able to do this relies on having bottomless bags or storage, which some games provide. Different worlds, like those in reincarnation light novels, have an aspect that resonates with games. By the way, I also enjoy reading light novels and often read them.


Additionally, I try to learn as many skills and magic as possible and aim to acquire all titles and medals. You might wonder why I didn’t say “I got them all.” That’s because I enjoy games as a casual player. I’m not a pro, and there are things I can’t obtain due to high difficulty levels. While I consider my gameplay skill to be quite high for an average level player, I’m aware of my limitations.


Now, you might be wondering why I’m telling you about myself. Well, the thing is…




Before I knew it, I had become a baby. It was a shock. This must be reincarnation, right!?


Normally, when you’re reborn as a baby, you have memories from the moment you’re born, don’t you? In my case, when I realized it, I was lying in something like a crib. And there was a person nearby who seemed like a mother, but to be honest, I couldn’t see her at all. Honestly, whether it’s because I’ve just been born or if it’s just blurry, I can barely see her. Even if she says something to me, I can’t hear well.


Well, it seems I’ve been reborn as a baby not long after birth. So, maybe it’s an alternate world from a fantasy setting, I thought, and in my mind, I chanted “Status.”


But you know, nothing appeared… I was longing for a different world reincarnation, and yet… Maybe I have to talk to communicate. The person who looks like a blurry mother has somewhat golden hair, so there’s a possibility it could be from the modern world. If her hair was red or green, that would have sparked more anticipation for a different world.


On another note, when you’re reborn, it’s common to meet a god before coming, but I didn’t experience that either. I don’t even remember when I died.


Well, there’s no point dwelling on the past. I’ll let it go. I didn’t have a girlfriend or a wife, and my job was in a black company. I don’t have any lingering regrets.


Well then, let’s enjoy this new life.


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