The SSS Class Fallen Angel of Black and White Wishes to Enjoy Youth at the Long Awaited School Thumbnail
The SSS Class Fallen Angel of Black and White Wishes to Enjoy Youth at the Long Awaited School

Vol. 1 Chapter 1 - It Seems We Have to Attend Another World Academy

— March 13, 2140, Japan.


In a suburban apartment in Tokyo.


“Hey, Onii, there’s a letter in the mailbox!”


“Hmm… a letter for us? Are there really people curious enough to send us letters?”


I, Sakkya Asagiri, with semi-long black hair and striking crimson eyes, and my sister, Karen Asagiri, who is an incredibly beautiful girl, brought an unnamed letter from the mailbox.


By the way, my appearance is a mix of black and white hair, with odd-colored eyes to match, giving off a very chuunibyou vibe and is generally embarrassing. But I must admit, I think I have a good-looking face. Well, considering my twin sister is a beauty, that’s probably to be expected.


Nevertheless, I can’t help but sigh as I look at the letter.


“It’s been years… I hardly remember using the mailbox.”


“Well… in various ways, both you and I are far from ordinary, you know~”


“I don’t think you should say it so lightly, sis. In fact, if we were normal, this world would be completely broken.”


Indeed, we share a secret that we can’t tell anyone about.


That is the fact that I, as her older brother, am a reincarnated individual. And my sister, Karen, is the only human in the world who acquired transcendent physical abilities and skills beyond human limits due to my reincarnation.


Naturally, there is no magic or skills in this world—Earth. So, while I, as a reincarnated person familiar with the use of powers, am relatively fine, I cannot let anyone know about Karen’s uncontrollable abilities. We haven’t even told our parents.


Speaking of our parents, they passed away in a car accident when we were eight years old. I tried to resurrect them using my powers, but due to the state of their bodies and my own underdeveloped abilities at the time, I couldn’t perform advanced magic. I couldn’t save them, and they remained as people who would never return.


With no relatives to turn to, we’ve been living together, supporting each other all this time. Karen couldn’t control her powers, and I needed to earn money, so we attended a correspondence school.


“So, what does it say inside? What did it say?”


Karen enthusiastically hops onto my knee and urges me to open the letter. There’s a chair right beside her, but it seems she prefers sitting on my knee.


Although Karen and I are twins, we are fraternal, and while I stand at 176 centimeters tall, she’s only 155 centimeters. We’re both 15 years old, and it’s quite rare to see a sister riding on her older brother’s knee in this world. Well, she’s cute, so I’ll allow it.


By the way, when she’s on my knee, her head is at the perfect height for patting.


As I stroke Karen’s cute head, I use magic to float the letter in the air and open the envelope.


“Still, you’re so skilled, Onii…”


“It’s easier to manipulate when you have less magic power. I wonder why you have more magic power and physical ability than me, even though you reincarnated after I did.”


“I am Onii’s proud sister, after all—Wait, Onii?”


Suddenly changing her demeanor, Karen is bewildered by the magical aura I’m emitting. But even Karen, who looked at the letter, widened her eyes in surprise.


“Onii… is this…”


“Yeah… it seems our secret has been exposed…”




“To Sakkya Asagiri-sama and Hana Koi Asagiri-sama,


As we have confirmed the power from another world within both of you, we hereby order you to attend the National Another World Academy for 3 years.


A car will come for you early tomorrow morning, so please be ready.


There is no need to prepare the entrance fee, tuition, teaching materials fee, accommodation fee, and various other expenses for enrollment. Furthermore, we will provide you with a house.


National Another World Academy, Headmaster”




“…National Another World Academy… Never heard of it.”


“I have no idea either.”


Both of us tilt our heads at the unfamiliar name of the school.


Actually, come to think of it, we didn’t have the money to go to high school, and we were even considering just graduating from middle school. So, we don’t really know much about high schools to begin with.


…I even tried searching on the internet, but it doesn’t come up.


Is this possibly a scam letter?


As I’m raising doubts about the letter in front of me, Karen’s eyes sparkle, and she excitedly speaks up.


“Onii, look, look! It says we won’t need any money if we go to this school!”


“Oh, yeah, it does say that. But with just this… No entrance exams!? So, we don’t have to study either? This might be a scam, but it’s worth checking out. No money to be taken anyway. Yay! I can go to the same school as Onii! And it’s your dream school, Onii!”


“Yeah! It’s starting to sound a bit exciting…! By the way, my dear sister,”


When I turn my gaze toward Karen, she cutely tilts her head with a curious expression.


“What’s up, Onii?”


“We don’t know who the sender is. Don’t go showing off your powers without thought. This is a promise between siblings.”


“Yeah! If Onii says so, then I’ll do that!”


While I feel like she’s placing too much trust in me… Well, she’s my only family, so there’s no helping it.


Personally, I’m happy to be relied upon.


“Now then… Let’s get ready for tomorrow right away!”




With high spirits, we begin preparing for tomorrow.

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