“Hahh… There are too many morning visitors. It’s the beginning of the week, and my body is sluggish. Can’t they hold back a bit more?”

“Hehe, to be honest, I feel the same. But the number of visitors should calm down in the afternoon, so we’ll have more time.”

The weekend has passed, and it’s Monday afternoon.

Kotoha and Ogawa, who bought bread at the convenience store, were taking their lunch break in the break room.

“Ah, Kotoha, you seem so relaxed. I can’t compete with youth anymore.”

“Ogawa-san, you’re only 29 years old. You’re still young enough.”

“That’s not true. I’ll be in my thirties in a year… Time really flies.”

“But I think it’s a good thing that time flies. It’s proof that you’re spending fulfilling days with your husband.”

“! That’s… why receptionists who talk too much…”

Ogawa was caught off guard by the response involving her husband. She shyly looked away and took a bite of her bread.

“Hehe, what’s that supposed to mean? I’m just being honest.”

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