── Official statements from Denjilas and Libra regarding the current situation have been announced on their official website, Twitter, and other platforms.


“…Therefore, we kindly request refraining from making hasty posts and spreading information on the internet.”


While the public statements were written in rather formal language, in summary, they conveyed a clear message: “Cease the defamation. If deemed necessary, Denjilas and Libra will cooperate to take legal action.”


Official statements. Especially regarding the stance against defamation, it was expected that many unruly fans would not be swayed to sanity.


“As expected, the effectiveness seems to be minimal.”


As anticipated, a sense of disdain naturally arises from this turn of events. Even with official statements released, the hotheaded fools with boiling blood show no signs of stopping.


Of course, it’s not to say that the effect is entirely futile. It’s likely that a considerable number of individuals have regained their senses. However, it’s not a matter of quantity. After all, those who engage in defamation are a minority to begin with.


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